Pathology Report

ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

So my doctor just called me and let me know that all margins were clear, however, the pathologist doesn't think it's a clear cell carcinoma and they want to send it off for additional testing. I thought he said transitional tromopho, (honestly I am not quite sure what he said now) or something about the chromosomes needing to be tested further and something about genetics. I swear when I am on the phone with him I zone out and can't remember half of what he says because I think I am so dang scared of what he is saying. He told me it wasn't necesarrily a bad thing, but that they just need to be sure of the exact type of cancer that it is. Okay that is great but what would make it a bad thing? I just hate this whole situation. I feel like I got the surgery done and all margins are clear but now we don't even know what type of cancer we are dealing with and I have to sit here and worry some more, it's like it's never ending. I mean I figure if the cancer is out and all margins are clear that should be great, but just the way he was talking to me made me feel like it could be something bad, but not necessarily he said. Ughhhh lord help me thru this cause I seriously don't think I can take much more of this back and forth cancer journey that I didn't want to be apart of. Sorry, just venting and really want to move on with my life.  


  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.

    I think when the DOCTOR calls, I stop breathing, and thinking... waiting for some words like "bad news" before I really start listening.  Call back.  Explain you didn't catch exactly what he said.  Stop him and ask him to spell it.  Tell him 3,000 of us want the real words so we can let you know exactly where you fit in with the rest of us.  

    He could have been explaining Transitional Cell ... or Cromophobe both words in our kidney cancer community.  If you get the info a second time... we can calm your worries.  

    Or, just breathe easy until the pathologist report comes back.  A couple of weeks at most.  Either way.  The cancer IS OUT of you.  The kind of cancer it WAS will help in the future.  FUTURE... not today.  Today, enjoy the easy and quiet.  Worry is a waste of your good time.  Until the information is given, all you do is go in circles... and that really don't get you anywhere.

    My best to you.  How are you feeling physically since the surgery?



  • sucotai
    sucotai Member Posts: 19
    They probably meant

    They probably meant chromophobe type, which actually carries a more favorable prognosis than clear cell type. Either way, surgery is considered curative at this point.

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Today is the best day I have

    Today is the best day I have had since surgery and today is actually one week since my surgery. I gotta say I was feeling a bit crappy over the weekend and I was getting down thinking I wasn't going to get better( my anxiety kicking in) but when I woke up this morning I felt so much better and almost like my normal self. Thank you for asking! Also thank you for your words of wisdom and helping keep me grounded with all of this. I truly appreciate all of you!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited April 2017 #5
    Pathology report

    Is there an electronic portal that you can access?  I was able to access my pathology report within a week of the surgery.  My cancer was Chromophobe RCC and they didn't need to send it anywhere special that I recall.  I agree with Pam, I'd call back and talk to one of the members of the surgical team.  They should be able to answer any questions you have and give you a timeline for the final pathology report.  Good luck!


  • Bellafelice
    Bellafelice Member Posts: 57 Member
    edited April 2017 #6
    Another good day for you

    Dear Pam-I hope by now that you have gotten some answers as to what kind of things your doctor was referring to. If not, my second wish for you is exactly what Pamstaynor suggested-stay in the moment and don't project. One thing I found very helpful to say to myself when I start panicing is "Is it happening now?(whatever you are worried about)-Do I have any control over this? (No) =then I will save my energy until and if I have to use it". Take it one minute at a time, and one hour at a time, adding up to one day at a time. 
      Please keep posting about how you doing emotionally and health wise-and wishing you the best in both every minute of the day from this moment on.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Yes, we understand how we can

    Yes, we understand how we can "zone out" when a doctor is calling about Cancer stuff. I AlWAYS get my own copies of my own reports. You can too. If its not too inconvenient. Ask to talk to his PA or RN who can reiterate what he told you.

    It will be okay.. its GONE NOW!


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    I am sure your doctor is more

    I am sure your doctor is more than welcome to answer your questions and address your concerns since it is not healthy to worry about it. I will call him and talk about concerns and just what others suggested, get a copy of the report if it is not available online. All the best.


  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the

    Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words and I did talk to my doctor. He said translocation carcinoma is what the pathologist is thinking it could be, which from what I have researched is not what I want it to be. Seems very rare and not a lot of info on it. But guess what, I am not going to sit and worry about it right now because I have no control over it. Here's what I do know right now, it was 2.2cm, it was contained all margins were clear according to the pathologist but now they are thinking it's not clear cell and it's possibly translocation carcinoma, so that's what I will deal with at this moment!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    path report

    Some really good things out of this report:  1.  it was small, 2. clear margins.  Both of these set you up for a future that does NOT include kidney cancer.  Did your doctor talk to you about future scans?  6 months out or 12? 

    Take care,


  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member
    edited April 2017 #11
    agree with stub 1969

    The most important is small 2.2 nothing it's clear margin ...just relax and take it easy we all know how you feel we where going to be alright 

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    edited April 2017 #12
    Stage 1, small, and Dr. Google

    The biggest thing is that you are stage I, it was only 2.2 cm (like mine, so that automatically makes you cool), and you did not have any mets at the time of presentation


    I did some research on this type of RCC and from what I could find the people who did badly were the ones who presented with disease outside of the kidney.  It looks like there are a couple of different types of translocation RCC do you know what type you had?  After you heal up you might consider getting a second opinion of your pathology at a major cancer hospital like MD Anderson.  In fact, you don't even have to go there just mail the stuff in.  

    Here is a link for MD Anderson just as an example:

    And finally, when you consult with Dr. Google you must use caution.  There are too many unknowns in your case to start forming opinions, stick to what you know, it's small and it's gone! :) 

    Hang in there


  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

    You are so right! Me and my husband talked last night and the biggest thing is, we caught it small and it's gone now. So no need to stress on the unknown at this point. I am not 100 percent sure that's what I have, the doctor called me on Monday evening and said the pathologist called him and said they wanted to send it off to another lab for further testing, she thinks it could be translocation carcinoma. So, it's not a definite just yet. I will post as soon as I find out. Dr. Google is really really bad for me. I totally need to stay off of it and couldn't agree more on using caution, that's honestly why I am not putting a ton of thought into it at the moment and not stressing. Thank you so much for the info on getting a second opinion.