Looks like the torch has been passed

Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
edited April 2017 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I have not been on CSN for several months, after being a regular reader and poster for about 5 years.  I signed in today, only to read about Hondo's passing--he was one of our best "citizens" and supporters for many years and will be missed.    After that, my first impression was how few names I recognized, but did come across CivilMatt and a rosy-cheeked Phrannie--two stalwarts from the group who were most active when I was here often.  I read through several of the topics and looked at the names of who was posting.  The bad news was that the topics were all familiar--patients and caregivers struggling through this journey, looking for anwers, and getting so much support.  The good news is that I recognized very few of those who were providing support for them.  That is good, because it means the care, knowledge and spirit of this community ("The club no one wanted to join") has been passed to a new generation who now helps those on this same journey.

As it should be, and good on ya!

To be honest, I have stayed away from CSN because after 8 years of the combination of treatments and surviving some severe side effects from rads, I just got tired FROM cancer, chemo and rads.  Not tired OF it--just pooped from having to deal with it every day for those 8 years.  My side effects mean that I'll be dealing with this for the rest of my life, so I figured I needed to pace myself, or risk getting too tired and weak to carry on.  Backing away from CSN was one of my pacing strategies.  I felt guilty about that, but not any more after seeing how well the torch has been passed, and to learn that, GASP...you folks have carried on nicely without me!  That's the best sign of a strong and healthy (no anti-pun intended) community.

I have a contract with a publisher to write a book about my life as a cancer patient and a cancer survivor.  I hope to have it written by the end of summer.  For sure there will be a chapter in it about the Head and Neck Cancer community on CSN.  At some point I'll reach out to get part of that chapter's story from you.  Please respond when you see my request.  FYI, all royalties from the book will go to ACS for research on HNC.

In the meantime, keep on keepin' on.





  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225

    I was lurking for a while before joining (while my husband was in pre-diagnosis stage ... I was hoping not to join, if you know what I mean).  I also noticed that many that I received advice from by searching many topics, have not posted in a long time.  I just assume that they have moved on and are enjoying their lives and not thinking about cancer every moment of every day.  That is a good thing, of course.  It's nice when members like you pop in to let the newcomers know that there really is life after cancer and it is good even if it is a little (or a lot) different.  So, thank you for stopping in.

  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    Please let us know when your

    Please let us know when your book is out, Mike. I was around , on your bus too. Glad to know you're getting on with life. I stop in once a week or so just to see if I can encourage others to fight on

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hi Mike!!!

    How exciting....a book!!  You certainly have gone through the gammit of side effects, that's a damned fact!  You're going to have to let us know when and how to get the book when it hits the shelves.


  • tomb247
    tomb247 Member Posts: 54


    I could not have expressed any better what I have gone through in the last 2 years. It all weighs on you and you do need to pace yourself. I would like to get a copy when the books comes out so please let us know. 

    There are so many people that I read about here and on other sites that are just trying to figure out which way is up with the "New Normal". So many physical and emotional changes that always in flux. 

    I too appreciate all of the support from all of those who chose to share their stories and advice. There is great experience and compassion on this and many other sites and it is all appreciated.

    Would you mind if I contacted you offline? If so, Please send me an email with your contact information.

