New to site......

Hello all. My dad was diagnised Sept 2015. Stage 4. EC. Hes been thru 2 rounds of chemo. Taxotear and Oxyplatin? Hes beginning a 3rd now. First drip was yesterday. Cyramza. He had a tumor that the first round of chemo got rid of, and he had spots o his lungs, liver and stomach. The cancer went away after the taxotear but came back. The Oxyplatin did nothing. We are waiting to see what the Cyramza can do for him. My dad has been having toruble breathing when he walks. This is a recent issue. He did come down with bronchitis a few weeks back and is slowly recovering from that but still sounds congested when he coughs. He cant cough anything up though. We assumed the breathing issue was from that, but when checked out at the Dr, his oxygen was fine, it was his heart that sky rocketed when he took a few steps. Which effected his breathing. He says its getting a LITTLE better, but its still an issue. Not sure what to make of that.
We got him some Rick Simpson oil to try. Its a medical marijuana oil thats supposed to help kill cancer and aide in reducing side effects of chemo. He hasnt taken it yet, he wants to talk to his oncologist 1st but we do have permission from his GP to go ahead with it. Ive been reading up on the use of cannabis for cancer and hearing wonderful things. It also helps with pain, my dad is addicted to Norcos. Hes started taking way more than hes supposed to for back pain which we all know that amount of that narcotic is very bad for his already weak immune system. We have a family friend who was in a very similar place as my dad and she started using cannabis for pain and got off Norcos and a fentnyl patch ( which my dad also uses) she was using. And says her body is better for it. Im trying to get my dad off the norcos and on to more natural therapies. But its tough. My folks are old school. Do what your Dr says, dont ask questions...take what you need to feel better. My dad has always been one of excess. I recall back when I was a kid, seeing him take a fist full of Excedrin when he got home from work...he was also a smoker and drinker. All of these didnt help his situation later in life. hes no longer a drinker or smoker...quit those things over 10 years ago...but...he still has to deal with the after effects. He has NO probelm taking way more Norcos than he needs in order not to feel pain. He has evenntaken to buying them from other ppl he knows if he runs out before he can renew his script. We are hoping the cannabis oil can help wean him off the Norcos. Inevitable, helpig him fight off the cancer by improving his immune system.
We are exausted ...its been tough. My pops is a fighter like many of the people Im reading about on here. We know there is no cure, our hope is to hold it at bay for as long as possible. If anyone has had any experience using cannabis for cancer, please fill me in. We are new to it and need all the advice we can get. Thank you
Jade48~My observations relative 2 Cannabis & EC Cancer Stage IV
Dear Jade48,
As for me, I can only imagine the pain that your father is in with Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. And you suffer with your own kind of pain from watching your father suffer and feel so helpless. Since you say that you are new to this, and you know your father can’t be cured, you’re searching for anything that will help.
You say that he was diagnosed with Stage IV in September of 2015. That means he has been suffering with this pain for 16 months now. With cancer in his lungs, no wonder he has problems breathing when he walks. You also state that he was a heavy smoker and drinker in the past. These are two of the culprits usually cited when one has been diagnosed with cancer. Some people only give up smoking when they find they have cancer, and some do not even give it up after that. So I would think that the breathing problems are related to the cancer in his lungs but I’m only giving you my opinion knowing lung cancer certainly affects your breathing. And so far it seems that nothing that has been tried has helped.
Having observed patient’s on this EC site for more than 13 years because of my own husband’s diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer, Stage III, I have not found one person who said that marijuana cured their cancer, especially Stage IV. Some people have suggested that it can be helpful in controlling nausea and vomiting and increase one’s appetite but nothing has been shown that it can cure cancer. The article by the American Cancer Society seems to bear that out as well.
While it has been suggested that cannabis in some forms can be beneficial in increasing one’s appetite, and helping to control nausea and vomiting, there is nothing in any research that I find that says it will cure Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. Moreover, in reading about Rick Simpson Oil, I see that they say it should be used prior to taking chemo. As I read this report, I can only think that the “Rick Simpson Oil” that you have purchased will exacerbate the problems he is already experiencing.
Not being a mind reader but I think that probably your dad’s GP is saying, “Go ahead—it can’t hurt any more than you already do because this is a terminal cancer. Since your dad so easily overdoses on pain pills, it seems a bit odd that he wants to wait and discuss it with his oncologist. But based on the possible side effects listed on the ACS link, I should think you don’t want to add any more problems.
We all want our loved ones to be well but short of a miracle, Stage IV Esophageal Cancer means that it has already spread to one or more organs and that palliative measures can be taken, but no surgery that will make the EC go away.
Have you read the article below about stopping treatments? May I ask who is wanting Dad to try Rick Simpson Oil, your family or your dad? Sometimes the family wants to push the patient and try one thing after another, because they don’t want to lose him. Well, naturally we all want to live cancer free and die a natural death in our sleep. Wouldn’t that be ideal? But life doesn’t always give us that luxury. I would suggest that the entire family read this article about stopping treatment, and then each one ask themselves, what is best for Dad?
Cancer in our family is something we never want to encounter, but life deals us problems that we can’t always control or get rid of. No doubt, this letter is not one that you will find beneficial but I think anyone that is hurting, and writing here seeking answers should at least have their posting acknowledged. Often we read a letter, and if we can’t relate to it, we leave it for someone else who has had the experience. I doubt that you will find anyone that will answer you that will say, I had Stage IV Esophageal Cancer, and marijuana in any form cured me. Sooner or later we all have to deal with reality. Perhaps you might consider discussing HOSPICE with your dad’s oncologist. I should think that the cancer specialist’s advice should carry some weight. One doesn’t have to be on their death bed to have the services of Hospice. They can help cancer patients live a more comfortable life when that patient wants to stop treatments. I do wish that I were able to offer you some good news, but in this instance, I can only provide you with things to consider. As a Stage IV Ovarian cancer patient myself, believe me, if Cannabis would cure my cancer, or even prolong my “quality of life”, it would be on my “to-do” list. I’m truly sorry for your dad because he certainly is in a world of hurt! But from all that I’ve read, if Dad is suffering with nausea and vomiting or loss of appetite, it might help that, but it also has undesirable side effects. So will it hurt him more than he is hurting already? Possibly.
It’s good that you are honest about your Dad’s narcotic addiction. It certainly can’t be helping things and it causes all kinds of grief for all the family members. But ultimately, Dad should be the one to make the decisions about his treatment. Outside of seeking counseling services, I don’t know what to say. Hopefully all the doctors are being honest with Dad about his diagnosis. Unfortunately, presently there is no cure for Stage IV Esophageal Cancer that has metastasized to the lungs, liver and stomach. You have my sympathy because I know how bad Esophageal Cancer can be. I’m sorry that I cannot give you the answer you were hoping for. The most I can help you with would be information which you may have already researched, but references are provided below for all three drugs you’ve mentioned.
Loretta Marshall
A thorough explanation of all that Esophageal Cancer involves.
This link explains what Taxotere is used for.
Another explanatory page relative to the drug Oxaliplatin
This is the one you say Dad will try next. So here's info on that one.
“…Side effects of cannabinoid drugs
Like many other drugs, the prescription cannabinoids, dronabinol and nabilone, can cause side effects and complications.
Some people have trouble with increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure (especially when standing up), dizziness or lightheadedness, and fainting. These drugs can cause drowsiness as well as mood changes or a feeling of being “high” that some people find uncomfortable. They can also worsen depression, mania, or other mental illness. Some patients taking nabilone in studies reported hallucinations. The drugs may increase some effects of sedatives, sleeping pills, or alcohol, such as sleepiness and poor coordination. Patients have also reported problems with dry mouth and trouble with recent memory.
Older patients may have more problems with side effects and are usually started on lower doses.
People who have had emotional illnesses, paranoia, or hallucinations may find their symptoms are worse when taking cannabinoid drugs…”
Talk to your doctor about what you should expect when taking one of these drugs. It’s a good idea to have someone with you when you first start taking one of these drugs and after any dose changes…”
Discussions between patients who question the validity of cannabis for curing cancer or its health benefits
Frankly, I don’t find this a credible source of information. You know so much that is written on the Internet is not true. Why not print this out, let Dad take it to his oncologist, and ask the doctor’s professional opinion? Then I would abide by that decision.
_________________________End of references________________
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Thank youLorettaMarshall said:Jade48~My observations relative 2 Cannabis & EC Cancer Stage IV
Dear Jade48,
As for me, I can only imagine the pain that your father is in with Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. And you suffer with your own kind of pain from watching your father suffer and feel so helpless. Since you say that you are new to this, and you know your father can’t be cured, you’re searching for anything that will help.
You say that he was diagnosed with Stage IV in September of 2015. That means he has been suffering with this pain for 16 months now. With cancer in his lungs, no wonder he has problems breathing when he walks. You also state that he was a heavy smoker and drinker in the past. These are two of the culprits usually cited when one has been diagnosed with cancer. Some people only give up smoking when they find they have cancer, and some do not even give it up after that. So I would think that the breathing problems are related to the cancer in his lungs but I’m only giving you my opinion knowing lung cancer certainly affects your breathing. And so far it seems that nothing that has been tried has helped.
Having observed patient’s on this EC site for more than 13 years because of my own husband’s diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer, Stage III, I have not found one person who said that marijuana cured their cancer, especially Stage IV. Some people have suggested that it can be helpful in controlling nausea and vomiting and increase one’s appetite but nothing has been shown that it can cure cancer. The article by the American Cancer Society seems to bear that out as well.
While it has been suggested that cannabis in some forms can be beneficial in increasing one’s appetite, and helping to control nausea and vomiting, there is nothing in any research that I find that says it will cure Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. Moreover, in reading about Rick Simpson Oil, I see that they say it should be used prior to taking chemo. As I read this report, I can only think that the “Rick Simpson Oil” that you have purchased will exacerbate the problems he is already experiencing.
Not being a mind reader but I think that probably your dad’s GP is saying, “Go ahead—it can’t hurt any more than you already do because this is a terminal cancer. Since your dad so easily overdoses on pain pills, it seems a bit odd that he wants to wait and discuss it with his oncologist. But based on the possible side effects listed on the ACS link, I should think you don’t want to add any more problems.
We all want our loved ones to be well but short of a miracle, Stage IV Esophageal Cancer means that it has already spread to one or more organs and that palliative measures can be taken, but no surgery that will make the EC go away.
Have you read the article below about stopping treatments? May I ask who is wanting Dad to try Rick Simpson Oil, your family or your dad? Sometimes the family wants to push the patient and try one thing after another, because they don’t want to lose him. Well, naturally we all want to live cancer free and die a natural death in our sleep. Wouldn’t that be ideal? But life doesn’t always give us that luxury. I would suggest that the entire family read this article about stopping treatment, and then each one ask themselves, what is best for Dad?
Cancer in our family is something we never want to encounter, but life deals us problems that we can’t always control or get rid of. No doubt, this letter is not one that you will find beneficial but I think anyone that is hurting, and writing here seeking answers should at least have their posting acknowledged. Often we read a letter, and if we can’t relate to it, we leave it for someone else who has had the experience. I doubt that you will find anyone that will answer you that will say, I had Stage IV Esophageal Cancer, and marijuana in any form cured me. Sooner or later we all have to deal with reality. Perhaps you might consider discussing HOSPICE with your dad’s oncologist. I should think that the cancer specialist’s advice should carry some weight. One doesn’t have to be on their death bed to have the services of Hospice. They can help cancer patients live a more comfortable life when that patient wants to stop treatments. I do wish that I were able to offer you some good news, but in this instance, I can only provide you with things to consider. As a Stage IV Ovarian cancer patient myself, believe me, if Cannabis would cure my cancer, or even prolong my “quality of life”, it would be on my “to-do” list. I’m truly sorry for your dad because he certainly is in a world of hurt! But from all that I’ve read, if Dad is suffering with nausea and vomiting or loss of appetite, it might help that, but it also has undesirable side effects. So will it hurt him more than he is hurting already? Possibly.
It’s good that you are honest about your Dad’s narcotic addiction. It certainly can’t be helping things and it causes all kinds of grief for all the family members. But ultimately, Dad should be the one to make the decisions about his treatment. Outside of seeking counseling services, I don’t know what to say. Hopefully all the doctors are being honest with Dad about his diagnosis. Unfortunately, presently there is no cure for Stage IV Esophageal Cancer that has metastasized to the lungs, liver and stomach. You have my sympathy because I know how bad Esophageal Cancer can be. I’m sorry that I cannot give you the answer you were hoping for. The most I can help you with would be information which you may have already researched, but references are provided below for all three drugs you’ve mentioned.
Loretta Marshall
A thorough explanation of all that Esophageal Cancer involves.
This link explains what Taxotere is used for.
Another explanatory page relative to the drug Oxaliplatin
This is the one you say Dad will try next. So here's info on that one.
“…Side effects of cannabinoid drugs
Like many other drugs, the prescription cannabinoids, dronabinol and nabilone, can cause side effects and complications.
Some people have trouble with increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure (especially when standing up), dizziness or lightheadedness, and fainting. These drugs can cause drowsiness as well as mood changes or a feeling of being “high” that some people find uncomfortable. They can also worsen depression, mania, or other mental illness. Some patients taking nabilone in studies reported hallucinations. The drugs may increase some effects of sedatives, sleeping pills, or alcohol, such as sleepiness and poor coordination. Patients have also reported problems with dry mouth and trouble with recent memory.
Older patients may have more problems with side effects and are usually started on lower doses.
People who have had emotional illnesses, paranoia, or hallucinations may find their symptoms are worse when taking cannabinoid drugs…”
Talk to your doctor about what you should expect when taking one of these drugs. It’s a good idea to have someone with you when you first start taking one of these drugs and after any dose changes…”
Discussions between patients who question the validity of cannabis for curing cancer or its health benefits
Frankly, I don’t find this a credible source of information. You know so much that is written on the Internet is not true. Why not print this out, let Dad take it to his oncologist, and ask the doctor’s professional opinion? Then I would abide by that decision.
_________________________End of references________________
Hello Loretta. Thank you for the response. We have a large family and we are all very close. I have 4 brothers and my mom and dad are still married. 52 years. We all got together as a family and discussed dads treatment from here on out, just before Christmas. We discussed all options but left it up to dad. He wants to keep fighting for my mom. Hes not ready to leave her. I know I dont know alot about the use of cannabis but, Im not relly expecting it to kill cancer, however help dad with the side effects of the chemo, and, to help him get off those Norcos. At least to cut back on them by half would be nice. I told him not to take it until we learn more about it. one ever died from using cannabis....but....chemo and Norcos can kill. My dad has a box of pills he takes daily that all have nasty unhealthy side effects. Pills that cover symptoms of larger issues. But, thats a whole other conversation. Were taking our cues from our pop, and taking one day at a time.
Thank you again for all the info.
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