Catheter and staples removed

LvGuy1 Member Posts: 54

Hey all, Went and got my Catheter out and also the staples. the staples came out very uninventful but the Nurse had a little bit of a struggle with the Catheter and when it did come out it felt like 5 or 6 balloons came with it and a gush of Urine. but nothing compared to when it was in. Now just have to see how long it takes for the continance to return. I now have to remember that when i get the urge i better go if not before. I feel so much freedom now that the hardest part is past. He said i am completely healed from the surgery but to still take it easy and let my body dictate on how much i can do. All in all i was very lucky as i didnt have any of the pain or problems that a lot of you guys have gone thru and YES i would do it again if needed but since i dont have the prostate anymore dont need to worry about it. as far as the results of the biopsy of the prostate i dont have the paperwork yet but he said give them about a week to close the file and then i can go ahead and get a copy of it all for my records. He did state that the biopsy came out different than what the original was tho and that i had more cancer in there than they thought. he said he is happy with my healing and that I can go back into the VA system and see my regular pcp as he dont see no problems for the future for me. but that he will stay in contact with my pcp and review my PCA levels for the next two years. they took a blood test for the pca level today and then he said that it will come back at 0.00 as we are still so close to surgery but that the one in 3 months will tell a truer story. so for now i will close this post and will be reading and hopefully helping a new member of the group releive some of their fears and concerns with being newly diagnosed.   


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,556 Member
    edited January 2017 #2

    Good to read about your positive experiences and outlook.

    I haven't had the surgery, but I believe that the general recommendation is to walk and regain your energy. But don't overdo it!

  • Will Doran
    Will Doran Member Posts: 207 Member
    edited January 2017 #3
    Good News


    Good for you.  As Old Salt said.  Exercise and regain your strength.  My doctor had me on a treadmill 2 days after surgery.  I admit it was short periods per day and then I built up to longer and longer sessions. 6 weeks post surgery I was back on a Spinner /Training Bike.   Also, I had robotic surgery.  I think you had open Surgery.  So there is a difference in what you can do.  I had no staples or stitches.  My 5 small incisions were held together with glue, which just wore off on it's own.  So, as is always the case.  Our cases are different.  Be careful.

    Good luck and fight hard.

    Love, Peace and God Bless
