h4hardik Member Posts: 2

Hello People, My Mother is suffering from Breast cancer and me far from her.  :(:( ... She had already gone through the all operations and chemo and all therapy and it went well. after 10 months, my mom found one small tumor under the breast and had visit doctor, he suggest me to go for PET CT Scan and we did that, after that today I found the report and it seems not well might be. I tried to search google term and try to get an answer from many but not found much info and not sure what it mean of all terms, can anybody please help me and tell me in very simple words like wat's the report it is good or bad ? wat it means the of last paragraph under the "Impression"? what the mean of FDG AVID now? I am really really very worried and not get what the report says? my doctor gives me an appointment after CryCry a week and really I m very very worried, could anybody please help me to get this? I am attaching report copy that might be helpful for you to understand.

waiting for a reply soon.. please please reply. God Bless you!!!



  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537

    they posted it on her site, it is not clear as to whether it has metastasized to her cervical spine, or spleen etc.  I would call her dr. And getan answer. I know they don't always like telling you on the phone, but that's no worse then posting the pt ant ct results on line.  

    I got mot of mine on line, if I wasnt sure oF something I called, still do.  It my life here and no doctor ever complained and I have been messing with it since 2002!

    Beat to your Mom and family, 



  • sunshine_64
    sunshine_64 Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2017 #3
    absolutely insist talking to the doctor

    Dear H4hardik:

    I read my initial diagnosis online - no one ever called me that day. Please do insist on talking to a doctor. Leave multiple messages until you get an answer. The online definitions are unclear and open to multiple interpretations. I understand completely how you are feeling and how hard it is to wait for someone to get back to you. The trade-off between getting the online information right away, but without any interpretation or diagnosis is something the medical community needs to address. Do not give up until you reach someone in charge. Good luck and hugs to you. 

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member

    absolutely insist talking to the doctor

    Dear H4hardik:

    I read my initial diagnosis online - no one ever called me that day. Please do insist on talking to a doctor. Leave multiple messages until you get an answer. The online definitions are unclear and open to multiple interpretations. I understand completely how you are feeling and how hard it is to wait for someone to get back to you. The trade-off between getting the online information right away, but without any interpretation or diagnosis is something the medical community needs to address. Do not give up until you reach someone in charge. Good luck and hugs to you. 


    Sorry your mom and you and your family are going thru this..But keep the FAITH and see if you can speak to the Nurse and expalin that you need someone to go over the report with you. I can understand why you are so concern..The not knowing weighs heavy!!!   Keep pushing to speak to Nurse if Dr not available..since we are not doctors we can only SUPPORT you and suggest things for you to do.(DEPENDS ON IF THIS IS YOUR REPORT OR YOUR MOMS AND IF SHE HAS YOU DOWN TO GIVE HER IMFORMATION TO)...KEEP CALLING OR BETTER YET GO TO THE OFFICE SOMEONE WILL TAKE TO YOU!   Things will get better....Blessing to you    HANG IN THERE Smile....BEEPOSITIVE!!!

  • h4hardik
    h4hardik Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2017 #5
    Thanks for all your valuable

    Thanks for all your valuable suggestion and concern. I am trying to keep calling and try to get as much detail as i can.. thanks again for your blessing and hugs.. it's really needed.. please remind my mom in your prayer.