Leg Pain and Numb tingling in feet any suggestion on how to reduce

Okay so I am new here.. I am healing from Stage 2BC .. as I call it ..

I am a few weeks into my chemo treatments ..and I get leg pains about 3 days after the infusion .. The pains come and go .. My Doctor gave me pain pills but I hate taking more drugs .. So can anyone list things that they did to help the side effects of chemo ..
That do not involve popping another pill ..


Have a blessed and Safe Week everyone Smile


  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    I took walks to ease joint

    I took walks to ease joint pain. And I found OTC painkiller to be better than the stuff the doctor prescribed. (But ask first if you can use that of course). Be patient, chemo will be over before you know it! Hugs, Anna

  • M12Lewis
    M12Lewis Member Posts: 26
    Leg Cramps

    I haven't started chemo yet, and don't know if the leg cramps/pain is the same as what I have already experienced.  You will absolutely have a hard time believing this, but I heard about this and tried it.  It has worked for me and everyone that I have shared this with.  OK,....hold on.  Place a bar of soap under your top sheet at the foot of your bed.  Irish Spring was recommended, but I've heard that any brand works.  I shave a bar in half so the lump isn't so big.  My leg cramsp go away immediately.  Again, I don't know if "cramps" are the same as the "pain" you're experiencing after chemo.  My initial visit to begin chemo is next week.  I guess I will soon find out.  Good luck!  Heads up!  Stay positive!  God bless!!!

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    edited February 2017 #4
    Maybe this will work for you too

    Standing up I went up and down on my toes at least ten times. Also raising one leg at a time at the knee 10 times each. Seemed to do the trick for me. Got this from a therapist for something else.

  • Joleah2017FW
    Joleah2017FW Member Posts: 8
    Thanks Everyone

    I want to say thank you to everyone for all the helpful advice ..
    I hope everyone has a great week ..
    Button2 .. I have 6 more infusions to go and I am so happy .. Your so right Chemo is not forever and I can not wait to look back on this and be like .. Thank you Jesus for getting me thru it .. I hope your treatments are going well and your recovery also ..
    M12Lewis .. I have never heard of this before .. But heck I am game to try anything once ..Smile So I will try it next time ..Thanks I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness and hope Chemo is not hard on you ..
    Tufi00 Thanks for this advice .. I will try this next time also .. I get off and on pains for three days .. Nights are the worse .. I guess this would help with getting my excerise in also during my pain time ..
    Thanks again ..

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Are legs swelling?

    One SE that I experienced severely was swelling in my legs (taxotere/cytoxin).  Onco was not concerned as it was an expected SE.  I was given Lasix to relieve the fluid - did not help.  I looked over notes, and pain in legs preceded the swelling which started around treatment 3.  i agree pain meds did not help much - walking even short periods gave more relief and moving legs while reclining helped, too.

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    Muscle and bone pain w/ chemo

    With the chemo, I would get really bad restless legs and pain during chemo so they gave me benadryl prior to and I would take one when I got home.  It helped.  But 3 days after infusion, it would hit me bad and I had to resort to prescription hydrocodiene, warm epson salt soaks, stretching, massage, and walks (not long).  It is not one thing, it is a combo that you try by trial and error because we all react differently to treatments. 

    Now I am done with that type and am on to targeted herceptin infusions.  Same side effects for me minus the tummy issues (Thank God!)  and it the pain hits you off and on until the next infusion. 

    But I remain grateful and I remain thankful because years ago, others who fought this fight did not have these opportunities and I am humbled by that.  Many of them suffered through trials.  For without those brave souls we would not have the opportunities we have now to live longer or even beat this **** called cancer. 

    Don't be rough on yourself.  Rest when you must and keep fighting. 

