Pink bus needed



  • Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust Member Posts: 424 Member
    Sorry to hear

    Surf, sorry to hear the news but we never know when it is going to hit anyone of us hear again anytime. I am high risk for mine returning and it is on my mind all the time. Good treatment out there now so take one day at a time. It is ok to be scared. Who would not be.  You are going to be fine. It is just going to take time. Let us know what is going on.  HUGS, Pixie Dust

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Still being positive

    Surf,  this is just a bump in the road.  Whatever the treatment needed, there is treatment!  None of us wants to look toward more surgery or treatment, but if that is what is needed, that is what you need.  Let's get the actual results - I am glad for you that procedures are being scheduled swiftly.  it sounds like your team is ready to play, so let's all get in the game and go for the win!

    sending peace and prayers,


  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    edited April 2017 #24
    Awww Surf

    No, we weren't expecting that news. However, you still need to hang in with fingers crossed. So much can be done with early detection. Seems we say the same things over and over, huh! I'll be thinking of you, and we'll all go for the next bus ride. I have only 4 months left on Tamoxifen and am afraid to go off. In the beginning, I couldn't wait. Hugs, Linda

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    Thanks for comming with me yesterday

    Thank you all for jumping on the bus with me. I could really feel lifted by  all the love and support. I did not get the result that we were all hoping for.

    Radiologist told me it is cancer and a biopsy for tumor characteristics is scheduled for Tuesday. I feel numb. Frown Love surf

    pixie dust and hugs


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
