Juicing, Bitter Apricot, and Infrared sauna

Woodytele Member Posts: 163

Any help or success stories are welcome!  Since being diagnosed Stage 4 in November, I've basically been drinking various juice, Carrot, all the Naked juices at the grocery story, etc... 

Has anyone had success, ( reduction of tumors, lowered CEA etc..) with juice?  My CEA since starting chemo was 1600 and is now 200, so I am looking for any help is this battle. 

i have also been occasionally doing the Infrared Sauna to heat up my body, which I have read that cancer cells do not like heat. Any success stories from this?


And lastly, anyone take Bitter Apricot kernels?? I have read about these, and just or some online. 




  • phuckcancer
    phuckcancer Member Posts: 63 Member

    I was just telling my husband about the sauna info a couple weeks ago. Sadly, he hates being hot so he wasnt thrilled with that idea.

    I hope the juicing and sauna are helping! I wish I had some info for ya on it..

  • blessed39
    blessed39 Member Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks Woodytele

    Thanks Woodytele for reading my story "How I Beat Stage Four Colon Cancer"

    and also for your kind comments. I pray that your medical results will be as

    good as mine have been. Keep up the good fight my friend and God bless you in this fight. blessed39

  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118

    juicing could extend life, worked in some cases, I've seen stories going from 3 expected months to 5 unexpexted years, what I did after my chemo/rad, literally put fruit market in ninja juicer, including carots, aronia, berrys,spinach, watermallon,orange, some other green stuff rich in vit b, pomegrade jiuce, etc., its great boost.

    Apricot or b17, you could find some interesting links on memorial sloan hospital site from NY, search as amygdalin, one needs to be carefull with that one.

    I took beta glucan, after few days felt same way as when was on chemo, my body was burning hot, also had tingling at the site of tumor, exactlly same sa when on chemo/rad, that was just my experience.

    Grape seed extract some study showed that it shrinked tumor in mice, high doses, I try that one in small dose, got headeache after few days.

    Avoid some fish and fish oil while on chemo, seen it somwhere that some fish oil blocks chemo.

    Vit d doubles the dose of some chemo,one needs to be carefull on that one.

    That is excelent news about your  cea, things are improving in chemo so much comparing to few years ago.

    Wish you well in your batlle!


  • Woodytele
    Woodytele Member Posts: 163
    edited April 2017 #5
    mozart13 said:


    juicing could extend life, worked in some cases, I've seen stories going from 3 expected months to 5 unexpexted years, what I did after my chemo/rad, literally put fruit market in ninja juicer, including carots, aronia, berrys,spinach, watermallon,orange, some other green stuff rich in vit b, pomegrade jiuce, etc., its great boost.

    Apricot or b17, you could find some interesting links on memorial sloan hospital site from NY, search as amygdalin, one needs to be carefull with that one.

    I took beta glucan, after few days felt same way as when was on chemo, my body was burning hot, also had tingling at the site of tumor, exactlly same sa when on chemo/rad, that was just my experience.

    Grape seed extract some study showed that it shrinked tumor in mice, high doses, I try that one in small dose, got headeache after few days.

    Avoid some fish and fish oil while on chemo, seen it somwhere that some fish oil blocks chemo.

    Vit d doubles the dose of some chemo,one needs to be carefull on that one.

    That is excelent news about your  cea, things are improving in chemo so much comparing to few years ago.

    Wish you well in your batlle!


    Thanks Mozart !

    appreciate the help!

  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118
    edited April 2017 #6
    You wellcome!

    hope it helps

  • jaybel
    jaybel Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2017 #7
  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Juicing off and on

    I go in and out of juicing.  I have a great book 'The Big Book of Juices and Smoothies' which is excellent; plus juicing is like making soup, you can throw anything in and it will come out good. 

    I don't know if there have been any studies about juicing 'curing' Cancer. There have been members here on the forum who have been serious juicers. Some are thriving, some have passed away. 

    Your body does need the fiber from fruits and veggies, so don't use it solely as a form of getting your fruit and veg. 

    Like most things with Cancer (and life) its a balance. Eat healthy. Exercise. Be positive. 
