17 days post sugery

mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member

And I guess I am getting my sense of humor back!! I was discussing my hospital stay with my sister and husband and although I vaguely remember, I had totally forgotten. Apparently after surgery I was asking every doctor, nurse, maid and food service employee that walked into my room to, "PLEASE euthanize me, put me out of my misery." 

I also asked my sister to hand me the call button, which she did. I called the nurse and she asked what she could do for me and I told her to "get these people out of my room now." The only people in my room were family. Apparently the nurses thought this was almsot as funny as me asking to be euthanized every 5 minutes. 

I remembered all of this after I was reminded, and now I cannot stop giggling about what a weirdo I was. The nurses must have thought I was a crazy person! The thought of this then makes me giggle even more and that kind of hurts. Regardless, at least I am finally laughing again instead of the steady stream of tears!! 



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited December 2016 #2


    Sounds like you went thru hell week. Perfectly normal to those of us who have been there and done that. Each day will get a little better with maybe a bad day in between.




  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited December 2016 #3

    I insisted to all that I had been visited by the actresses Helena Bonham Carter and Kiera Knightley, and a valkyrie (I think that last one may have been a nun)

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    edited December 2016 #4
    my friend's anesthesia

    My fiend kept asking her brother to go out of her room from the window to buy her a drink, she kept saying him the window path is shortest so defenately and logically the best path, her room was in the sixth floor by the way

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited December 2016 #5
    foroughsh said:

    my friend's anesthesia

    My fiend kept asking her brother to go out of her room from the window to buy her a drink, she kept saying him the window path is shortest so defenately and logically the best path, her room was in the sixth floor by the way


    I'm definitely winning here when it comes to hallucinations and gibberish (or were they) :-)

  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited December 2016 #6
    Too funny. I also apparently

    Too funny. I also apparently REALLY enjoyed the "cocktail" the anesthesiologist had given me before they wheeled me away and I was "whooping" through the halls. I have zero recollection of this, but my surgeon says it is so.

    Kind of funny I guess since I only found out about my kidney cancer after a rare night out, where I had a bit too much to drink at a concert and fell down. This fall triggered the bleeding which my surgeon said may have very well saved my life. I guess occasionally acting like a moron has its benefits! Embarassed

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited December 2016 #7
    You're not the first...
    ... Nor the last to act wacky under / coming out of / after anesthesia. Or, to be entertaining. Too many patients WANT their families to leave, but don't have the guts to say so and often the nurses have to do some creative maneuvers to come up with reasons for the family to leave. That can be pretty funny, too.
    I had a friend in the room post-surgery. TWO people in the room was total overload for me, but since the second person was always a staff person, I resigned myself to getting medical treatment. Dang.
    I found out about my kidney mass almost due to rock. It was stones, kidney stones. Unfortunately, no music was involved. Or alcohol, either (which - amusingly - I've been hankering for since I've been back home... specifically, hard cider... and I really don't drink).
    So glad to hear you're doing better - Pretty soon it'll feel good to giggle!
  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    JerzyGrrl said:

    You're not the first...
    ... Nor the last to act wacky under / coming out of / after anesthesia. Or, to be entertaining. Too many patients WANT their families to leave, but don't have the guts to say so and often the nurses have to do some creative maneuvers to come up with reasons for the family to leave. That can be pretty funny, too.
    I had a friend in the room post-surgery. TWO people in the room was total overload for me, but since the second person was always a staff person, I resigned myself to getting medical treatment. Dang.
    I found out about my kidney mass almost due to rock. It was stones, kidney stones. Unfortunately, no music was involved. Or alcohol, either (which - amusingly - I've been hankering for since I've been back home... specifically, hard cider... and I really don't drink).
    So glad to hear you're doing better - Pretty soon it'll feel good to giggle!

    Ha ha

    I don't really drink either, so I find it really funny that getting drunk saved my skin. I do have another couple of concerts coming up in March though, sooooooo... I hope I can just go and have fun with no surprise guests this time. 

    My teenage daughters, who are not used to mom going out, kept telling me I was having a mid life crisis with all the shows I went to this summer/fall. Now I tell them my mid-life SAVED my life and they shut up.  Tongue Out


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    In recovery

    First let me say that my sister and daughter also have the same kind of vivid and wacky dreams as me. As I was coming to, I kept insisting I was with the FBI. I needed to be released to get to the high school soccer game. They thought I was having DT's. Later I told them I was also hanging out with John Lennon and playing guitar together.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    edited December 2016 #10


    Years ago, my ex's grandfather was in the hospital. He was looped! He kept telling us to get the mail that was hanging in the trees. Just then, my brother-in-law walked in and his grandfather started yelling "Get into that confessional! Get into that confessional now!" There happened to be a priest visiting at the hospital floor at the same time, and came running in to see what was going on! LOL. (I was relieved he didn't order me to go to the confessional - I probably would still be there! LOL).


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member

    I feel like I missed out on something now.  I had none of that, just a lot of double vision and light sensitivity.  Some of you definitely had more fun.  My husband tends to have hallucinations after anesthesia, people walking thru the outer walls (on the second floor).


  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    foxhd said:

    In recovery

    First let me say that my sister and daughter also have the same kind of vivid and wacky dreams as me. As I was coming to, I kept insisting I was with the FBI. I needed to be released to get to the high school soccer game. They thought I was having DT's. Later I told them I was also hanging out with John Lennon and playing guitar together.

    Ha!! Love it!

    Ha!! Love it!

  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited December 2016 #13
    Jojo61 said:



    Years ago, my ex's grandfather was in the hospital. He was looped! He kept telling us to get the mail that was hanging in the trees. Just then, my brother-in-law walked in and his grandfather started yelling "Get into that confessional! Get into that confessional now!" There happened to be a priest visiting at the hospital floor at the same time, and came running in to see what was going on! LOL. (I was relieved he didn't order me to go to the confessional - I probably would still be there! LOL).


    so funny!

    so funny!

  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited December 2016 #14
    hardo718 said:


    I feel like I missed out on something now.  I had none of that, just a lot of double vision and light sensitivity.  Some of you definitely had more fun.  My husband tends to have hallucinations after anesthesia, people walking thru the outer walls (on the second floor).


    Mine weren't

    Hallucinations. Just being in a lot of pain and super cranky. I still cannot believe I made them hand me the call button so I could call the nurses to make them leave. I am such a jerk. But at least I am "funny" about it. :) 

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    come with the Il-2. I prefer wacky dreams. Years back I got lucky. I was sleeping in the recliner waiting for my wife to come home from work. Well she did come home and I didn't hear her. She was telling me to come to bed. I told her I wouldn't sleep with her because I was waiting for my wife. Phew! that could have turned out badly.

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    edited December 2016 #16
    foxhd said:


    come with the Il-2. I prefer wacky dreams. Years back I got lucky. I was sleeping in the recliner waiting for my wife to come home from work. Well she did come home and I didn't hear her. She was telling me to come to bed. I told her I wouldn't sleep with her because I was waiting for my wife. Phew! that could have turned out badly.



  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    What I remember of post surgery...

    The pain.   I hit the pain button, and would get relief...I would fall alseep...A sleep that felt like I was out for hours.  Complete with wierd dreams.  I would wake up in agony from the deep sleep, hit the pain button, because it felt like hours, and would find I still had several minutes to my next dose.

    That, and I was HOT.  I was drenched in sweat.  They apparently had my room as cold as it would go.  My roommate was moved to a different room -- because he was freezing.

    People would come to visit me...I do not remember the visits.  I was the first person in my circle of friends that had something serious.  People thought that coming to visit me was a good thing.  Um...no.  I just want my rest.

    Now, I had some complications, with a fever and possible pnemonia.  So, I stayed for 5 days...


  • mlph4021
    mlph4021 Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited December 2016 #18
    dhs1963 said:

    What I remember of post surgery...

    The pain.   I hit the pain button, and would get relief...I would fall alseep...A sleep that felt like I was out for hours.  Complete with wierd dreams.  I would wake up in agony from the deep sleep, hit the pain button, because it felt like hours, and would find I still had several minutes to my next dose.

    That, and I was HOT.  I was drenched in sweat.  They apparently had my room as cold as it would go.  My roommate was moved to a different room -- because he was freezing.

    People would come to visit me...I do not remember the visits.  I was the first person in my circle of friends that had something serious.  People thought that coming to visit me was a good thing.  Um...no.  I just want my rest.

    Now, I had some complications, with a fever and possible pnemonia.  So, I stayed for 5 days...


    OMG YES!

    To being hot! And everyone else thought my room was freezing! And my mom tried to change the thermostat and I yelled at her not to touch it. And I am the kind of person who is always ice cold. That was so weird! 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited December 2016 #19
    Hilarious stories :-) I had

    Hilarious stories :-) I had nothing similar to share... The only thing I remember about waking up after my only proper surgery years ago that I refused to get a catheter for urine and wanted to go to bathroom myself. Nurses had to hold me to prevent me running away :-)

  • pepper43
    pepper43 Member Posts: 16
    After my mastectomy, I kept

    After my mastectomy, I kept asking the nurse when I could see my husband so I could pinch his ****. Repeatedly. 

  • JoanneNH
    JoanneNH Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2017 #21
    Was it morphine causing all

    Was it morphine causing all these things?   I was told that I would have a morphine pump, but then for some reason they gave me dilaudid instead.