My Turn



  • pepper43
    pepper43 Member Posts: 16
    Wishing you a quick recovery!

    Take it easy, put a pillow over your abdomen before you sneeze and laugh and pay attention to dr's orders. I had a full robotic nephrectomy. I'd say toughest part was 2 day hospital stay (I hate hospital beds!), but they had me on a push button morphine so it was a blur. It's the first week or so at home that'll be the roughest. 

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    JT here's to a quick recovery

    I am sure you will do fine, take teh expert advice of all the above lovely folks. Prayer for you and your family...hugs too. 

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Best of Luck!

    It's going to go well. Please let us know.


  • JTgreybeard
    JTgreybeard Member Posts: 22 Member
    Thank You All. Prayers answered.

    Its two days post-surgery and I want to share my story.  Back in October 2016 I had bad lower left side cramps.  My doctor sent me for a CT scan to confirm diverticulitis and to make sure I did not have a blockage.  This CT scan found a 11 mm solid, enhancing mass in the lower pole of the right kidney represents a Bosniak 4 lesion and is highly concerning for renal cell carcinoma. Recommend urologic referral for further evaluation and management.  My urologist told me that it was small and that renal masses tend to grow slowly.  He recommended we give it a few months for my gut to heal and then do another CT scan.  On Feb 10, 2017 I had another CT scan done with contrast.  Results: Subtle lesions seen in the lower pole of the right kidney medial. It measures approximately a centimeter and I believe it enhances with contrast material. This is consistent with at least a Bosniak class IV lesion and is suspicious for a primary renal malignancy.  When reviewing this with my Doctor it was decided that he would remove this using robotic assisted surgery.  That surgery was performed on Apr 11, 2017.  He spend over 3 hours on this surgery and consulted 2 other urologist during the surgery.  He used the internal ultrasound directly on my kidney to locate tumor.  He did not find it.   God had already healed me and removed this tumor before the surgery.  Praise be to God.   I spend lots of time praying and my Christian friends prayed as well.  God answers prayers.  I have seven places in me were the robot was inserted and am very sore but I AM CANCER FREE.   GOD IS GOOD!!!!! 

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    Oh my lord

    You are blessed! I am so so happy for you, that is the most wonderful news I have seen here for the past 9 months!

    Party time and enjoy!


  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    edited April 2017 #27
    Good news!!! Good news!! Now


    Good news!!! Good news!! Now just concentrate on getting back up to speed.

  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
    edited April 2017 #28

    Thank You All. Prayers answered.

    Its two days post-surgery and I want to share my story.  Back in October 2016 I had bad lower left side cramps.  My doctor sent me for a CT scan to confirm diverticulitis and to make sure I did not have a blockage.  This CT scan found a 11 mm solid, enhancing mass in the lower pole of the right kidney represents a Bosniak 4 lesion and is highly concerning for renal cell carcinoma. Recommend urologic referral for further evaluation and management.  My urologist told me that it was small and that renal masses tend to grow slowly.  He recommended we give it a few months for my gut to heal and then do another CT scan.  On Feb 10, 2017 I had another CT scan done with contrast.  Results: Subtle lesions seen in the lower pole of the right kidney medial. It measures approximately a centimeter and I believe it enhances with contrast material. This is consistent with at least a Bosniak class IV lesion and is suspicious for a primary renal malignancy.  When reviewing this with my Doctor it was decided that he would remove this using robotic assisted surgery.  That surgery was performed on Apr 11, 2017.  He spend over 3 hours on this surgery and consulted 2 other urologist during the surgery.  He used the internal ultrasound directly on my kidney to locate tumor.  He did not find it.   God had already healed me and removed this tumor before the surgery.  Praise be to God.   I spend lots of time praying and my Christian friends prayed as well.  God answers prayers.  I have seven places in me were the robot was inserted and am very sore but I AM CANCER FREE.   GOD IS GOOD!!!!! 

