Something in my nasal-paranasal area

Hi you all
I'm 16 y guy. I have been more or less sick almost a year now. I've had many right side sinusitis (not radiographed, but clinically diagnosted..) and I've had ten antibiotic courses from may 2016. On may 2016 the doctor lavated sinus because of the symptoms, but there was no pus. Sinus was only "narrow" or something like that. Before Christmas I had two courses more, still not x-rayed. On March I had pain in my right ear and the doctor diagnostised otitis. He started one more antibiotic course. It did'nt help and I got one more course. My ear ached still. My mother took me to the otolaryngologist on April. My right cheek and eye area was swelling. 
The doctor sent me to the plain radiography waters wiew. The answer was "opasified right sinus, suits sinusitis". So otolaryngologist tried to punch and lavate the sinus, but nothing went trough because the sinus was blocked. Otolaryngologist showed us from the radiography that my nasal bone is deviated and there is some kind of bony "arches" and opasified areas in the x-ray picture. Now I wait the ct-scan which is going to be next week. I got cortisone which helped swelling. My face is almost symmetry now. My right eye has been asymmetric with left eye and I´ve had difficulties looking up and down: my right eye makes different route than left, near my nose, like I had diplopia. 

Now I have had low grade fever almost a week, but there is no flu in my family.  My normal is 36,4 C but now I've had 37,6 C every afternoon. I have been very tired, too. I sleep almost all the day :(  I have not been in school over a week. My right ear hasn't got better. Four days ago my otolaryngologist wrote me tetracycline. It has made me feel a little bit less tired and my right eye looks quite normal now, too.  I still have low-grade fever every evening, today 37,6. 

Waiting the ct scan is not very nice. I'm afraid that there is some malignancy in my nose. I know that it is very rare, but it does not help the fear... 
I wish all the best to all of you!




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited April 2017 #2


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are having such troubles and for a young guy too.

    I was stage IVa, scc, bot, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (surgery, rads, Erbitux) and I had no pain whatsoever just a swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck.

    I did not believe I had cancer until I got a positive biopsy which left very little doubt.  You have not had such a biopsy and cancer status has not been granted to you (that’s a good thing).

    You are very young and that plays in your favor. Your doctor’s seem to believe it is something else and they are going after it in a less lethal way then most of us experienced.

    I hope you do not join our club, it is full of life changers.

    Good luck,


  • Linus van Pelt
    Linus van Pelt Member Posts: 2
    CivilMattThank You for youre

    Thank You for youre message! I hope all the best for you! So much you have gone through.
    My doctor said that "This is not an infection, this is something else and antibiotics are not the answer to this."
    These tetracyclines are for "reactive inflammation". I'm not sure about the difference. 
    Thank you for your'e nice words. I wish courage for all who has to go through the cancer.

  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2017 #4
    Hang in there
    I am sure many have read your post and are lost for words. I wish you all the best and hope your doctor has an easy fix soon. Let us all know how you are doing and hang in there.