Mantle Cell and Liver Tumor

Hello.  my mother was diagnosed this last August with Mantle Cell Lymphoma.  She did six rounds of chemo and did fabulously!  However, when they did the post chemo PET scan, they found a spot on her liver.  We did the biopsy today and it will be 3-5 days before the results but I guess I'm just asking if anyone has seen this before?  Is it possible that it could be non-cancerous?  My heart is hurting so much.  Thank you


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited April 2017 #2
    Many possibilities

    Nothing exactly matching, but I have had lung nodules show up. Many find them very discomforting, but I was advised that they are common and something to watch. PET scans do not find cancer per se - they find hyper-metabolic activity, which can be injury or healing, inflammation or yes, malignancy. Could it be a little pocket of the lymphoma needing to be cleaned up? Certainly. Even if it is a secondary cancer, it sounds to be very early and something like a resection of her liver could remove all of it - worst case scenario perhaps.