Kidney tumor 3 cm

Ruso Member Posts: 1


Today after a CT I been inform about this tumor.  My options a surgery after a biopsy. Should I have a biopsy or better if I just go to surgery - the doctor said it will be a robotic surgery ino later than 4 to 6 weeks- my other kidney is very week 20% functional dueto anobstruction fix d 2 yrs ag0.

I am very Sofy and concern - please send me your inputs, advises and recommendations - thank you



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited January 2017 #2
    The easy answer



    The easy answer with a fairly small tumor like yours is just get it out as there are a lot of pros and cons with a biopsy. You do however need to take into consideration that your other kidney may not be functionally as it needs to be. At a minimum I would get an opinion from a Nephrologist as well and maybe a second surgeon. Also ask if yours will be a partial as that may be an important consideration with your other kidney being the way it is. The good thing is that your suspected tumor is small.




  • LM24
    LM24 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2017 #3
    Sorry to hear about your

    Sorry to hear about your tumor. I had a similar situation 9 months ago. After discovering the tumor they suggested a biopsy but my doctor advised me against a biopsy because of the risk of spreading when the biopsy needle is pulled out. If you are going to have surgery anyway why the biopsy? Hang in there, you'll make it through just like many of us.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited January 2017 #4
    I think you should skip the

    I think you should skip the biopsy.  While the chance is small, there is still a chance that there could be a spread of any cancer cells if the biopsy is not done correctly.  I would add to what Icemantoo suggests you ask the doctor and see if your particular tumor would respond almost as well to either RF ablation or cryoablation.  Both are considered outpatient procedures.  In RF ablation, the tumor is "cooked" by high temperature probes inserted into your kidney.  In cryoablation, the tumor is frozen by very low temperature probes.  Both kill the tumor.  I have read that this procedure is sometimes recommended for patients with lesser kidney function as it may spare more of the kidney than surgery might.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery either way.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    My opinion: skip the biopsy

    If it has to be removed anyway, they can do pathology on it then. 

    Best wishes,


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Welcome Ruso!  I have to ask, are you being treated at a facility where doctors specialize in RCC OR have a lot of experience with it?  From what I've read and have been told by my doctors, a biosy is not recommended for a kidney tumor.  It's either a wait and watch or removal.  Since you are in the removal category, I'd recommend not doing the biopsy and move right into the surgery.  I'm sure your doctors are taking into account the issues with the other kidney, which is why a partial will work great.  Good luck!


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    Me too. I was told same thing as stub.  Watch and wait or surgery.  I told dr I want it out "yesterday". I had a partial witin 2 weeks. 


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hi Ruso, glad you found us!

    Hi Ruso, glad you found us! Sorry for what  you are going though but as you are already learning, we've been there and understand.

    Now I too wonder if you read or were told that a biopsy would be done, then surgery. You wrote, " My options a surgery after a biopsy."

    If you think about it many of these kidney tumors are contained inside the organ itself. So if you do a biopsy you run the risk of bringing out cancer cells which is risky for spreading, as i have learned. Many surgeons familiar with RCC (renal cancer) can tell a lot by a good CT scan, I found out.

    So hopefully you can get a good surgeon trained in RCC treatment. Find out if your surgery will be partial or radical. Being so small, and depending on where the tumor is positioned, you may have a really good chance of getting it all with surgery.

    Keep us informed if you like and know we'll be here for you all the way!

    Sending you calmness, and healing vibes.
