I don't know if I'm allowed to post, waiting for biopsy and scared
a little info: my name is Julie and I'm almost 40 years old. 3 beautiful daughters, all cesarean, happily newlywed in October 2016.
in May of 2015, I went to my gyn for standard pap/pelvic. Came back abnormal so I underwent a colposcopy and biopsy of the cervix after finding atypical glandular cells. Got phone call a few days later that I was "fine".
july 2016 another abnormal pap but no further tests were run. I was told not to skip my next pap and started on depo prevara shot.
Ive had roughly 2-3 years, worsening as time goes on, pelvis pain, front and back. And when I say pain I mean excruciating to the point that I can hardly walk. Hurts to pee, and poop. Sex hurts. Before the shot I just bled all the time. Weeks and weeks on end. Now on the shot I have several episodes per month where I bleed for a few days then it stops for a few days then I bleed again and the cycle goes on.
i was trying to wait until July for my annual but decided I had had enough because my husband was screaming at me because of my pain--it was inconveniencing him. So I went in April 10 and my dr decided it was time for surgical relief. He's doing an ultra sound and endometrial biopsy on April 24 to help determine if I need an ablation or hysterectomy however my gut says there's more going oN. I've had to stop all sex because it hurts too much.
These last 6 months have been debilitating. I've gained so much weight I look 6 months pregnant. My cramping is in my groun, spreads to my legs. I'm sure I'm worrying about nothing but then again maybe I'm not. My mom is a stage 3 colorectal cancer survivor. I'm scared and I just need people who get it. Does that make sense?
It makes a lot of sense
Sorry, Julie. This sounds frustrating and scary. I am from the ovarian cancer board, and I can tell you, from that perspective, it is very typical for someone with gynecological cancer to be consistantly misdiagnosed. I hope you have a doctor, who is willing to do some diagnostic procedures on your behalf, before forging ahead with whatever he is planning. If cancer is present, and I hope it is not, you want a gynecological oncologist to do your surgery, not a gynecologist because they don't have the proper training to handle it. With your symptoms, I think I would want a better idea about what is going on before he proceeds with his procedure. I had an endometrial biopsy that came back negative but was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a month and a half later. I do agree that an ultrasound is a good idea. Hopefully it will include a vaginal ultrasound. But if that comes back clear, I would ask for a follow up CT scan. You can also have a blood test done, called a CA-125, which is a tumor marker used for some gynecological cancers. It can give false positive results, especially if you have inflammation in your pelvis, but it is a good place to start. Hopefully, it will come back negative. Something else you can try, for your own peace of mind in the meantime is to take a pregnancy test. Often, it will come back positive if cancer is present. I wouldn't call this a definitive diagnosis either way, but tumors can produce the hormone hCG which is the same hormone embryos make. If it comes back positive and you know you are not pregnant, then you need to be even more proactive about making sure you get the tests you need. Good luck. I hope it is nothing serious.
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Endometrial Biopsy
In my opinion, endometrial biopsy is worthless. It's painful and most times they can't get enough tissue to tell you anything. Mine was negative and in reality I had Stage 3 endometrial cancer. Don't mean to scare you and I hope you don't have anything like that. But you need to get this situation investigated. I would agree that a transvaginal ultrasound would be in order and perhaps a D&C. Might want to jump to a gyn/oncologist just so you get the right tests to rule it out. Good luck. Keep us posted.
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There is definitely something
There is definitely something going on so your concern is well placed. My gyn did two ultrasounds and a sonogram but still didn't realize it was a tumor in my uterus until a d&c was done and the pathology report came back positive. Has your gyn mentioned doing a d&c as an option? It's a bigger procedure than a biopsy but it may prove to be more effective at giving you a definite diagnosis the first time around. Try to stay hopeful! Come what may, you can get through this and we will be here rooting you on the entire way. Kim
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Two to three years of
Two to three years of worsening pelvic pain is not "fine." Sex hurting is not "fine." It's about time your doctor started doing some further tests. I agree the ultrasound is a good starting point, and with what you are experiencing, a D&C might be next. Like Tethys, I know too many women who were misdiagnosed, sometimes for years. It may not be cancer, but you definitely need your doctor to perform the tests to determine what exactly it is.
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You have a lot going on. I
You have a lot going on. I suggest getting some emotional support as well; it can't be conducive to your well being to have a new husband who "screams" at you because your pain "inconveniences" him. This is not normal or desirable.
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Thank you everyone
thank you everyone for the advice. I will be getting a trans vaginal ultrasound, i assume BEFORE the biopsy! These will both be done this coming Monday and I will certainly come back and post my results. I'm starting to calm down. I was misdiagnosed at 25 years old, I had gallbladder disease. But because I was 20 weeks pregnant no one would listen and no one would run any sort of test. My daughter arrived one month early and I went into liver failure in her two week birthday. So I have a very irrational fear of being misdiagnosed again. But I have faith that if there is cancer, it will get found. And my husband and have worked through a lot of our problems and I'm seeing just how long I've been in pain and didn't realize it because I was trying to cover it so he wouldn't get mad and now that I'm able to express it, it's been a sobering wake up call to us both.
I will I'll be back soon to update and thank you for understanding that I'm just afraid.
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Oh I have never heard of theTethys41 said:It makes a lot of sense
Sorry, Julie. This sounds frustrating and scary. I am from the ovarian cancer board, and I can tell you, from that perspective, it is very typical for someone with gynecological cancer to be consistantly misdiagnosed. I hope you have a doctor, who is willing to do some diagnostic procedures on your behalf, before forging ahead with whatever he is planning. If cancer is present, and I hope it is not, you want a gynecological oncologist to do your surgery, not a gynecologist because they don't have the proper training to handle it. With your symptoms, I think I would want a better idea about what is going on before he proceeds with his procedure. I had an endometrial biopsy that came back negative but was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a month and a half later. I do agree that an ultrasound is a good idea. Hopefully it will include a vaginal ultrasound. But if that comes back clear, I would ask for a follow up CT scan. You can also have a blood test done, called a CA-125, which is a tumor marker used for some gynecological cancers. It can give false positive results, especially if you have inflammation in your pelvis, but it is a good place to start. Hopefully, it will come back negative. Something else you can try, for your own peace of mind in the meantime is to take a pregnancy test. Often, it will come back positive if cancer is present. I wouldn't call this a definitive diagnosis either way, but tumors can produce the hormone hCG which is the same hormone embryos make. If it comes back positive and you know you are not pregnant, then you need to be even more proactive about making sure you get the tests you need. Good luck. I hope it is nothing serious.
Oh I have never heard of the pregnancy test trick but I get one every 3 months and to my knowledge none were ever positive (at gyno before my depo shots). I've had a tubal ligation so I just assume they are negative, that and we never have sex.
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Good Luck on Monday
It's great you can have the ultrasound and biopsy on the same day. For me, just getting the process started was comforting. You may want to ask about pain med's for the biopsy: my doc gave me nothing in advance and said it would only hurt for a minute. Obviously she'd never had a biopsy herself. If they demur and won't offer you anything, you might want to take a couple of Motrin beforehand (and, perhaps, a Xanax if you have it available). Keep us posted, and good luck on Monday!
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My gyn told me it was goingderMaus said:Good Luck on Monday
It's great you can have the ultrasound and biopsy on the same day. For me, just getting the process started was comforting. You may want to ask about pain med's for the biopsy: my doc gave me nothing in advance and said it would only hurt for a minute. Obviously she'd never had a biopsy herself. If they demur and won't offer you anything, you might want to take a couple of Motrin beforehand (and, perhaps, a Xanax if you have it available). Keep us posted, and good luck on Monday!
My gyn told me it was going to be very unpleasant.
at least he was honest. I've had female gyns and they tend to be less sensitive down there. Men drs in my experience are more gentle and understanding.
he told me to take motrin a half hour before my appointment so no numbing for me I'm guessing. I've had a colposcopy and it was pretty unpleasant too so this time around I plan to get a huge cup of frozen yogurt afterwards to make me feel better!
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Hoping everything goes well
Hoping everything goes well for you! I wish I had found this site before I started my battle, I hope it's not cancer, but if - these women are an inspiration- and you are stronger than you think! My gyno did my biopsy and I had very heavy bleeding When my results came in, he pretty much told me the same thing my gyno-oncologist told me- stage, grade and treatments. Best of luck! Enjoy that cup of frozen yogurt!
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A mini update: today was the
A mini update: today was the vaginal ultrasound and endometrial biopsy.
i tried to get the us tech to talk to me about what she saw but all I got was "looks normal".
go to exam room and the dr said my endometrial lining is a little thick but that could be where I'm at in my cycle--no number given. He also said I was free of polyps and fibroids. Given my pain and tears, he decided I need the hysterectomy. But still went ahead with the pelvic exam, a Pap smear since I was due in July for one, and finally the endometrial biopsy which holy heck, there are no words for that one. He said I should expect to hear back in a few days about my results and if nothing is found we will set a date for the hysterectomy so right now all i can do is wait and pray. but I wanted to update you kind ladies.
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Also he did not remember that
Also he did not remember that I've had two abnormal paps in a row. I pray that IF there's cancer it's found. I'm not afraid to have to go through it, I'm afraid of a misdiagnosis. I've had that happen before (gallbladder) and it almost killed me and my unborn child. This isn't a club one particarlarly wants to join! But if I have to well that's the way it goes.
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Julieotte, I just want to
Julieotte, I just want to reiterate something Teths41 said, it there is any cancer go to a gynecologic oncologist to perform the hysterectomy. Also, I know it is rarely down but make sure your hysterectomy is NOT done by morcellation. Again, I don't think they use that method anymore, but I would still ask.
I hope it is nothing and your pain is soon gone. Hugs
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I've read that multiple timesNoTimeForCancer said:Julieotte, I just want to
Julieotte, I just want to reiterate something Teths41 said, it there is any cancer go to a gynecologic oncologist to perform the hysterectomy. Also, I know it is rarely down but make sure your hysterectomy is NOT done by morcellation. Again, I don't think they use that method anymore, but I would still ask.
I hope it is nothing and your pain is soon gone. Hugs
I've read that multiple times so I know it's pretty important. If they report cancer was found I am going to ask for a referral to a gyn-onc. From what I'm reading that doc can stage and grade during the hysterectomy? Where a regular gyn wont. Most people want it out asap but I'm one that would rather know exactly what I'm dealing with. and that usually means waiting.
i didn't get my fro-yo but my husband took the day off to go with me and took me out for lunch at a local greasy diner we love so that was even better.
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Two abnormal paps
Julieotte, the fact that you've had two abnormal paps in a row and that they're proposing to do a hysterectomy is probably enough that you may want to consult with an gyn-onc PRIOR to consenting to surgery. My understanding is that staging and grading is best done during the actual hysterectomy rather than afterwards.
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I wish I would have had a
I wish I would have had a hysterectomy 15 years ago when my first gyn suggested it, I am now 55. Every month was extremely heavy and painful, fibroids. I figured it would all go away at the change of life, and it did for a couple of years, then UPSC happened, at 54. My gyn retired, too, and I started seeing my GP for check-ups. I had a suspicious ultra sound about 5 years ago, my GP tried to do a in office biopsy, but failed. She said I would need a out patient procedure, but for now she would just monitor. I waited a couple of years and changed doctors, started spotting, my new Dr growled at the "just monitor" recommendation and sent me for another ultra sound and to a gyn for a D&C, and waalaa it was cancer. My new gyn then sent me to a onc/gyn for treatment.
My cancer was still found in an early stage, but with the symptoms I had since my cycles started makes me wonder if I was cancer bound anyway or if I had chosen the hysterectomy 15 years would I be USPC free?
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Yes, I feel like you. I hadsshhaarrii said:I wish I would have had a
I wish I would have had a hysterectomy 15 years ago when my first gyn suggested it, I am now 55. Every month was extremely heavy and painful, fibroids. I figured it would all go away at the change of life, and it did for a couple of years, then UPSC happened, at 54. My gyn retired, too, and I started seeing my GP for check-ups. I had a suspicious ultra sound about 5 years ago, my GP tried to do a in office biopsy, but failed. She said I would need a out patient procedure, but for now she would just monitor. I waited a couple of years and changed doctors, started spotting, my new Dr growled at the "just monitor" recommendation and sent me for another ultra sound and to a gyn for a D&C, and waalaa it was cancer. My new gyn then sent me to a onc/gyn for treatment.
My cancer was still found in an early stage, but with the symptoms I had since my cycles started makes me wonder if I was cancer bound anyway or if I had chosen the hysterectomy 15 years would I be USPC free?
Yes, I feel like you. I had some heavy periods and fibroids. I just felt it was part of menaupause and not unusual. When I told my gynecologist, she said to call if the extremely heavy period happened again. Of course it didn't, so I thought the worst was over. Unfortunately it wasn't. Years later after menaupause enexplained bleeding and cancer not an early stage. This is why more education needs to be out there for women.
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Well I got my results today-
Well I got my results today--pap is normal and nothing abnormal on the endometrial biopsy. Diagnosis is adenomyosis. I'm scheduled for a LVAH hysterectomy may 30. I really want to thank everyone here for holding my hand and giving me the strength to speak up and ask questions. I won't soon forget that. I wish you all the very best in your journeys. Thank you again and I'll still be listening to my body. Thank you for letting me hang around here for a few weeks.
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Similar for messhhaarrii said:I wish I would have had a
I wish I would have had a hysterectomy 15 years ago when my first gyn suggested it, I am now 55. Every month was extremely heavy and painful, fibroids. I figured it would all go away at the change of life, and it did for a couple of years, then UPSC happened, at 54. My gyn retired, too, and I started seeing my GP for check-ups. I had a suspicious ultra sound about 5 years ago, my GP tried to do a in office biopsy, but failed. She said I would need a out patient procedure, but for now she would just monitor. I waited a couple of years and changed doctors, started spotting, my new Dr growled at the "just monitor" recommendation and sent me for another ultra sound and to a gyn for a D&C, and waalaa it was cancer. My new gyn then sent me to a onc/gyn for treatment.
My cancer was still found in an early stage, but with the symptoms I had since my cycles started makes me wonder if I was cancer bound anyway or if I had chosen the hysterectomy 15 years would I be USPC free?
I had heavy painful periods for many years. I would tell the gyns I saw about it but was never told it was abnormal. Many, many years later diagnosed with uterine carcinosarcoma. They also found fibroids during my hysterectomy. Makes me wonder. Hope the way they treat women with problem periods has gotten better over the years.
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