Chemo and constipation



  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member


    I'm Laurie from San Antonio TX. Sixty-three years old.  Single. No dependents except my mom who is 88 and lives with me.  On Nov 22, I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial papillary serous.  My care plan calls for taxol/carbo three rounds, surgery and more Chemo. I've had one round of chemo with another scheduled for Jan 10.  Not too many side effects so far.  A little nausea which I have controlled with homeopathy remedies. My sister-in-law is a homeopathic practitioner so she is consulting with me.  A little neuropathy which just started in my left foot yesterday. No hair loss yet-but I'm looking forward to going back to my natural hair color when that happens.  My doctor at University Hospital encourages combining alternative treatments with allopathic medicine treatments. I've been using my FAR infrared sauna and pancreatic enzymes, too.  I have been on a paleo eating plan for over five years (lost 85 pounds) so glucose control is something I've been doing too.


    As strange as it sounds, I am thankful this happened.  I have closed my business-I was self-employed for 14 years.  I started collecting social security and applied for disability to increase the amount to 100%. I own land in a small town and intend to build my tiny house for retirement there.  And I'm looking for my next hobby/occupation.  I have too much to do for this to get in my way!

    Welcome, Laurie. Sorry to

    Welcome, Laurie. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis but glad that you found us. Sounds like you're handling your treatments very well and that you have a great team behind you - congrats on that! Let us know how we can help. One of us has probably had an experience that might help you so don't be shy about asking. Nothing is off limits with us. Keep up the great attitude and continued good luck to you! Kim

  • TinyHouseSurvivor
    TinyHouseSurvivor Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2017 #23

    Thank you for all the encouragement. I wasn't sure anyone would be interested in my alternative constipation recipe. I appreciate your warm welcome. My hair loss started last night-great gobs came out in the shower. I just got back from clipping most of it off at Great Clips. They used a number 6 clipper guard and didn't charge for it. Yeah. Now I can use the collection of hats and scarves my friends and family have given me. 

  • lyn347
    lyn347 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2017 #24

    I second all recommendations

    Thanks to this group I suffered very little constipation because I did the Miralax (it's truly magical) and stool softener routine. Be sure to drink the water because burning pee is not fun. You might also want to get some Gas-X because chemo farts can be deadly to those around you. 

    Thank you !!!

    Just reading some of the posts in order to get some idea about what to expect from the chemo. Your post made me laugh and I haven't laughed in months. Thank you. I'm going to take your advice.

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited January 2017 #25
    lyn347 said:

    Thank you !!!

    Just reading some of the posts in order to get some idea about what to expect from the chemo. Your post made me laugh and I haven't laughed in months. Thank you. I'm going to take your advice.

    Hi, Lyn

    Welcome this club that no,one wants to,belong to.  There is an older thread called "Ladies going through chemo" that you may find interesting.  Several ladies chronicled their journey through chemo.  One thing that you will notice that,we are each individuals and react differently and each oncologist handles things a little different.  If you end up needing to go the chemo route, consider getting a port.  It saves you from getting your arm poked for every chemo and every blood test.  I very stupidly had my first one removed when I was finished with front line treatment and was so sure I had beaten the beast.  7 months later I had to have a new one put in and have had to use it ever since.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann