Renal mass ...New here to this group

Acelang Member Posts: 19

Hi I'm new here but very no nervous about findings on a CT scan I had done in the er .. a 5 cm renal mass was found along with enlarged lymph nodes my concern is 6 month prior this tumor was 2.6cm I don't see a doctor until next week but I'm worried because I have a lump in my side and back ...Have night sweats fatigue and back and stabbing pains in my stomach where the lump is 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Thats a lot of growth



    Do what you have to do to get this taken care of asap. It is either very aggressive or was measured 2 different ways like Ultrasound and CT. It shoild have been addressed at 2.6 cm as that is too large for watch and wait. At 5 cm a surgery only result is still very possable and if so you would need no further tratments other than scans.




  • Acelang
    Acelang Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2017 #3
    But I'm definitely staying on

    But I'm definitely staying on it I'm just worried the night sweats soak my clothes and bed .And I've been tested for HIV in pregnancy and the time of my c section and have no other infections that I know of im also genetically at risk I can no longer bare the stabbing pains in my stomach right below my Rib cage sometimes it feels as if acid is thrown inside of my stomach

  • Acelang
    Acelang Member Posts: 19
    My other concern is I have

    My other concern is I have all signs of. A later stage RCC and I have a lump that can be seen in my side and back 

  • Acelang
    Acelang Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2017 #5
    I was pregnant when I was

    I was pregnant when it was found and was told take at 5 months pregnant to Handel it after my son 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    That explains the delay.


    That explains the delay. Lucky pregnancy which may have saved your life detecting it while it was small. Have no idea what the lump is.




  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh hon, I am so sorry you are

    Oh hon, I am so sorry you are suffering so. What the heck is your surgeon planning to do? Hope they can do a PET scan or whatever they need to check all these lumps/pain out for you. We're here for you, all the way hon! We'll get you through this, we will.

    I was able to get into my Urologist right away. He puts these kinds of cases at end of his day and his whole staff waited until I was done with my appointment. You should demand that they get you in now. After all, PAIN has to be addressed per regulations all doctors/providers follow.

    Call and demand you get in sooner. Let them know ALL the symptoms and pain you are experiencing.

    I am sending you calm and healing vibes. Try to stick to today, taking each moment at a time, best you can.

    Hugs my dear,


  • Acelang
    Acelang Member Posts: 19
    Wondering why I wasn't sent

    Wondering why I wasn't sent to a urologist to the er sent me to a kidney specialist and recommend I have an MRI they spotted the renal mass and an angiolipoma that was really small wouldn't they classify both that if the 5cm tumor wasnt possibly cancer the also mention echogenic lesion of low attenuation

  • Acelang
    Acelang Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2017 #9
    Thanks so much ladies

    Thanks so much ladies

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    Hi, Ace

    As Iceman would say, "Welcome to the group nobody wants to join."  I would also agree with him to take care of this thing asap.  When my tumor was found the doctor told me he would contact the urologist at our local hospital.  He told me to expect a call from them in the next week or two.  That didn't sit well with me so I made an electronic appointment  request at the Mayo Clinic.  Fortunately, I live less then an hour away from Mayo AND I wasn't going to let a small town urologist care for me when I was this close to a facility that deals with this stuff a lot.  I made the electronic request on a Saturday night and recieved a call from them right away on Monday morning.  I was sitting in the doctors office a week later discussing options and looking at a surgery date.  When I arrived home from visiting with the Urologist/surgeon at Mayo my local hospital called to set up an appointment with their urologist a couple weeks out.  I told them, "no thanks".  Moral of the story--take the bull by the horns and shake some trees.  If your doctor is not going to get things rolling I suggest you make it happen--after all, this is your life they are messing with.

    Good luck and keep us posted,


  • Nekocat
    Nekocat Member Posts: 11
    I went through very simlar

    I went through very simlar experince where they did not want to act quickly so i switched hospitals.

    I hope that you are able to take care of it quickly and start feeling better.