Growth behind tonsil

hi all, 

Im new and haven't been diagnosed. 6 months ago I noticed an oval growth behind my tonsil. I didn't think much of it. My tonsils are always enlarged and I get frequent tonsil stones. I noticed last night it's still there and appears a bit larger. I called the ENT but I can't get in until July 10. I'm so worried. I'm a29 year old female, dont smoke... although I probably have smoked 10 cigarettes in my lifetime while drinking, I don't drink anymore. I have three young kids so I'm freaking out. I'll attach a picture of it... %5BIMG%5D[/IMG]


  • Brittnee1987
    Brittnee1987 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2017 #3
    Yes copy and paste that link

    Yes copy and paste that link and it works. Sorry I'm new to this. Thank you I'm advance

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are here, but luckily you have not been diagnosed as having cancer.  You have waited 6 months, a bit longer should not hurt.  If the wait kills you call and tell them you can come in at the drop of a hat (people are always canceling).

    Until you have seen a professional and probably until you have had a positive biopsy you are considered to not have cancer (and that is a good thing).

    Now about the picture, we have a member called “T” and he sent in a picture of his cancer (called Jack) and it looked way worse than yours, but you do have nice teeth.

    Good luck,


  • Brittnee1987
    Brittnee1987 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2017 #5
    CivilMatt said:



    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are here, but luckily you have not been diagnosed as having cancer.  You have waited 6 months, a bit longer should not hurt.  If the wait kills you call and tell them you can come in at the drop of a hat (people are always canceling).

    Until you have seen a professional and probably until you have had a positive biopsy you are considered to not have cancer (and that is a good thing).

    Now about the picture, we have a member called “T” and he sent in a picture of his cancer (called Jack) and it looked way worse than yours, but you do have nice teeth.

    Good luck,


    Thank you for responding. I'm

    Thank you for responding. I'm not sure what it is... just freaking myself out bc I know it doesn't look normal. I wouldn't care as much if I didn't have kids.