Clear cell RCC 1.2 cm

wcco9203 Member Posts: 43 Member



Just looking for some clarification.  My initial MRI reports showed that I had a Bosniak 2f cyst that was 1.2 cm.  Really none of the urologist were in a hurry to take it out, they wanted to watch it.  We watched it for almost 2 years until I finally told them to remove it. The pathology did not say anything about a Bosniak 2 f cyst, but called it a clear cell rcc.  Has anyone had a similar experience?  My urologis/surgeon that removed it said they usually wait until they are 4-5 times that size before removing them.  I am looking for positive feedback.




  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    edited May 2017 #2

    You had cancer.  Note the past tense.  It is gone.  At that size, the is minimal (< 1%) risk of it spreading.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hello~ I can appreciate that

    Hello~ I can appreciate that you were not informed earlier that it was cancer. I had descrepancies on 2 of my tests by 2 different radiolgoist that simply were not paying attention. Both were wrong! Made me second guess, BUT I did trust my surgeon/urologist. He also had "words" with those radiologists who wrongly described my cancer.

    So for NOW, be grateful. its gone for good! Learn those precious lessons that cancer seems to teach each of us.

    We're here for you!

    Warmly, Jan

  • wcco9203
    wcco9203 Member Posts: 43 Member
    dhs1963 said:


    You had cancer.  Note the past tense.  It is gone.  At that size, the is minimal (< 1%) risk of it spreading.

    It sounds like you have a

    It sounds like you have a good deal of knowledge with this.  Based on my situation, would you think I would not have any recurrence or future issues with this now that it was remove?

  • wcco9203
    wcco9203 Member Posts: 43 Member
    Based on your understandin,

    Based on your understandin, since what they removed was super small, and non aggressive, what is your take as far as a chance to live out my normal life span with no future issues from this?

    Thank you

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited May 2017 #6
    Pretty good odds


    Your odds are pretty good.




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    " My urologis/surgeon that

    " My urologis/surgeon that removed it said they usually wait until they are 4-5 times that size before removing them"

    That's kind of strange. That would mean a close to 6 cm growth before surgery. Mine was 3.5 cm and they removed it. Many of us here had much smaller than 6 cms. So I'm not sure what he meant by saying they usually wait until it's 4 - 5 times its size. It's best to get it out while it's small. I don't understand the waiting for it to grow. Unless I'm misunderstanding what he said.

    In any case, glad it's gone now and since it was so very small your chances of recurrance are very small as well.

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Bosniak Classification system


    This is a classification system, used in radiology, that helps predict weather a cyst could be malignant. No one know for sure what the cyst is going to be until they get it under a microscope.  

    If you get some time watch this video.  It's from a urologist at MD Anderson and it talks about the management of the small renal mass.  It's very informative and will help give you some peace of mind.

    Evaluation and Management of the Small Renal Mass, Surena F. Matin, MD:




  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Lost in the translation

    For what  it is worth I agree with APNY that the surgeons statement was a little off. Perhaps it got muddled in the translation.




  • wcco9203
    wcco9203 Member Posts: 43 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Lost in the translation

    For what  it is worth I agree with APNY that the surgeons statement was a little off. Perhaps it got muddled in the translation.






    That's why I kept pushing to remove it.  I couldn't get a straight answer out of the urologist, so I immediately found another one who said why would you want to keep it in your body if they think it's cancer.

    With something like this, would I be in the 98-99%+ area of no recurrence and to live out my normal life span?


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited May 2017 #11
    II believe what the doctor

    II believe what the doctor mean was in terms of volume but not diameter. I recalled my doctor said only 20% of 2f cysts are malignant. So they would watch it for a bit to see if there is any growth. Also because it's indolent nature.