ovarian cancer

razia Member Posts: 1

hello, my mom has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, her ca125 was 1250 before surgery, droped a ittle after surgery, but after 1st chemo it has increased by around 50%!! i wish to know what caused her ca125 to go up? is it normal?


  • rejoycew
    rejoycew Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2017 #2

    Hi Razia,  As far as I can gather there is no normal, just lots of different experiences for each of us.  My CA125 has gone up and down a lot  When it went up after 6 treatments of carbo/taxol, I was switched to gemcitbine,  then to Doxil.  There are lots of choices of treatments which certainly is a blessings for us.  So hang in there, remain positive.  This is a journey none of us wanted to take but it is what it is.  I do hope the side effects of the chemo are mild for your mother and she is fortunate to have you as an advocate for her.  Love each other and each day we have!