Radioembolization/Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) Anyone??

PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member

Has anyone here had experience with radioembolization /SIRT for liver metastasis??  I am not a candidate for liver resection, abalation is offered   But I am reading about the above  anyone have it done??  How did it work for you?

Thaks, P



  • nateswife
    nateswife Member Posts: 65 Member
    edited February 2017 #2
    Chemo embolization

    Hi P,

    I have had 3 TACE procedures (trans arterial chemo embolization). They differ from radio embolization, because the SIRT procedure uses radiation. I can share my experience with TACE procedures but I'm not sure how useful it would be since the procedures are probably different. The reason for the procedures is the same- I have heavy, inoperable tumor involvement in my liver. The interventional radiologist told me that the procedures will just "turn back the clock" a little. They have been effective- we can see in MRIs black areas where tumors have died thanks to TACE targeting.


    My onco wanted me to have radio embolization because I've been having a hard time w chemo, but my radiologist said that SIRT is more risky (for some people, maybe?) because when the radiation is inside it takes about 11 days to lose effectiveness. If the radiation has a bad effect on someone there's no way to get it out. But he said that chemo leaves the body fairly quickly. His physicians assistant however, said that most people have an easy time with SIRT. 

    Anyhow, good luck.


  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    Thanks for your input.  It

    Thanks for your input.  It wasn't suggested for me I found it on my own and was wondering...

    i have 2 lesions on opposite sides of the liver surgeon says he would have to remove too much liver, so abalation it is.  

    Then bowel surgery. 

    The long and winding road we all are on.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I had an ablation on my liver in 2014. I am almost three years out with no other episodes.  Mine was a Thermal Microwave Ablation. A bit different than SIRT. 

    I wish you the best in whatever you do. 


  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    edited February 2017 #5
    I had microwave ablation in

    I had microwave ablation in the left lobe of my liver in January 2017.  I had problems with pain related to the gas they used in my abdomen during the procedure but am doing well now. 

    I am meeting with my doctor to schedule a procedure to have radioactive beads injected into the right lobe of my liver to kill the multiple tumors in that lobe.  I  heard that most people tolerate the radioactive beads better than the chemo beads.  I was really happy to have the opportunity to get rid of the liver tumors since all doctors have told me they would not operate due to the number of tumors. They didn't offer me these procedures until I was on chemo for almost a full year am happy they are avaialbe to me now.    

    Good luck to you!
