Missing my brother

UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

imageHe smiled through every chemo. Every time we went for his infusion, he brought chocolate chip cookies to the girls. He always smiled at them and never complained, even when he was uncomfortable. This was my brother, a sweet, dear, kind man who I miss so much. 

I always thin of all of you and keep you in my prayers. I keep hoping that they find a cure for this disease sometime soon. Love to all of you.



  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    edited December 2016 #2
    Thanks Sue

    You've been a good friend through all of this. 

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and HEALTHY New Year!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Bless you, Lin

    I know how much you miss him every day, and the holidays are just another day but must still hurt to not have him there to celebrate. 

    My thoughts are with you. 

    And what a sweet picture. 


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited December 2016 #4
    I'm so sorry. I pray to see a

    I'm so sorry. I pray to see a cure in my lifetime even if it's too late for me. I'd like to die knowng that nobody else has to die from it. Something easy and painless that won't do damage elsewhere like what we have now.


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hi Lin,  You know you are

    Hi Lin,  You know you are just aces in my book.  So nice to see your brother's picture! I hope you are handling the holidays okay and really every day.  I vote for finding a cure and putting it inside of chocolate chip cookies! Whoever came up with chocolate chip cookies is a pure genious and a cancer cure in them would be a totally new level. What a nice thing for your brother to do for the nurses.  You can see the kindness in his face.  Hang in there the best that you can=)