mskitty137 how is everyone?

MMDowns Member Posts: 318


just checking in to see how you and the hubby are doing?  


  • mskitty137
    mskitty137 Member Posts: 73
    Hiiiiii MMDowns!! So funny, I

    Hiiiiii MMDowns!! So funny, I was just wondering how things were with ya'll.  We are taking it one day at a time.  Some are good, some suck. He's eating better, but super grouchy about his limited choices and lack of taste. So sometimes he just won't eat. The mucous is getting better each day, thank God.  Still has some wonky blood work but that's improving each week. I am trying to manage my worry and anxiety about the wait until his July PET scan.  Not always doing well with that particular goal but the lexapro and xanax help. Thanks for checking in!! Hugs, Susan 

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318

    Glad to hear that things are improving!  It is so stinkin' hard sometimes to be patient and know that this recovery is such a slow process. I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be for your husband to want to eat more and can't.  He'll get there!   My husband keeps saying" it took me seven weeks to get here and it's gonna take seven weeks to get back."  (I am sure it's going to take longer than 7 weeks but...)  My hubby is plugging along.  Second week of recovery is much better than the last week.  Last week was tough.  This week is better.  The mucous is on and off.  It's worse at night.  I am convinced that the more the talks throughout the day the more he has in the evening.  We have had a couple of random throwing up episodes, usually right after he brushes his teeth.  He says the toothpaste sometimes gets in the back of his throat.  I have no clue...  He's back to school. Taught 2 classes each day this week and is dead set on going back full time on Monday.  Here I come Xanax!  He is having a super hard time swallowing water and that is our battle.  Thank god for the PEG.  


      Your hubby's scan is a month ahead of ours.  August 1st is the big day.  I'll keep praying for you all!! Keep me updated!!  HUGS!
