Waiting for biopsy

I am 47 years old and waiting to have a endometrial biopsy (D&C with myosure).  I went three months last summer with no period, thought I was beginning perimenopause.  I saw a gyn at the time but my hormone levels were all normal with no explanation.  Once my periods returned, they were heavy and much longer than I had ever experienced.  I have been bleeding profusely now since Christmas with only a few days of relief.  I also pass very large clots.  Any activity makes this bleeding worse.  Hormone levels still normal.  Had a us showing my endometrium at 16 cm thick.  I have a biopsy scheduled next wednesday.  I might add that the blood is very watery.  Any one dealing/dealt with the same thing.  Trying not to think the worst but I have a feeling it is cancer. 



  • nateandkatesmom
    nateandkatesmom Member Posts: 40

    We kinda have the same story, except my period from hell was since October and the blood does not seem watery.

    My endometrium is 17mm. I had the endometrial biopsy at the same time as the sonogram w/saline and the result was negative. Cervical biopsies from colposcopy and then D&C on Valentines Day. Don't have conclusive answers re: latest biopsies; post-op visit is this coming Monday. If you read my two earlier threads there were so many kind and helpful responses.

    I have been waiting for procedures and then waiting for results over and  over, and it is really hard.

    I have little to no knowledge, but just wanted to say that I understand the frustration of wanting answers.


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited February 2017 #3
    Tami, it is best that you are

    Tami, it is best that you are having it checked out. I too had some periods of heavy bleeding during menaupause and assumed it was normal. I went to gyno regularly and told her and she said if it happened again to notify her and she would do a d+c. Of course it never happened again.... years later cancer. I will always wonder if that was the beginning....so yes, you are smart to have it checked out. Hopefully if it is cancer it could be very early stage. Best of luck and let us know the results. I know waiting is hard!!

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Tami, I feel for you. My

    Tami, I feel for you. My experience was very similar. Please try not to panic. It could be a lot of different things. Once you get the results, you can start planning for whatever is next. We'll be here to help you. Stay hopeful. Kim

  • Kamushka
    Kamushka Member Posts: 22 Member
    Check it out

    Even if it means going to a new gynecologist....i am 67 and have used several over the years do to moving (them and me) I always told them my paternal grandmother died of uterine cancer...they always told me there is no family connection. My pap smears have always been annual and normal. I had three natural vaginal births over the years....no complications.  A few years ago, my husband got his rectal cancer...and after an eliostomy and 12 surgeries, and me being his caregiver.....taking care of myself took a backseat for four years . last summer, I started spotting ...just two tiny pink dots on the toilet paper ..... a few weeks later it happened again .....two more tiny pink dots so I made an appointment with the new gynecologist because the one I was going to said they couldn't do Pap smears for women after 65 even after I said I was spotty in my appointment was like two months away . So I went to new gynecologist who did an internal sonogram and found that my uterine wall which would've been acceptable under five is over 22....the gynecologist did a DNC..... found a cluster inside a polyp and the cluster had cancer. The oncologist surgeon took everything out and MD Anderson also found a cancer cell in the Fallopian tube less then two centimeters but it set the staging at three. I just finished six rounds of chemo and am headed for five to six weeks of daily radiation. I think back and wonder if I would have made my well woman checkups within those four years if this would have been caught at the D and C stage...but I can't beat myself up over it....I was doing what I needed at the time. Although his quality of life has been changed by the symptoms, the doctors say he is still cancer free.   Call a new gynecologist now if you must......and good luck to you! Keep us informed!

  • Cass83
    Cass83 Member Posts: 151 Member
    edited February 2017 #6
    Stay on it

    I can relate and would say make sure you stay on top of it. I had 2 years of heavy bleeding, longer periods, clots... 2 doctors dropped the ball. My primary care physicians office did blood work, called and said I was slightly anemic and if it didn't improve to see a gynecologist.  I was 50 and figured it was part of going into menapause. It didn't improve so I went to a gynecologist. She didn't even do a physical exam! She just put me on birth control pills and said see if that works for a few months. I didn't have insurance and think this is why she didn't do anything else. 5 months later I saw a different gyn and she did an ultrasound. It turned out ok, except it said "possible mass affect". She didn't seem conserned, so I just took the pills she prescribed (that made me so sick I couldn't take them), but in November of 2016 I had bright red bleeding and knew that was not normal. I called her, she did a biopsy, and I got the call "It is cancer". Next I saw the oncology gynecologist, had a complete hysterectomy, now chemo. Could I have had a better outcome if 2 years ago my Dr. or the other gyn did an exam and found it then? Maybe, but I can't look back. 

    I am glad you have a biopsy scheduled. You will have peace of mind knowing after that. I pray you have good results.

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited February 2017 #7
    Kamushka said:

    Check it out

    Even if it means going to a new gynecologist....i am 67 and have used several over the years do to moving (them and me) I always told them my paternal grandmother died of uterine cancer...they always told me there is no family connection. My pap smears have always been annual and normal. I had three natural vaginal births over the years....no complications.  A few years ago, my husband got his rectal cancer...and after an eliostomy and 12 surgeries, and me being his caregiver.....taking care of myself took a backseat for four years . last summer, I started spotting ...just two tiny pink dots on the toilet paper ..... a few weeks later it happened again .....two more tiny pink dots so I made an appointment with the new gynecologist because the one I was going to said they couldn't do Pap smears for women after 65 even after I said I was spotty in my appointment was like two months away . So I went to new gynecologist who did an internal sonogram and found that my uterine wall which would've been acceptable under five is over 22....the gynecologist did a DNC..... found a cluster inside a polyp and the cluster had cancer. The oncologist surgeon took everything out and MD Anderson also found a cancer cell in the Fallopian tube less then two centimeters but it set the staging at three. I just finished six rounds of chemo and am headed for five to six weeks of daily radiation. I think back and wonder if I would have made my well woman checkups within those four years if this would have been caught at the D and C stage...but I can't beat myself up over it....I was doing what I needed at the time. Although his quality of life has been changed by the symptoms, the doctors say he is still cancer free.   Call a new gynecologist now if you must......and good luck to you! Keep us informed!

    Don't beat yourself up

    I was going every year religiously to see my gyn for an exam and still ended up with Stage IIIc, Grade 3!  Granted I found out he wasn't doing a PAP every year (I thought he was) but this is not always found with PAP. 

  • Tami8669
    Tami8669 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2017 #8
    Thank you for all the kind

    Thank you for all the kind and informative comments. I had my pre-op today and am anxious to have this procedure behind me.  Funny thing - I just have a very strong feeling this is cancer.  I am hoping it is just a feeling though.  I will let you all know after I have found out.  How long does it take pathology to get a result back?  If I have to wait one more week!! Lol I am hanging in there.....

  • nateandkatesmom
    nateandkatesmom Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2017 #9
    it took more than 1 week for mine


    I also had a strong feeling it was cancer.  It was not. It was polyps. I posted following my post op visit:

    "Well, today, he indicated that the issues were the poylps and now that they are removed things should improve. D/T the atypical glandular cells @ my Pap on 12-10-17 and the two abnormal biopsies during the colposcopy he wants to repeat my Pap in June.

    I mentioned concerns re: having a horrible, never ending period again, and he discussed the option of progesterone 100 mg from day 14 of my "cycle" for the following 12 days. This would prevent the endometrium from building up to it's previous size of 17.8 mm. (unfortuanately my rx coverage, Silver Scripts, does not cover this medication. An alternative would be the IUD Mirena, but I was hesitant about that.) 

    On the report for both the polypectomy and the curettage it says "disordered proliferative endometrium w/ metaplastic change and multiple endometrial polyp fragments. For the cervix curettage it says "predominantly disordered proliferative endometrium w/ metaplastic change, endometrial polyp fragments and scanty endocervical mucosal fragments w/ focal immature squamous metaplasia."

    The waiting for the biopsy report was really hard, but in hindsight I wish that I would have not called and waited for the post op visit. Because I had incomplete information from the phone call, I ran around in circles and worked myself into a frenzy. So, like the more experienced nd knowledgeable women on this board, I echo the sentiment of waiting until you have complete information before you try and work out scenerios.

    Hugs to you and prayers that your biopsies are negative.
