Needle Biopsy results in

WhatIsLife Member Posts: 38 Member

Well, after finding evidence of "possible metastatic disease" on a routine MRI and then "multiple bone lesions consistent with metastatic disease" on a MRI Thoracic Spine Scan, and "findings concerning metastatic bone disease" by a Bone Scan, today I got back the results of the Needle Biopsy which show "no malignancy identified."

The reports notes "Patients history of RCC is noted. No convincing histologic evidence for mass / lesion is identified in the submitted tissues. Consideration of rebiopsy should be given if clinical suspicion remains."

Naturally, after all the bad, and confusing news I've been getting, this was good news to me, but I've learned enough to know this doesn't put me in the clear.

I talked to my oncologist and he wants to do another needle biopsy, which I think is prudent. He says there's several reasons why this biopsy may be negative; maybe it was cancer but has "died out" and moved on to another spot on my spine, or maybe it was just an abnormally on my spine. There's about 12 lesions/spots on my spine they consider "suspicious," so I'm okay with them checking them all if they have to.

But I can't help but feeling a little sigh of relief for the first time in months. I figure in this case, no news is good news.

Anyone ever go through a similar situation? I'd be curious as to how you handled it and how it turned out? Thanks for listening!



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited January 2017 #2
    Well my friend, you know we

    Well my friend, you know we are here for you ALL the way, no matter what the news~

    But I wonder if he said " maybe it was just an anomoly" and not  abnormally on my spine?

    Hugs and hopefulness!


  • WhatIsLife
    WhatIsLife Member Posts: 38 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Well my friend, you know we

    Well my friend, you know we are here for you ALL the way, no matter what the news~

    But I wonder if he said " maybe it was just an anomoly" and not  abnormally on my spine?

    Hugs and hopefulness!


    Thanks Jan

    He probably said "anomoly." Without spellcheck, I'm liable to say the damndest things! Really, I don't know why CSN doesn't have spellcheck inabled here. But that makes more sense, i'm glad you caught it.


  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited January 2017 #4
    Sounds hopeful and good

    to me, but it isn't happening to me. I am sorry you are going through this, and I hope the next biopsy comes back clear as well!! 

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    It sounds encouraging to me..

    It sounds encouraging to me...and I am glad your doc is being prudent about this. But there is always that worry in the back of your mind, isn't there. Wishing you the best outcome. You are doing great!!



  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member
    More Good than Bad

    It sounds like you got more good news than bad and that is great.  I do agree double check the results but he odds are it will be the same, and give you twice as much to celebrate.


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited January 2017 #7
    Just an fyi

    You have every right to request the Pathologist be there as they take the biopsies.  I had a thyroid biopsy done and it was so painful and inconclusive I said I'd never go thru it again.  Sure enough my ENT insisted on another biopsy.  That's when I told him the only way I'd go thru it again is with a Pathologist in the room so they could determine definitively because I wouldn't do it a 3rd time.  I also had a different Interventional Radiologist that did the biopsies and there was a difference of night & day, nearly painless. (by the way, the biopsies were negative)

    Best wishes,
