
Pmsxpert Member Posts: 4


I had a ultra sound done and they found a 5cm mass on my right kidney, I don't have the official report yet but my Dr. (He's a DO) Told me that it's too small to biopsy but if I wanted he could send me to a cancer specialist but they would tell me the same thing? At this point I'm really confused, I have no idea if it is cancer or not, My Dr said it needs to be 7cm to biopsy?  My dad died of kidney cancer in 2013, he was having back pains, went to the er they admitted him on a Sunday on Wednesday they informed my family that he had a very aggressive cancer, Thursday he was moved to hospice and died on Sunday....I'm very concerned about "waiting" until it's a 7! Thoughts? Suggestions are truly Appreciated! 

Thank You! 


  • sucotai
    sucotai Member Posts: 19
    Find a urologist ASAP,

    Find a urologist ASAP, preferably one with training in dealing with kidney cancer. 5cm mass is more than enough for a biopsy, you do not want to wait until its 7cm, by which time it will become at least a stage II as opposed to a possible stage I

  • Pmsxpert
    Pmsxpert Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2017 #3
    sucotai said:

    Find a urologist ASAP,

    Find a urologist ASAP, preferably one with training in dealing with kidney cancer. 5cm mass is more than enough for a biopsy, you do not want to wait until its 7cm, by which time it will become at least a stage II as opposed to a possible stage I

    Thank you for your quick

    Thank you for your quick response!  I think I knew this all along but needed someone to confirm it! 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    I agree with suctai



    Your DO is in over his head. At 5cm you need a CT ordered by the Urologist. At 5cm they will probably skip the biopsy. 4cm is a small kidney tumor. 5cm is a tad larger than small. Get to the Urologist ASAP.




  • Pmsxpert
    Pmsxpert Member Posts: 4
    Thank you, I'll be making

    Thank you, I'll be making calls tomorrow!  Thank you all so much!

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    edited February 2017 #6
    Mine was 2.2 cm

    Just to confirm...  Your mass is 5cm not 5mm?  (1cm=10mm). 5mm would be too small to biopsy, but 5cm and that sucker needs to come out, unless it's just a simple cyst.  

    Mine was 2.2cm and 0.8cm (I had two small spots on the same kidney) and I had surgery to remove part of my kidney.  Get to a urologist who deal with renal masses.  

    Keep us posted and good luck!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited February 2017 #7
    As Medic points out


    Check whether your mass is 5cm or 5 mm. If it is 5mm the DO gave you appropriate advise. 5mm is sort of wait and watch size. If it is in fact 5 cm proceed as suggested before.




  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    edited February 2017 #8
    Assuming your measurements

    Assuming your measurements are correct (5cm not 5mm), its standard practice with kidney masses to skip the biopsy and go straight to surgery. With solid renal masses, the statistics are quite high that they are malignant so most believe that the risks from doing a biopsy are unnecessary so they move straight to surgery. Those high statistics aren't meant to scare you, 5cm isn't tiny but it is small enough that there is a good chance you can have it removed and live a very long life. Especially considering your history, I wouldn't wait a day longer before going to  a urologist.

  • Pmsxpert
    Pmsxpert Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2017 #9
    I'm hoping to pick up the

    I'm hoping to pick up the official report today, my Dr said "it's 5cm, about 1/2 inch in size" those were his words. Did he mis speak? Possibly, as soon as I know for sure I'll be Back! Thank you! 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member


    5cm is about 2 inches.

    5mm is about 2/10th's iof an inch.

    A half inch is 1.27 cm

    Lets get the correct measurement from the Ultrasound before we go out in left field.




  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    Demand to see a Urologist they are more equiped for this situation.  I had a biopsy taken on  a lung met that was 3 cm's so I don't know where your doctor gets the idea that five is to small.  Don't wait on this demand action remember the earlier detected the better your chances of a long life.


  • Ktmg
    Ktmg Member Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2017 #12
    Get a Urinology Oncologist

    A good interventional radiologist can biopsoy small masses. Mine is about 3cm and they were able to do a biopsy. You need to be agressive with this, and find a doctor who is willing to be interested in your case. Best of luck!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited February 2017 #13
    As others have said, get a

    As others have said, get a referral to a good urological oncologist.  If it's 5cm, they will likely recommend surgery.  If it's 5mm, they'll likely recommend observation and a CT scan or ultrasound every six months or so to see if it changes at all.  If it changes (grows), they'll likely recommend surgery.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    now's your chance

    Run to a specialist. Everyone is correct in their advice. Refuse a biopsy. Growth has to come out.