Hi everyone! Just a tad stressed...

marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
edited March 2017 in Kidney Cancer #1

Have been on and off just checking in from time to time and not saying much...

Have not been posting much lately...first because time has been flying and have had a lot of things going on (good things like a new grandson, a niece's marriage, friends visiting from abroad, selling my photography and working on a new proyect) but also being a little more than stressed with my coming up check-up.

My surgeon-urologist wanted me to wait a year after my last check-up late June 30, I was against it so we compromised on a 9 month wait (he gave in 3 months and so did I).  I fly to Paris on Sunday and my check-up is on the 13th with immediate results and follow up appointments same day with oncologist and generalist.  Other than the usual scanxiety that most of us feel when check-up time is near, I have been feeling a weird sensation on the inside of my partial nephrectomy site, its like a numbness with a heaviness and sometimes bulgy sensation, sometimes it spreads to my right lewer back.  Late December there was a gastro virus playing havock with everyone here, I also got it and was not nervous about it till the 2nd day when vomiting caused something inside to tighten up and crawl giving me a sharp pain in that area. Has never agian hurt like that but it does feels like something thight inside but no visible bulge. Fine in the mornings but by noon it a little weird sensation there.  Im thinking, hoping it's an hernia but even thou I know better than to start playing with my head, the truth is I feel a tad stressed and Im not in my best relaxed mode!

So, just venting and wanting to say hi.  Sending good vibes and healing wishes to you all.  Will write soon from lovely Paris.  Bonsoir!



  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    it's like Stomps says ...

    We hypochondriacs should be excused from having to deal with cancer! Tongue Out

  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2017 #3
    Stomps is right on.

    I become  a hypochondriac over every ache and pain around scan time. I found it odd, that I really did not notice aches or pains the day after I got results (normally good results) ..  So I got brave, figured scanxiety was not for me, and THAT is when I got unexpected and unwanted results.  Just no winning, just a long game.  

    So Marosa, you will have about two weeks before your tests.  I hope you can keep yourself from feeling up your abdomen, and let your intestines relax.  Laughing  A gastro intentistinal episode can (excuse my french) explode your routine, and you could have soreness for awhile.  I certainly hope you get your good vibes back, I think if I was traveling to Paris, that it would alone make me joyful.  Take Care



  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited March 2017 #4
    Hi Marosa

    Just so you know, I'm here reading your posts.

    I hope Paris gives you some nice sensations to help counteract your weird internal ones.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited March 2017 #5
    Next lifetime

    I guess I missed out on Paris having been to so many other places. However having seen Chevy Chase in European Vacation I am sure I know what Paris is like. Have been to Barcelona, Marsailles, Nice, Monte Carlo Florence and Rome on a very small Cruise ship back inthe late 90's though. Enjoy.



  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Marosa

    I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to give you my opinion since it's my husband who is having kidney surgery on Monday but I would like to if that's okay.

    What you are describing sounds exactly like my IBS.  After a gastro virus or eating something that I shouldn't, I will feel, just as you described, a tight, weird, bulgy, heavy sensation.  I am also a hypochondriac and am constantly poking at the area that is bothering me.  Even though I know it just makes it worse.  It makes me even more sure since you say that it feels better in the morning.  That is so typical of IBS.  The intestinal muscles start to spasm as food passes throughout the day.

    And after an episode such as you had, it takes months for me to even start to feel better.  Digestive enzymes and probiotics do help some though.  I prefer taking plain acidolphilus rather than a blend of many strains of probiotics.  It seems to help faster and has fewer side effects.

    Take Care,


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Hello Marosa

    I hope and pray that your results are fine with NED...funny I never have thought of myself as a Hypochondriac until I am waiting for scan results! Blessings to you

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    My sweet Maria,

     You know that I've got your back. As an artist you bring beauty to everyones eyes. In both your work and appearance. Your prescence brings peace to all. I know I always feel good when we talk. I feel even better when I look at your picture. So don't fear your future. Karma on the rebound is greater than the sum of it's origin. That isn't a make up smudge, it's from kisses for good luck. FLY Maria.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I'm thinking of you and

    I'm thinking of you and wishing you a very NED visit to Paris. I totally get the anxiety and hypochondria. Brain says one thing; emotions another. They're always having an argument. I also think it's the result of the gastro episode, or perhaps even a small hernia. May time fly quickly for you so you can hear the good results and relax. Hugs!

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member
    Keeping you in my thoughts

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Pretty Lady. Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs all the way from Texas!...Panda


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hello Maria! I feel for you.

    Hello Maria! I feel for you.

    Yes we become more aware of our bodies, its functions, aches and pains following a cancer diagnsosis. My guess  is that your surgeon will be able to palpate a hernia I believe. BUT could be your insides (intestines) have not quite healed up either from the virus or surgery.

    Most  of us do not know that inflammation is the enemy for lots of chronic illnesses, cancer, heart, etc. Your body may be letting you know its still inflammed and the nerves to muscle movement are raising this sensations inside you. Maybe.

    Try taking probiotics before meals. Most doctors do not tell us about this, or about inflammation and what to do about it.

    So.. If any testing/exams/procedures are done and nothing reveals what is causing this, you may feel relieved yet let down I bet.

    Again, inflammation can wreck havoc on our immune system, via our intestines. AND vomiting from an area that was affecting by surgery could hurt that tender area.

    Let us know how your appointment goes. We care about YOU! And glad you have a grandson to play with, how fun!

    Sending you a healing, but gentle hug,


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    edited March 2017 #12
    Nothing like you guys to lift and light one's spirit!

    I read one of you said a few days ago that we are top on the list of all the other discussions in CSN becuse of that wonderful gift of humor we like to sprinkle in our discussions whenever possible. That is very true and it works wonders!

     Iceman you made me laugh with your Chevy Chase European Vacation as a reference to the Paris you imagine,  and Steve's hoping my travel to Paris sensations couteract my "weird internal" ones!  But humor is not all we have going for us, there is such outpouring of attention, compassion and warmth!  Im so fortunate to have found this group.

     Thank you all for your words.  Im actually starting to get excited at the prospect of going to Paris tomorrow.  Im happy to see one of my sons who still lives there and I saw last the 1st of January when he flew back and many of the friends I made during my 24 years living in Paris.   And hey, if Fox has my back covered, then what have I to fear?!!!

    Thanks to each one of you for your kind words.  A round of hugs. May we all be well


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited March 2017 #13
    Please enjoy your Paris trip

    Please enjoy your Paris trip and try not to think about tests. You've had a surgery, so adhesions, numb patches, weird feeling are common even after a while. My daughter was delivered via C-section. More than half a year later I developed strange pains in lower abdomen. These were due to adhesions, nothing serious! 

    Your check up is pretty soon, this is good. You won't have to wait for months to meet Uncle Ned! :-)

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member


    I feel wired pain and aches in one or two weeks before the scan time. I've had odd chest, shoulder, spinal cord pain, shortness of breath and headache,... Everytime around the scan time. At first year i was convinced the pain was a sign of recurrence but after receiving many good news i figured out that all those wired pains are my body's reaction to high stress level I have, so since a while ago i don't care much about the pains i feel in two or three weeks before my scan.

    I'm sure you'll have good news and the pain you feel goes away right after you hear the good news

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Thank you!

    Allochka and Foroughsh for your very nice messages.  I am enjoying Paris and feeling less aches even thou I've been walking like crazy all over the city so actually what really hurts is my feet!    Thank you so much for the good wishes!

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited March 2017 #16
    foroughsh said:



    I feel wired pain and aches in one or two weeks before the scan time. I've had odd chest, shoulder, spinal cord pain, shortness of breath and headache,... Everytime around the scan time. At first year i was convinced the pain was a sign of recurrence but after receiving many good news i figured out that all those wired pains are my body's reaction to high stress level I have, so since a while ago i don't care much about the pains i feel in two or three weeks before my scan.

    I'm sure you'll have good news and the pain you feel goes away right after you hear the good news

    Hi Maria, those can also be

    Hi Maria, those can also be symptoms from the anxiety :)

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited March 2017 #17
    warm water adn hot water..

    The Chinese swear by it.  It helps the tummy.  Try that.  Continue to enjoy yourself.



  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Cheese, Louise

    She has to/gets to fly to Paris to see the doctor.  And all I do is drive 20 miles into town and then go have a coffee and donut.

    Getting packed and ready to fly would be enough to cause a bit of stress.

    P.S. love the bright colors on your dress.  Hope the trip was nice and the news even better.


  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    I'm so glad you are enjoying

    I'm so glad you are enjoying your trip and wish you continued safe travels.


  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Thoughts and prayers to you! 

    Thoughts and prayers to you! 

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Thinking about you, beautiful

    Thinking about you, beautiful lady! We all have been there....worrying about every twinge and ache. I hope that it is nothing but the best possible outcome! But this is the ideal place to voice our fears. We are all behind you, waiting to hear your results!

    Bon chance, mon amie!

