I'm So Confused

Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
edited April 2017 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi all.  Well my biopsy was today and of course being scared just didn't have too many questions.  They got me into position up on a table - felt like I'm up there for an oil change or something.  Just didn't expect to be hoisted up on a table.  They tried to get some pictures and said they were taking smaller images of the area.  Couldn't really hear what they were saying as a nurse was talking to me trying to keep me calm - of course, I'm already crying.  They tried again and heard them say that it's just too close.  After about 20 minutes of repositioning and tugging they gave up because it was too close to the breast bone and not enough tissue.  They said that the needle would go through the breast completely.  I'm not sure how this works but I'd think that they would be able to control the amount it goes in but obviously not.  I'm now more upset because I've opted to get this biopsy out of the way to get an answer and it's a failure. 


They now tell me that after looking at these new pictures today it looks like an injury from the breast implant removal and the tissue has developed calcification spots but they didn't look that suspicious but they still want to monitor them.  Now they say to wait another 6 months for a mammogram to wait and see.  I'm furious as I've elected to get this biopsy to forgo that wait and see.


I've got a call in to a breast surgeon on May 17 and want him to take a look at the scans and see if he feels that me having a "old fashioned biopsy surgery" would be warranted.  I'm electing for this but not sure as I'm not really wanting another surgery.  If he says he doesn't feel it's necessary this will be this third doctor telling me this.  Now I'm angry though because me going there was to get an answer and now I've come back with more questions.


If this new surgeon says he'll do it but it's outpatient surgery now, would you go ahead and do it just to keep your mind clear that it's nothing.  I'm thinking why should a 6 month scan do if it's grown in that time when there could have been something done 6 months earlier.


Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome.  Thank you for any comments.





  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    Always good to get 2nd opinion

    Get another opinion and see what he say...GOOD LUCK AND PRAYER TO YOU..


  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Now rather than later

    I am assuming that you visited a breast surgeon for the biopsy.  Unless the procedure was done with some type of mechanical probe, I don't see why there was not control.  Did the surgeon use an ultrasound while doing the procedure?  If it were I, a second opinion would be my next stop.  Needing to wait several weeks can be frustrating, but weeks rather than 6 months will give you peace of mind sooner.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Piror ot my cancer I was

    Piror ot my cancer I was called back for second look etc and my issue was calcification from beind rearened and strain where the shoulder belt layed.

    I begged to have some drug to calm me during the biopsy (I chuckled when you said OIL change) lol I though the drugs were not working-but then next day I asked this and that to my husband and he said oh that was yesterday etc..so I thought i was not loppy, but i guess i was.


    The waiting period stinks. I was called back 3 yrs after my cancer sruegery and opted to have 2nd surgery, since i didn't want to wait an see.


    IT enede dup to be scar tissue from cancer surgerey. Wasted of sergery, yes but I KNEW for sure ONLY scar tissues.


    HUGs and pixid dust on your way..



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited April 2017 #5
    Teach76 said:

    Now rather than later

    I am assuming that you visited a breast surgeon for the biopsy.  Unless the procedure was done with some type of mechanical probe, I don't see why there was not control.  Did the surgeon use an ultrasound while doing the procedure?  If it were I, a second opinion would be my next stop.  Needing to wait several weeks can be frustrating, but weeks rather than 6 months will give you peace of mind sooner.



    The biopsy was done by radiology but there were two doctors present.  It was supposed to be done by mechanical needle but they said that they couldn't get a good biopsy because it was too close to the breast bone and not enough tissue.  When calling the nurse the other day after the "failed attempt" they listed it as a "malfunction"  what the heck.  This has totally screwed me up so bad.  I'm not sure what to believe now.  I've now got an appointment for the 3rd with a breast surgeon and I'll let him look at the scans to see what he says.  Thanks for your input.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited April 2017 #6

    Piror ot my cancer I was

    Piror ot my cancer I was called back for second look etc and my issue was calcification from beind rearened and strain where the shoulder belt layed.

    I begged to have some drug to calm me during the biopsy (I chuckled when you said OIL change) lol I though the drugs were not working-but then next day I asked this and that to my husband and he said oh that was yesterday etc..so I thought i was not loppy, but i guess i was.


    The waiting period stinks. I was called back 3 yrs after my cancer sruegery and opted to have 2nd surgery, since i didn't want to wait an see.


    IT enede dup to be scar tissue from cancer surgerey. Wasted of sergery, yes but I KNEW for sure ONLY scar tissues.


    HUGs and pixid dust on your way..




    Well I'm one for terrible anxiety and before leaving took some Ativan but it didn't work, still cried.  I'm hoping the best for you and thanks for the special dust - makes me feel like I've got a little help flying over my shoulder :)


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited April 2017 #7
    so sorry your having all this anxiety..


    Dont feel bad about having anxiety.  It is normal.  You keep getting opinions until you are comfortable, it is your body.  My cancer was center right breast and the biopsy hurt.  At times, I thought they were trying to punch a hole in my breast bone because it sure felt like it.  I cried and even cussed a little.  Those poor docs were very kind and very apologetic the whole time.  I walked out of there sobbing like a baby over it all.  It was a week before they called with the results.  One of the longest weeks I ever had. 



  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Another opinion

    I'm glad you're getting another opinion because I bet someone could do it.  You might try an academic medical center.  That being said, here is a similar story:  my friend had a growth on her lung.  It was in a difficult to access area.  Turned out to be mets from kidney cancer (and she's still perfectly ok 2 years later because the specialists at Stanford then knew what to do).  They needed to know what it was so they could treat it appropriately.   She was referred to a thoracic surgeon who truly thought he was God.  In fact, he told her she had been sent to the right person and even said "if anyone can get to this, I can".  He couldn't.  At our local community medical group, an interventional radiologist said "I can do this".  It was difficult and dangerous, her lung did collapse, but folks were right there to deal with the situation.  If your third opinion is the same as the others, then get all of your questions answered and let them know you are frightened and uncomfortable.  Make them explain everything to you and try to put your mind at ease about the next steps.  You may have to accept that no one can biopsy the growth, but it is especially good that you get another opinion.  Good luck.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited April 2017 #9
    Apaugh said:

    so sorry your having all this anxiety..


    Dont feel bad about having anxiety.  It is normal.  You keep getting opinions until you are comfortable, it is your body.  My cancer was center right breast and the biopsy hurt.  At times, I thought they were trying to punch a hole in my breast bone because it sure felt like it.  I cried and even cussed a little.  Those poor docs were very kind and very apologetic the whole time.  I walked out of there sobbing like a baby over it all.  It was a week before they called with the results.  One of the longest weeks I ever had. 




    I'm also frustrated with the waiting period and I'm sorry that you went through that pain because they told me it shouldn't be that bad (about 30 seconds).  Pray that you are doing well.  Thank you for your response.  And for telling me that anxiety is normal and not afraid to cry.  I'm pretty good at doing that anyway.

    Hugs! Kim

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Another opinion

    I'm glad you're getting another opinion because I bet someone could do it.  You might try an academic medical center.  That being said, here is a similar story:  my friend had a growth on her lung.  It was in a difficult to access area.  Turned out to be mets from kidney cancer (and she's still perfectly ok 2 years later because the specialists at Stanford then knew what to do).  They needed to know what it was so they could treat it appropriately.   She was referred to a thoracic surgeon who truly thought he was God.  In fact, he told her she had been sent to the right person and even said "if anyone can get to this, I can".  He couldn't.  At our local community medical group, an interventional radiologist said "I can do this".  It was difficult and dangerous, her lung did collapse, but folks were right there to deal with the situation.  If your third opinion is the same as the others, then get all of your questions answered and let them know you are frightened and uncomfortable.  Make them explain everything to you and try to put your mind at ease about the next steps.  You may have to accept that no one can biopsy the growth, but it is especially good that you get another opinion.  Good luck.



    I'm going to a breast surgeon on Wednesday and am petrified to have him see the scans and tell me his thoughts either way.  I'm just so nervous at this point.  Can't believe when calling back to get a quicker appointment that they got me 9 days earlier because I'm scared of waiting.  Glad that your friend had good results and hope she continues do to well.  I'm going to make sure that he explains everything to me because I've got a lot of questions after all this.  Thank you for your post and wishing you the best.
