New diagnosis. Support / advice needed

PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member


I "was" a 60 year old healthy woman until I was diagnosed with stage IV rectal cancer 12/28/2106.  Saw the oncologist on 1/4/17 and had my first chemo on 1/11/17.  I sat in that chemo chair feeling like I was just hit by a mack truck, my life has been turned upside down and inside out.  The chemo went fine with no major side effects, but I think the effect will worsen as I continue   Any tips?? Hope to offer??



  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    edited January 2017 #2
    A little more info...I have

    A little more info...I have mets to liver some very small questionable lesions in lungs.   I'm doing chemo now then it'll be either surgery or radiation then more chemo.  

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Plenty of hope

    There are many stage IV survivors here on the fourm and you can join us. 

    It is still early days for you and I promise, that 'hit by a mack truck' feeling will subside, especially as you move forward with the treatment. Doing something about the Cancer really helps. 

    You are right, the chances of side effects hitting you as you have more treatment is a great possibility. I've not known anyone get away with not having any side effects. 

    What treatment plan are you on?  Different chemo cocktails come with different side effects. 

    A positive attitude will take you a long way.  You say 'I "was" a 60 year old healthy woman and I say You "ARE" a healthy 60 year old who just happens to have Cancer.   You had Cancer before you were diagnosed, and you felt healthy, so you are still healthy. 

    Be good to yourself! It is improtant to grieve the old you, which you will never get back; but it is also important to move past that grief and make it work for you.  Here is a tip. It worked for me, it may or may not work for you.  When I was first diagnosed and started Chemo, I would go to bed and was overcome with grief. The thought of dying and leaving my children, was crushing. It kept me up night after night and I thought my head was going to explode. I had to do something. First, I decided that I would allow myself 10 minutes of these dark thoughts and then 'get over it'. I listened to a guided meditation tape when I first went to bed, and for me, it worked like a dream.  Find what works for you, just get yourself to a positive state. 

    Are you planning on having surgery after Chemo? Are they planning on doing Radiation?  

    I wish you all the best as you move forward on this new journey and look forward to helping you along the way. 


  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    Hello Tru.    Thank you for

    Hello Tru.    Thank you for your kind reply.   The plan at this point is the chemo Flofox for 3 cycles then another scan to evaluate then continue the chemo if it's working.  I'm not sure how many cycles.  Then either radiation or surgery or maybe both.  So many maybes and ifs   the oncologist also mentioned ablation of the liver mets somewhere along the line.  

    You're right I am healthy but at this point prone to self pity.   I've explored and am planning to join the mediration and gentle yoga classes at our local cancer support center.  I want to do everything I can to influence a positive out come.   

    Did you folllow any special diet during you treatment??

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited January 2017 #5
    I was given my diagnosis on

    I was given my diagnosis on Dec 31 of 2013. New Year's Eve day. You'd think it could have waited a couple of days, nothing like having the holiday ruined, is it? Oh well, it is what it is, I guess. There is ALWAYS hope. Please hang onto that. Never give up. There are plenty of people on here who were diagnosed stage four initially who are still going strong. The road is different for everyone but you can get some comfort knowing that stage four is something that is often dealt with. You could end up living with your cancer but still having a good, long life or you could end up NED at some point. There's no way to know and attitude is everything when it comes to cancer. Feeling positive and not allowing it to get to you any more than necessary helps the body fight. You still need treatments of some kind but allowing yurself to feel like you're going to win will go a long way to help you beat it.

    I did not follow any diet and the only thing I've heard of that might help the battle is vitamin D. There are plenty of false cures out there, don't get sucked in. There's always someone who's happy to take money from vulnerable people looking for help. And friends and acquaintances who want to give advice.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I had a tough time during chemo, so on my good days, I was sure to eat whatever I could. There were times when I would lose 5 - 7 lbs during my bad days, so I needed to eat.  Obviously, you don't want to eat loads of junk food, but treats are good, especially when you're feeling low, so don't deny yourself. 

    I did the FOLFOX along with the 5FU So, the long infusion of FOLFOX then hooked up for 48 hours to the pump for continuous 5FU.  

    I had a list of side effects as long as both arms. It was wicked! Not everyone gets the same side effects (or as many as I had), but there are some that most people get. One of those is a sensitivity to cold; espeically the hands. Keep a pair of gloves handy at all times, even picking up cutlery can hurt. Getting things out of the fridge is the worst.  

    Mouth sore can be controlled by swishing the mouth with a mixture of salt, baking soda and warm water. 

    I too had an ablation on my liver. Much easier on the body than a resection. I am almost three years out from the liver ablation, so doing well right now.

    A little self pity is fine, but too much is dangerous. Like I said before, be good to yourself. Its a terrible diagnosis, and you deserve to feel sorry for yourself.......for a while.


  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    Not the best best way to

    Not the best best way to bring in the new year.  If you are on Folfox w/avastain you can usually stay on that for up to 6 mths.  This will cause nerothopy in your extrimities (hand, feet, mouth).  So if it gets bad tell the Dr. and he probably will switch you to Folfiri.  You can have skin issues like bumps and some rash but not much more.  Besure to take sick pills all during the treatment.  My husband is stage 4 and just finished his 35th treatment.  He will do this for life.  Will say the treatments are keeping the cancer at bay and he is still alive.  He is weak and it is hard to walk but he is hanging in there.  Best of luck to you on this journey.

  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118
    edited January 2017 #8
    Keep positive

    be active and positive, eat healthy, socilize with friends, joke, don't think to much about it, thats what help 

    me, this is my fifth week of therapy, rad/chemo, monday I am ok, by Friday so tired, than recovery over weekend.

    Got to go for radiation now, just took xeloda pills, if you have any question feel free to ask, wish you well, and

    just keep going.

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    It may be a bumppy ride, but it is definately doable.  Just take each day as it comes, knowing there are better times ahead.  Good luck!

  • Scottyou
    Scottyou Member Posts: 9
    mozart13 said:

    Keep positive

    be active and positive, eat healthy, socilize with friends, joke, don't think to much about it, thats what help 

    me, this is my fifth week of therapy, rad/chemo, monday I am ok, by Friday so tired, than recovery over weekend.

    Got to go for radiation now, just took xeloda pills, if you have any question feel free to ask, wish you well, and

    just keep going.


    Hello Mozart13, Reading through the posts, it sounds like you are taking Xeloda. How is that going? I start treatments (Xeloda, Irinotecan, Avastin) on Friday. Are you, or others, familiar with these drugs, resulting side effects and management of them?




  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    Thank you all so much for

    Thank you all so much for your advice and kindness.  It means more than you know. 

    I'm going to give it everything I've got.   Working on staying positive.

    I look forward to getting to know all you good people here.  


  • mozart13
    mozart13 Member Posts: 118

    this is my 5th week of xeloda, 1750 mg twice a day

    i usually take it at the end of meal, so no stomach issuess, eating foods reach in protein, avoiding foods reach in fiber, some where around 2nd week my heels started to crack, told my radiation nurse, she gave me cream proshield plus, that took care of that, also cracking is sign that chemo is working. There is burning sensation at night.

    My stool started to be a bit lose at about same time as feet issuess, also that could be side effect of radiation, I take small piece of cooking chochalate, that seem to be working, no diarhea.

    I walk every day, makes me feel good, though after that I have to take short nap, as my therapy progress tiredness is more present, speacially at the end of week.

    My potasium level before terapy was 4.0, now is 3.4 , so banana and potato should take care of that.

    Hemoglobin was 142, now is 133, still ok, should recover once I start to eat more healthy food, rich greens and fruits.

    Radiation made my bowells to swell initially, stool was like pencill, I was afraid of obstruction, my surgeon warned me of that, recomended to drink  a lots of water, that resolved that problem.

    Latelly I have been drinking fair amount of sport driks to boost my energy level, seem to help.



  • Denise53
    Denise53 Member Posts: 1
    Diet after Colon resection

    I will have a colon resection on Feb 2, and am wondering what i should or shouldnt be eating afterwards.  Until i get the pathology results, i wont know what my next course of action will be, but would like to have some food in the house when i come home from the hospital.

    thank you all, and God Bless


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited January 2017 #14

    Nothing special, Whatever you like most!  Good luck.

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Denise53 said:

    Diet after Colon resection

    I will have a colon resection on Feb 2, and am wondering what i should or shouldnt be eating afterwards.  Until i get the pathology results, i wont know what my next course of action will be, but would like to have some food in the house when i come home from the hospital.

    thank you all, and God Bless


    I was on lo fiber, lo residue for a while

    My dr had me on low fiber low residue for a while after my resection to facilitate healing.  However, after 6-8 weeks, I was eating anything and everything.

  • blessed39
    blessed39 Member Posts: 90 Member
    "How I Beat Stage Four Colon Cancer"

    Dear PamRav. If you would be interested in my story "How I Beat Stage Four Colon cancer" just go to my site and click on blog and my story will come up. I have no medical advice, just what worked for me. God Bless   blessed39