Hello all

Nekocat Member Posts: 11

I felt like i should intrduce myself and say hello and a little about me.


I am 41 from boston male about two months ago i had to go to the ER because i was passing large blood clots and could not go pee.

One week ago i had a CT scan of my lower abdomen which at the time they seen my kidney and lyphnode was enlarged.

Yesterday i was at mass genral hosptial which at the time i was diagnosed with stage 3 and maybe 4 there redoing a CT with out dye because my creatine level is to high and MRI with dye.

I am to have open surgery in two weeks i am still in a bit of a shock and not sure what to expect or what is next i just hope it has not spread to my lungs or other areas of my body.


Thank you taking the time to read this and i appolgize for any spelling or grammer error.


  • Abunai
    Abunai Member Posts: 173 Member
    edited April 2017 #2

    Welcome, Nekocat.

    It is definitely a scary situation. The doctors will know more following your surgery. I'm sure that if they suspect that it is stage 4, they will do further scans to find any other possible tumors. If they don't do the scans on their own, I suggest that you request further scans so that you don't have surprises later.

    This board is a good resource for receiving support, reading about others in similar situations as yours, and sometimes, just venting.

  • duster10
    duster10 Member Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Neko

    I am also a 41 male who is labled as stage 3.  Got diagnosed 6+ months ago, and had open surgery to remove my right kidney.  You have been diagniosed as stage 3 already?  Is that because of the size of the tumor?  Can you share with us the size of the tumor?? 


    I had the same fears that you are going thru......is it in my lungs?  I will tell you that since my surgery, I have had 2 scans (with dye), and there is curently no evidence of cancer.  There is lots of goo dinfo on this board........please use it, and feel free to ask questions.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited April 2017 #4

    Glad you found us Neko.  Abunai offers good advice.  Try to stay off google searches.  The information is out-of-date and, frankly, is pretty scary.  Take a deep breath and find your footing.  Things will really start moving soon--which is what you want.  In the meantime, lean on us with your questions.  We'll do our best to answer them.


  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    Welcome bro!!

    Stay a way from Google we all went through theis we learned our lessons hard way !

  • Nekocat
    Nekocat Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2017 #6
    Sorry for not responding

    Sorry for not responding sooner i just got home from rehab saturday.

    While i was under surgery they found that my 4 lyphnodes and my spleen was infected with cancer so they removed that along with my left kidney and gland along with cleaning out my venna cava since it to had cancer.

    After the surgery my  left side is half the strenght as my right and it is extermly swallon.

    I could not go right home after being in mass genral because i could not move around with out a walker.

    So i had to go to rehab to build some of my strength back.

    Currently i am home bound so i have occupational and physical therapy and nursing following me at home.

    My followup with the sugian is the 23rd which i will know more what type of cancer it is and how its effecting my body.

    Before knowing about my spleen and it to being infected it was stage 3 because it traveled to other parts of my body.

    The size of my left kidney under the CT was 3 to 4 times the size.

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Your innards...

    Your innards really got the grand tour treatment. Way more than you all were expecting, but it certainly sounds as though they were thorough. That's good.

    Welcome back home, glad to hear they're keeping and eye on you and helping you regain that strength.

    Let us know how the follow-up goes. Lots of good thoughts and prayers - 


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    You have been through it! I love your profile picture. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery and that the doctors get you on a good course of treatment.

  • Nekocat
    Nekocat Member Posts: 11
    Thank you for all the

    Thank you for all the feedback and help today i am to see the surgian to final get more information on the type of cell along with the growth size and the follow up treatment plan.

    My guess the reason i was not given this information before surgery is that they rushed into the surgery rather then waiting.

    Hopeful i will be assigned a oncologist and a petscan date today.

  • Nekocat
    Nekocat Member Posts: 11

    i went to see my surgian he reffered me to a cancer speclist that speclizes in the type of cancer i have.

    I was also told that the size of the tumor on my kidney was 13.5cm and that i also had another tumor was on my gland and the report shows that i was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

    The markings after the operation show no signs of cancer i am to see the cancer speclist on June 7 which at that time i will be able to know what the next step will be.

    Not looking forward to chemo or radition if i need it though so hopeful i wont.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey Nikocat, we're here for

    Hey Nikocat, we're here for you all the way!

    Just say the word and we'll be there.

    Good luck with your oncology appointment. 

    Hugs, Jan

  • Ed Brabant
    Ed Brabant Member Posts: 61

    Check your private message. I sent youu my cell #.