cbd oil update

harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member

so i recived my oil on monday 12/19/16 and i have to take 5 millagrams twice a day then up it to 10 miilgrams twice a day it is now wed and i had 4 treatments

the oil has 1% thc so there is no getting high on this oil the only thing that i have noticed is having more engery and i am able to do more then sit around the house so cost vs engery i dont think its worth it but im hopeing the killing cancer effect is there will get pet scan in feburay and will se where im at wont be sure if its the oil or erbatux that is working but im hopefull let you know of any changes thanks for reading


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited December 2016 #2
    Best of luck! I have

    Best of luck! I have absolutely no faith in it being a cancer cure, I think it just makes people who are suffering feel better and can bring back an appetite. That being said, feeling good can bring about positive thinking and that's not a bad thing.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    I'm going to try the CBD for

    I'm going to try the CBD for nerve pain in the coming year. I hope it does better than the Tramadol I take most mornings, any energy boost would be a bonus.............................Dave

  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member

    I'm going to try the CBD for

    I'm going to try the CBD for nerve pain in the coming year. I hope it does better than the Tramadol I take most mornings, any energy boost would be a bonus.............................Dave


    doc told me it would help with my pain,sleep,anixity,engery  so far engery is the only diffrence for me andas far as it cancer killing effect i wont know for a while good luck with your oil if you get the high thc oil im sure that will help with pain but then you will also get high

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    edited January 2017 #5
    Cannibis Oil

    Cannabis has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory*

    It is also great for reducing/relieving symptoms caused by chemo. Tobacco and alcohol are far more destructive to our bodies yet they are somehow socially acceptable while pot isn't. It's a joke. For years the tobacco industry had their lobbyists work to debunk that fact that smoking tobacco causes cancer. They are doing the same thing now with Climate Change. It's a fact. There's too much money involved so they keep pretending there's doubt among scientists and many people eat that stuff up.

    I wish you the best of luck with your journey and your treatments.

    *I am not suggesting that this, or anything else, cures cancer. However, it is something that does have proven positive effects in the treatment of cancer. 

  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    another month another update

    ok so i switched from low thc oil to high thc and now useing a vape pen neck and back pain do get numb so it helps that the night time dose makes me feel like i had a few beers and am relexed but super focused and the day time stuff i felt good not high but a good feeling and pain did go way down but the wife got me laughing till tears were coming out of my eyes over all as far as pain and relaxing and giving me engery its a plus now to see if it attacks the cancer cells this would be a great benfit toltal cost 150.00 per month cash for doctor  166.00 a month for medical pot better life = priceless

  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    edited January 2017 #7
    another update

    ok so i had chemo thursday well i hyave every thursday lucky me so i wanted to test anxity levels so i took extra vapes to make sure i was well stoned and my blood pressure was still high and heart rate was up so i can confirm it does not help me for anxity so both vaping and under tounge are about the same the high thc level will get you stoned i over did it chemo went by fast and very relaxed i did have supervision and did not drive so my take on this still id rather have a couple beers cheaper and same feeling so im hoping for the cancer killing effects to hopely happen i get a pet scan in feb so let you know where im at


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited January 2017 #8
    PhillieG said:

    Cannibis Oil

    Cannabis has been shown to kill cancer cells in the laboratory*

    It is also great for reducing/relieving symptoms caused by chemo. Tobacco and alcohol are far more destructive to our bodies yet they are somehow socially acceptable while pot isn't. It's a joke. For years the tobacco industry had their lobbyists work to debunk that fact that smoking tobacco causes cancer. They are doing the same thing now with Climate Change. It's a fact. There's too much money involved so they keep pretending there's doubt among scientists and many people eat that stuff up.

    I wish you the best of luck with your journey and your treatments.

    *I am not suggesting that this, or anything else, cures cancer. However, it is something that does have proven positive effects in the treatment of cancer. 

    Plenty of things kill cancer

    Plenty of things kill cancer cells in a petrie dish.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I would think that using it

    I would think that using it gives you better quality of life which is a huge benefit, of course. I just do not think it kills cancer in any way. As mentioned, it kills it in a lab. The problem with anything killing cancer cells is that the treatment has to recognise the cancer cells and seek them out and then kill them. Cancer cells are basically normal cells that have gone rogue and do not die like normal cells. This is why the body doesn't deal with it on it's own. The body doesn't recognise that there's an issue and fight them. So how could cannabis seek out those particular cells and kill them? To me it isn't logical.

    Sorry, I'm not trying to rain on your parade in any way. I'm just someone who is very against all the rhetoric regarding cancer and what can treat it. If it makes you feel better then it's a benefit but hoping it will kill your cancer cells is going to be a disappointment, I believe. I hope I'm wrong, I sincerely do. It would be wonderful if such a simple thing would do the job. But I always think of Tommy Chong and I'm sure he'd disagree that it helped him kill cancer cells.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Coincidentally, my husband

    Coincidentally, my husband showed me a TedTalk about an hour ago that was about medicinal marijuana. It was regarding people who suffer from seizures from epilepsy and how they can have their seizures reduced dramatically. One young boy had gone from having 200 a day to not having one in over a year. Amazing stuff. They explained how it's the CBD in the cannabis that doea it. It regulates something in the brain, sorry, I can't remember the exact details, and can actually allow the brain to heal itself so that the receptors are working better. So it can improve things like social function in children who have experienced severe seizures. The CBD is not the portion of the cannabis that creates a 'high' in people.

    I'm not sure that this has any bearing on what you're doing but I thought it was interesting. And possibly helpful.


  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    edited January 2017 #11
    kills cancer???

    not sure if it does or not there has been a lot of research that say the cbd attacks the protins on cancer cells allowing other cell to attack it but who knows

    march will be 4 years stage 4 for me and its not going away so ill try a little of everything and see what works

  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    another update

    so i have been taking the medical pot for 2 months and had a pet scan on monday ok stage 4 for  3 years 11 months never ned and have a golfball spot on rear liver and one in my groin lymp node scan monday says liver clean looks good groin lymp also gone now for the bad news 2 new spots one in gron and one in lower back lymp nodes so kille 2 got 2 spots im at 50% i guess  doc thinks good news due to no organ cancer becuse live healed so is it the pot or the erbatux guess we will wait 6 months and get my 10th petscan and see if we can sort it out then

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Dang, Harley!

    Talk about ups and downs.  Happy that you got rid of two, sad that two more showed up. Its the pits! 

    10 PET scans?!! How I hate PET scans! They are very hard on me. I hope they aren't on you, as you've been through so many. 

    Its good to see you here, Harley. 


  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    edited February 2017 #14
    Trubrit said:

    Dang, Harley!

    Talk about ups and downs.  Happy that you got rid of two, sad that two more showed up. Its the pits! 

    10 PET scans?!! How I hate PET scans! They are very hard on me. I hope they aren't on you, as you've been through so many. 

    Its good to see you here, Harley. 


    petscans are nothing to me i

    petscans are nothing to me i listen to my songs afther im injected and time goes fast and your only in the machine for a short time and if you have medical pot or lorazapam you are real relaxed on thing that bothers me is the lack of sugar i run like 140 sugar afther 24 hours of eating noting i get to 97 and when its over it a lartge coffee with extra cream and sugar bet if i laid off the sugar it would help by id rather be happy


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    harleywiz said:

    petscans are nothing to me i

    petscans are nothing to me i listen to my songs afther im injected and time goes fast and your only in the machine for a short time and if you have medical pot or lorazapam you are real relaxed on thing that bothers me is the lack of sugar i run like 140 sugar afther 24 hours of eating noting i get to 97 and when its over it a lartge coffee with extra cream and sugar bet if i laid off the sugar it would help by id rather be happy


    So different

    They won't let me listen or read or talk or do anything prior to my scan. Dark room, soft chair, 45 mintues. 

    My problem is the bladder. All of that sugar solution they pump into me, goes directly to making HUGE amounts of urine. by the end of the 45 minute scan I am literally shaking with pain as I try to hold it in.  Maybe I will try a sugar fast the day before my next PET scan. MAYBE I WON'T NEED ANOTHER PET. Now that would be the better option. 


  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    sugar fast

    you  need to sugar fast befor the scan so when they inject you with the sugar mix it goes to parts looking for sugar wich are most likely cancer and some pet scan techs feel any brain activity changes the scan so they want you to be quiet and relaxed

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    edited February 2017 #17
    harleywiz said:

    sugar fast

    you  need to sugar fast befor the scan so when they inject you with the sugar mix it goes to parts looking for sugar wich are most likely cancer and some pet scan techs feel any brain activity changes the scan so they want you to be quiet and relaxed

    Thank you

    I hope to NEVER need another PET scan, but if I do, I will definitely do a sugar fast the previous day. 


  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    Effects on liver lesion

    Hi Harleywiz - Can you give more details about how the response was to the golfball liver lesion. I have numerous lesions in my liver, and currently having folfiri + avastin.  Just wondering what kind of change was noted with that lesion.  Thank you for info, and wishing you well.  Bellen

  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    edited February 2017 #19
    Bellen said:

    Effects on liver lesion

    Hi Harleywiz - Can you give more details about how the response was to the golfball liver lesion. I have numerous lesions in my liver, and currently having folfiri + avastin.  Just wondering what kind of change was noted with that lesion.  Thank you for info, and wishing you well.  Bellen


    i'll try not to make this long i had a spot on my liver when i was first told i had cancer they put me on folfox my spelling is bad sorry and the spot when away

    the 2nd year i still had cancer and they put me on foxfury for a spot on my groin liver good so they dix xray on my groin well next pet scan says its on my groin and liver lower rear golfball size was put on urbatux once a week and still on it 2 months ago started the useing the cbd oil just had pet scan number 10 and it said the one in groin gone liver clean but 2 new places showing activity i dont know whats working or if anything is working not trying to give people false info just noting my adventures with cancer

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I'm glad to hear that it got rid of some tumors but sorry that new ones popped up. For me, it's been an ongoing game of Whack a Mole. I strongly believe in the medicinal benefits of marijuana. It's been effectively used for well over 4,000 years to treat numerous conditions. It's safe to say that NO drug is 100% effective for treating 100% of medical conditions 100% of the time. If that were the case, there would be no more illnesses in the world. I've probably said that a few dozen times over the years.

    I have little doubt that marijuana works for some people. The same goes for juicing, vegan, and macrobiotic diets, prayer, no prayer, good doctors, and plain old luck.

    If any or none of these do nothing to the cancer, but makes someone feel better, then go for it.

  • harleywiz
    harleywiz Member Posts: 50 Member
    oil update

    ok been on the oil for a while now lots of engery eating good and drinking more so i am hydrating better and it shows i vape 2 times in the morning with stava or day oil and around 4pm I vape 2 times of the indca night time stuff when i say vape i inhale twice this keeps me motavated through the day some pain relife and super focused. does it help with cancer dont know but i think try everything and see what works for you on the 13th of march i will be fighting for 4 years never ned but im still here and now im active instead of siting in front of the tv all day. chemo thursday is just another day for me now I hope this helps someone if i get good results ill share but may never know if its the chemo or the pot thanks for listing