dang...another "dab of cancer" - can a squamous skin cancer be from a kidney cancer??

Terry T
Terry T Member Posts: 42

Hi all - I haven't been able to speak directly to my demotologist yet...and tomorrow I am due to leave the country for a new job...but their office called me to say a biopsy of a nagging blister / cut on my finger is Squamous Cell Cancer. I had a Stage 1A RCC 2.5 years ago with a full nephrectomy right side. Has anyone heard of Kidney Cancer metastasising to the skin? 

Treatment for the SCC is a MOHS surgery. 



  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    I have heard of RCC metasasis to the skin. When the pathology was submitted to the pathology lab, they should have been told you have a history of RCC. I'm not clear if they didn't know that if they'd look for RCC or not or if the two look completely different.

    I've had many friends with this type of skin cancer who did not have RCC. It's fairly common I think in people over 50.

    You should ask your dermatologist if the pathologist was informed of your history. If not, it might be worth asking them to look again with your history in mind. Your dermatologist should know what to do. We hope!

    You do need it treated. And I'd follow up on the pathology and the history because if it is a met, you might want more imaging/followup with an oncologist to make sure it hasn't spread anywere else.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    within a year-ish from nephrectomy, I had a basal cell ca removed from my back, and a melanoma from my head. We've never mentioned them again.

  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336
    Interesting topic; I've

    Interesting topic; I've recently found out I have Basel Cell. Having it removed in a few weeks.

    I've heard about some connection with Melanoma & RCC. Similar bio-markers or something; 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2017 #5
    Me too

    I had Squamous Cell Cancer on my forehead a couple years ago.  I went to a surgeon that specialized in MOHS and he took it out.  No reoccurance since and I have annual dermotologist appointments just to make sure I'm clear.  Skin cancer is very common and diagnosis numbers are increasing.  I use sun screen religiously now.


  • rainsandpours
    rainsandpours Member Posts: 136
    There is a connection.  A

    There is a connection.  A recently discovered gene called BAP1.  Im in a study for it.  

  • adman
    adman Member Posts: 336
    edited January 2017 #7
    pathology - 2nd look...

    one of the previous comments suggest that a 2nd look at the biopsy sample might be worthwhile with the info that 'we' had an RCC history. When they look at the biopsy it either looks like Basel Cell or it doesn't. If it was RCC wouldn't it look like that under the micoscope? Or look different than what the pathologist was expecting, to at least warrant a comment or a follow up question?  Or does Basel Cell/ other skin cancers look very similar to RCC? 

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    adman said:

    pathology - 2nd look...

    one of the previous comments suggest that a 2nd look at the biopsy sample might be worthwhile with the info that 'we' had an RCC history. When they look at the biopsy it either looks like Basel Cell or it doesn't. If it was RCC wouldn't it look like that under the micoscope? Or look different than what the pathologist was expecting, to at least warrant a comment or a follow up question?  Or does Basel Cell/ other skin cancers look very similar to RCC? 


    You're probably going to have to ask the doc/pathologist your question. I certainly don't know the answer. I know that the radiologists and pathologists are usually (supposed to be) given your history so they know what they are looking for. When kidney cells metastasize I think they can be so mutated that it can be hard to tell what they are and I believe I've heard of pathologists seeing biopsies and having a hard time telling what type of cancer it is. I think it'd be worthwhile just asking the dermatologist if your history of RCC was put on the sample that went to pathology. RCC isn't very common. I'm not sure all pathologists would be looking for that in skin samples. If your sample was looked at by a cancer center pathologist, I'd say the odds are higher that they'd know what to look for.

    This is all very specialized topics. Why don't you ask your oncologist these questions?



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    I actually

    recieved a letter today from the surgeon who removed my melanoma. It's a permission slip for a study using my cancer data. I'll find out what it is about.

  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member

    Good question,

    I will be having a dermatologist consult for a couple of skin growths in February.  I have given it little thought, but perhaps I should be more serious about it?  I'll let everyone know if something develops from this. 


    Jack C


  • Terry T
    Terry T Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2017 #11
    thanks for all the comments on this

    I have been out of the country since I posted this and just cactching up on things. I have a consult with a MOHS surgeon here in Australia this week and they anticipate performing the surgery next week. I will certainly ensure he knows my history and will post back anything useful. This is an odd place (or so I have been told) for this cancer...right on my finger by the nail...and it looks and feels like it is infected all the time. Will be happy to have it gone (said the same thing about my kindey tumour and then..boom..the whole kideny had to go so perhaps I will keep quiet about this one...don't want to lose the whole finger Sealed...little humor there for you!!) 

  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    edited February 2017 #12
    Biopsy's taken

    They took three biopsy's yesterday, now back to the waiting game.  The only one I was really worried about was one that was on my lower lip.  Doctor said if the results are negative he would have my future appointment cancelled.  If I dont have to go back that is all the good news I need!



  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited February 2017 #13
    Caught it early

    Squamous cell skin cancer can be very destructive to normal tissue.  And, if left unchecked, it can spread and destroy deeper tissue.  The surgeon told me that the Mohs surgery was the best treatment for squamous--simply because of the way the cells are spread.  With the mohs process they cut tissure then look at the tissue sample at multiple angles then cut again until they get clear margins.  The intent is to take as little good tissue as possible.  My surgery was a couple years ago and I'm still clear. 

    Good luck!


    Jack--good to see and hear from you!  I hope Florida is still treating you well.

  • Billy's Wife
    Billy's Wife Member Posts: 52
    RCC and Melanoma

    During my husbands battle with RCC I met a woman from Texas who was also battling RCC.  She told me that her Father died of melanoma and she was on her way to NIH to discuss the possible link between melanoma and RCC. I shared that my husband had a similar story.  My husbands father died of melanoma and my husband had RCC. Now this will nag at me to look into it further with NIH. We have children and grandchildren who might need this information. If I learn anything more I will share with you all.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited February 2017 #15
    I just had a biopsy too

    On my eyelid!  That was 2 days ago & they warned me that I might end up with a black eye because of dependant edema, etc.  Sure enough, they were right, albeit mild, people are looking at my husband a little cross-eyed.  hahaha


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    edited February 2017 #16

    I can Comment on this on too.  My mother died of melanoma at 47.  Freaky


  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    stub1969 said:

    Caught it early

    Squamous cell skin cancer can be very destructive to normal tissue.  And, if left unchecked, it can spread and destroy deeper tissue.  The surgeon told me that the Mohs surgery was the best treatment for squamous--simply because of the way the cells are spread.  With the mohs process they cut tissure then look at the tissue sample at multiple angles then cut again until they get clear margins.  The intent is to take as little good tissue as possible.  My surgery was a couple years ago and I'm still clear. 

    Good luck!


    Jack--good to see and hear from you!  I hope Florida is still treating you well.

    Stub,   Florida has been good

    Stub,   Florida has been good, really enjoying the winter!  I have been checking in with my friends here but not saying much.  Keeping fingers crossed.  Jack

  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    Biopsy...normal old guy stuff.

    Biopsy return shows no cancerous cells. YEA!  I really hadnt been sweating this but its still is a relief.  I wasnt sweating it when they discovered my kidney tumour either.  

    I hope this good news is replicated with everyone else.


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    hardo718 said:

    I just had a biopsy too

    On my eyelid!  That was 2 days ago & they warned me that I might end up with a black eye because of dependant edema, etc.  Sure enough, they were right, albeit mild, people are looking at my husband a little cross-eyed.  hahaha


    Update on my biopsy

    Came back negative.  The funny part: the nurse asked if it had come back yet ( it was a red scaly bump), I laughed and told her the biopsy site hadn't even healed completely yet.  It wasn't even a week!  She seemed shocked with my response.  Duh!  I thought it was healing pretty quickly, until I heard from her.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    hardo718 said:

    Update on my biopsy

    Came back negative.  The funny part: the nurse asked if it had come back yet ( it was a red scaly bump), I laughed and told her the biopsy site hadn't even healed completely yet.  It wasn't even a week!  She seemed shocked with my response.  Duh!  I thought it was healing pretty quickly, until I heard from her.



    Glad it came back negative. The interaction with the Nurse could be worse. When my wife went into the Maternity clinic with our second child who was nearly 3 weeks overdue she was told by the nurse that she had had the baby. When my Mrs pointed out the very large lump indicating thet she was, indeed, still very pregnant, the Nurse argued back pointing out where it said on the computer that she had been delivered of a child. 

    Once its in the computer its true!

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Biopsy...normal old guy stuff.

    Biopsy return shows no cancerous cells. YEA!  I really hadnt been sweating this but its still is a relief.  I wasnt sweating it when they discovered my kidney tumour either.  

    I hope this good news is replicated with everyone else.



    On being a normal old man. Do you now have a pass to sit in the corner and make mildly racist comments at family meetings.