Preventive tips for burns?

Dominiq Member Posts: 13


i just started treatment last  week. Do you have any recommended tips/creams to prevent burns? Thank you! 



  • AmyD1310
    AmyD1310 Member Posts: 59
    edited March 2017 #2

    Hi Dominique,

    So sorry you are going through this. I finished treatment last week, and now I feel like I can share what worked for me. Aloe (alcohol free) was my saving grace once the radiation burns started to get to the point of painful. I also used Aquaphor pretty much all over that area to keep it moisturized. Always, always wash everything off before any radiation treatment you have, as any cream or lotion can intensify the burns. My nurses recommended using Dove soap because it is gentle. I know you didn't ask about this, but my doctor recommended drinking 1-2 tablespoons of mineral oil per day to keep me regulated, and to soften my BMs because that will eventually become painful too. This worked well for me, so maybe give it a try when you get to that point? Just a suggestion. I saw that you posted that you are a mother of 3...I am also. My children are 6, 3 and 8 months. It's tough going through this while trying to take care of them. Ask for help from any/every person who is willing to give it. I hope you find some of this helpful. Stay strong, you will get through this! 


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Amy has given you some good advice.  I started out using Aquaphor (recommended by my rad onc).  However, when the burns got bad, he wrote me a prescription for Silver Sulfadiazine.  My main problem with using it was getting it completely removed prior to treatment, as there can be no traces of it left on the skin because it contains metal and can intensify the burning.  I soaked a lot in the tub, which I found soothing.  I wish I had known about aloe, but did not. 


  • Dominiq
    Dominiq Member Posts: 13
    mp327 said:


    Amy has given you some good advice.  I started out using Aquaphor (recommended by my rad onc).  However, when the burns got bad, he wrote me a prescription for Silver Sulfadiazine.  My main problem with using it was getting it completely removed prior to treatment, as there can be no traces of it left on the skin because it contains metal and can intensify the burning.  I soaked a lot in the tub, which I found soothing.  I wish I had known about aloe, but did not. 


    Thank you

    Thank you Martha. So far I like Aquafor but I also use miaderm. They were selling it at the Cleveland Clinic. Almost done with week 2!


  • Dominiq
    Dominiq Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2017 #5
    AmyD1310 said:


    Hi Dominique,

    So sorry you are going through this. I finished treatment last week, and now I feel like I can share what worked for me. Aloe (alcohol free) was my saving grace once the radiation burns started to get to the point of painful. I also used Aquaphor pretty much all over that area to keep it moisturized. Always, always wash everything off before any radiation treatment you have, as any cream or lotion can intensify the burns. My nurses recommended using Dove soap because it is gentle. I know you didn't ask about this, but my doctor recommended drinking 1-2 tablespoons of mineral oil per day to keep me regulated, and to soften my BMs because that will eventually become painful too. This worked well for me, so maybe give it a try when you get to that point? Just a suggestion. I saw that you posted that you are a mother of 3...I am also. My children are 6, 3 and 8 months. It's tough going through this while trying to take care of them. Ask for help from any/every person who is willing to give it. I hope you find some of this helpful. Stay strong, you will get through this! 


    Preventive burn tips

    Thanks Amy. Are you done with treatments? If yes, how is you recovery? You are my heroe to go through this with 3 little ones. My boys are old enough to help but they have a busy schedule ! My husband loves to cook so I am lucky. He usually travels for work but his company is very supportive and he is not traveling for Now. Right now i am working part time instead of full time so I do my treatments during the day so that it does not interfere with my 8 year old daighter after school routine with me. I might not work at all for a couple weeks towards the end or for recovery. Thank you for your tips!


  • Dominiq
    Dominiq Member Posts: 13
    For Amy

    Just realized your are done with  treatments. Good luck with recovery.


  • AmyD1310
    AmyD1310 Member Posts: 59
    Thank you!

    Thank you Dominique! I'm glad to be finished! It was not easy (weeks 4/5 were particularly tough for me), but it feels so wonderful to know I made it though. You will know this feeling soon, too! It sounds like your husband is being supportive, and that is fantastic! The more support, the better. I hope you make it through this as pain-free and side effect free as possible! You got this!  



  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    edited March 2017 #8


    Welcome to our family! I agree with the suggestions given and will add that I found it helpful to use Dermoplast spray. It can be purchased OTC (over the counter) I found it helpful being a spray and easy to apply to tender skin. 

    I know you asked for preventative tips and most of the ointments are suggested once skin begins to burn, but it is helpful to stay well hydrated. The radiation has an overall effect and fluids are important for healthy skin. Also, foods high in protien like greek yougurt will aid in healing. 

    I will have you and your family in my thoughts, and pray for strength as you proceed.


  • Daryllynne
    Daryllynne Member Posts: 1
    Feels like BM and urinating like passing broken glass help

    Just finished my 21st radiation treatment for rectal tumor, I feel like I'm passing broken glass it literally brings me to tears. I also missed my 22nd treatment on Friday 3/31/17 due to the Dr noticed white slimey substance on my rectal area. I go in Monday tomorrow to find out when I can resume treatment or if they are going to let my body rest a few more days. Any suggestions on the feeling of the drop to my knees pain while urinating and BM? I'm using a lot of creams my favorite is lanolin, lidocaine, vitami E. I have to buy this at a compound pharmac.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited April 2017 #10

    If burning with urination is an issue, you might try urinating in a tub of water or getting a peri bottle to squirt water on your gential area as you urinate.  This will help to dilute the urine and possibly ease the stinging.  It sounds like you are already using lidocaine to relieve some of the pain with BM's.  That would be my first suggestion.  Aloe may be soothing for burns too.  I wish you all the best.

  • Pat42
    Pat42 Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2017 #11

    Feels like BM and urinating like passing broken glass help

    Just finished my 21st radiation treatment for rectal tumor, I feel like I'm passing broken glass it literally brings me to tears. I also missed my 22nd treatment on Friday 3/31/17 due to the Dr noticed white slimey substance on my rectal area. I go in Monday tomorrow to find out when I can resume treatment or if they are going to let my body rest a few more days. Any suggestions on the feeling of the drop to my knees pain while urinating and BM? I'm using a lot of creams my favorite is lanolin, lidocaine, vitami E. I have to buy this at a compound pharmac.

    Get tested for a urinary tract infection!

    My wife's worst pain was from urination during week 5, she thought based on the nurses' briefings on side effects that this was normal.  But several folks on this site had UTI's during treatment, so she asked to be tested.  Turned out positive, they prescribed Cipro (antibiotic), and a couple doses later the urination pain was much less.  She was reluctant to get tested at first because to get the sample she had to not use her water bottle, but she described it exactly as you have, "broken glass".  I hope you feel better soon!  Missy finished treatment March 13 and is healing quickly, so hang in there, you'll soon be on the healing side of this!


  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    Domeboro soaks

    All the advice above is good. Welcome to the site, just sorry there is a need to join. Treatment is no picnic but you will find support here. At the end when the burns were extensive I used domeboro soaks, didn't wear underwear and kept a fan blowing on the burns. 

  • Tushygirl
    Tushygirl Member Posts: 28 Member
    New cream

    I am sorry you have a need for us but I will say this group has been god sent For me.  You never feel alone here and there is nothing that can't be discussed.

    i have been using what is a new cream for this area called Strata XLT.  It helps to keep your skin from breaking down.  My radiation Oncologist says I don't have a lot of break down of skin and I only have 5 sessions left.  It was really helpful in areas were pee feels like acid on skin.  It reduced my screaming to being only uncomfortable and started healing them.

    You don't need a prescription for it but, at least here, there is only one pharmacy within 350 miles that carries it.

    My Oncologist says keeping broken skin clean is very important to reduce infections.  I don't think I could have done it if my husband hadn't given me a hand shower I could control the pressure for valentines day.  My Dr is always complementary on how clean I able to keep stuff.


  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    New cream

    I googled the new strataxlt cream and it looks promising! If I had known about it I would have given it a try!