PSA Finally Under 1



  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited March 2017 #42
    waldipup said:

    psa still over 1

    Hi Swing , posted awhile ago here but I had lost this thread , just found it again and am soooo glad to hear "the rest of the story"! 

    I'm still over 1 since June 2012 C/K - pre c/k 16 , post c/k low 5's , then 4's for 2 or 3 years , then 1.35 and recently 1.65  .

    Called my C/K doctor - Dr. Katz himself! , he says he's seen longer lingering .

    Your story encourages me , gonna get another test soon with my fingers crossed , but regardless am so happy for you!

    Good luck!

    Glad my story offers you some encouragement. Your PSA has remained elevated much longer than mine.  Hopefully it will also drop below 1 soon.  Good luck!

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    PSA Still Going Lower

    Haven't logged onto the forum for awhile and just checking in for the 1st time in a month or so.

    Had my 1st PSA test in a year and the result was 0.118 -- lower than last year's 0.137.  So, it's still dropping and apparently hasn't reached a nadir yet, 7 years since I was treated w/CK.

    Also just got my cholesterol tested (again) and it's better than I can ever recall it every being in ALL the years that I have had it tested.  All indicators are w/in the "desireable" and even "optimal" ranges which has NEVER happened before.  It's always been too high in one way or another before.

    Have been on statins forever but I don't think they are responsible for the change. 

    Believe it is due to a loss of 38# from 196 to 158 over the past 15 months, a reduction in BF from over 20% down to 8.9% as measured hydrostatically, a high protein/high carb/low Gi/low fat diet limited to under 2000 cals/day, heavy weight lifting, body weight exercises and cardio (mainly rowing) 4-5 days a week. 

    Eating well and working out are now a way of life for me,  The only thing I've cut out of my diet entirely are sodas but I cut back substantially on beer, refined sugar/flour and hi-GI/fatty foods.  However, I still eat foods that are considered less than desireable.  I just eat them w/in the limits of my diet which severly restricts the intake of such food.  

    Had other blood tests done with similarly good results.  So, all's good in terms of health and fitness just shy of 67 years of age.  :)

    BTW, I just got a "legal" prescription for 5mg daily cialis thru my Medicare Advantage coverage.  The "trick" was to get it approved for use to treat my urinary frequency and urgency, which I complained about back in 2010 before my PCa diagnosis and which still plagues me to this day and for which I am also still taking FloMax and oxybuytnin. 

    However, for those of you who need cialis for ED, it may be possible to claim that you need cialis for urinary control instead.  Just don't mention ED or your request will be denied as "not" medically necessary.  Worth a try if you can't get it any other way.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Cured and healthy.... Wonderful

    I am glad for the news and still more for your continuous support in this forum. All of us benefit from your updates. Here is another decrease of the PSA confirming the success of the RT.

    I hope that the urinary issue also regulates. This is a fact very common with the age that survivors tend to relate to the PCa treatment, many judging it as the solo cause. Surely you could have permanent scar tissue that stimulates the local nerves producing an active response. But the "age" issue should also be considered and for that there are no ways to normalize.
    The anticholinergic Oxybutynin is trying to fake the senses (nerve signaling) so that an anti reaction by the brain is not activated, while the alpha-blocker Flomax relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder neck, making it easier to urinate. In such regard, one should think that frequency is more expected than retention. To balance the issue, you could add a medication for retention but probably by just stop taking  Flomax you may achieve better results. You can try it during a period or take it intermittently to check the results. After 7 years on the run Flomax could be the culprit in the issue.

    Best wishes for continuing good health and hopeful for continuing attendance.
