My mother ws just diagnosed with uterine cancer and has no insurance. Any suggestions for help???

My mother was just told Friday-1-12-07-that she has uterine cancer. She has no insurance and very little income. She is 59 years old. She can't even afford the gynecologists visits she has had recently. The doctor she was told to contact-because she has no insurance the gyn would not set her up an oncologist appt-would not even talk to her. We have no idea yet of the extent of the cancer. She had bleeding for some time before she went ot the gyn. Does anyone have any ideas where to go from here. She was dropped from the state health insurance program during their cutbacks a year or so ago.


  • tlva
    tlva Member Posts: 56
    So sorry about your mother. Have you contaced the Health Department in your town? I would assume they could at least put you in touch with some one who would see her. They normally have all types of clinics...ob/gyn, pediatric, etc.

    If you have a university hospital in your area, I believe they are required to treat indigent patients because of state and federal dollars that they receive. I know that the university hospital where I live does. Even if you have to get her in by going to the emergency room. Does she not qualify for medicare or medicaid?

    Call the ACS for more infromation...maybe they can put you on the right track to get your mom help.

    God bless you and your mother. You'll be in my prayers.
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    tlva has given you great suggestions, and I would add that you may be able to get assistance or advice from a state representative or senator's office.

    I hope you'll be able to find a resolution quickly. As with any cancer, the sooner the better for treatment!
  • barton059
    barton059 Member Posts: 2
    My mother ws just diagnosed with uterine cancer and has no insur

    Has she been to a hospital? Granddaughter went to ER because of intense pain. The hospital social worker has been helping het to find doctors, get the needed tests, get insurance so that she will only have to worry about getting better.  My very best hope that she will be able to get similar help.

  • JanuaryDaybreak
    JanuaryDaybreak Member Posts: 21 Member
    nicmic, any updates?

    barton and tlva gave you great advice.   A social worker is trained to connect patients with all sorts of resources, including low-cost clinics and financial aid.  So I'd definitely call the social worker at your local hospital.  Your local Catholic church may also be a good resource, since many of them have funds set aside to help the needy.  You don't have to be Catholic to call and ask.  Just look up "Catholic Charities" or "Society of St. Vincent de Paul" for an idea.

    I'd contact ACS and Cancer Care for assistance with resources, too.  They can at least help you get the ball rolling.  Good luck!