New Symptoms

ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

Hi everyone,

Hope you all are having an enjoyable evening. Me, kind of, LOL! So today 9 days post surgery I started peeing a little blood, nothing crazy, but also passing clots. I am not in pain, I am not feeling unusual and I called my doctor and they seem to be not concerend at this moment but told me to let them know if it continues tomorrow. This is the first time since my surgery I have noticed this and it did alarm me, but seems harmless at the moment. This surgery stuff is something else and seems like if it ain't one thing it's another. I feel for the most part my recovery is going decent, but now this?! 


  • beemurguia
    beemurguia Member Posts: 57
    So sorry about your post

    So sorry about your post surgery symptoms....we all differently and Im sure it depends on how invasive your surgery was.  Hang in there. Keep us posted. Before you know it this will be a distant memory! My surgery is 5/9/17 and I just want it to be over and done with....Its been difficult to stay focused on the day to day stuff with this pending! May I ask if you had a partial or complete removal of kidney?

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    edited April 2017 #3

    So sorry about your post

    So sorry about your post surgery symptoms....we all differently and Im sure it depends on how invasive your surgery was.  Hang in there. Keep us posted. Before you know it this will be a distant memory! My surgery is 5/9/17 and I just want it to be over and done with....Its been difficult to stay focused on the day to day stuff with this pending! May I ask if you had a partial or complete removal of kidney?

    Thank you

    Yea I am not super concerned just yet, just monitoring it and was wondering if anyone else experienced this. I had a partial nephrectomy, they took about 25% of my right kidney. I totally know what you mean about staying focused but if I can give you any advice it would be to try real hard. May 9th will be here quick and you will be in recovery. I would suggest focusing on some things you want to get done before surgery and try to have some fun, that's what I did and my surgery got here real fast. 

  • beemurguia
    beemurguia Member Posts: 57
    ambava33 said:

    Thank you

    Yea I am not super concerned just yet, just monitoring it and was wondering if anyone else experienced this. I had a partial nephrectomy, they took about 25% of my right kidney. I totally know what you mean about staying focused but if I can give you any advice it would be to try real hard. May 9th will be here quick and you will be in recovery. I would suggest focusing on some things you want to get done before surgery and try to have some fun, that's what I did and my surgery got here real fast. 

    Great advice!

    Yes, you are right. I am trying to get certain projects done at home....such as cleaning and organizing!! I have 2 boys (6yrs and 8yrs) and I swear they are like little for some strange reason have been going out of my way to reconnect with good friends who like me have gotten swept up into the busy work, parenting thing and rarely see each finally giving myself permission to just stop and do more meaningful simple things. I just read your previous post and agree with the idea of focusing on what is in your control and not worry so much about what is out of your control.  Im glad that your tumor was small...a much much better prognosis and the fact that it may be a rare type...well then with more reason that it was caught at a very early stage.  I wish you nothing but the best and that your recovery is complete very soon!!! And venting is totally ok!!! We are all here to support one another! 

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

    That's exactly what you should do. Get some of that stuff done and treat yourself to a night out or maybe a spa day. Life's to short and you deserve to enjoy it.  I have 3 1/2 year old boy girl twins. They are quite the workout. Lol

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    edited April 2017 #6
    This happened to me! I called

    This happened to me! I called and they weren't concerned either. They said it could either be residual irritation from the cath or some residual blood from the surgery that is clearing out. 

  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    My wife passed a little blood

    My wife passed a little blood also right after surgery (maybe like on about day 5 or 6) seems like it came and went within a few trips to the bathroom. I bet yours will do the same.

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    If it were me

    With what you posted yesterday and now peeing blood today I would get back in and have them take a look at you tomorrow.  There is a very slight risk that someone could have bleeding two to three weeks post-op.  Unfortunately folks who have had partial nephrectomy are at great risk for post-op complications even a couple of weeks later. Most of those complications can be managed without having to go back to surgery. 


  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

    I was peeing very little blood yesterday and passed a couple clots in the afternoon and passed one more early evening, haven't had anything since then. I am going to monitor it today and see what happens, if I have the same thing today I will call the doctor and see what he says. He didn't seem concerned yesterday but did tell me to call him if it carried on today. I had a normal pee this morning when I woke up, so that's a good sign I think.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    You passed clots and it was

    You passed clots and it was not painful? Wow thank goodness for small favors eh?

    Yes, its not pleasant and you are being vigilent. Catheters can often be so irritating.

    But I like you NEW attitude! Now continue with an non-eventful recovery.

    Hugs, Jan

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

    I know right! I wouldn't of even known I passed them had I not looked down in the toilet?!! Yes my attitude is coming along with some of the clarity I am getting on this recovery time. I have all the time in the world to think right now and guess what I am going to think positively and not waste worries on things that are out of my control. 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited April 2017 #12
    I wonder

    if those pains you had while walking the other day had something to do with the clots passing.  Humm?

    Glad things are on the mend--take care,


  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    stub1969 said:

    I wonder

    if those pains you had while walking the other day had something to do with the clots passing.  Humm?

    Glad things are on the mend--take care,



    I questioned that myself! I noticed today that the pain is gone in that area as well. So that is very possible.