Please anyone.  I just had a bunch of blood work done I am 59 years old.  I have lost 40 lbs over the last 8 to 10 months.  My Liver, Kidney,Panceas,tyroid all within normal limits.  I do not have hepatisis or Non Hopkins lymomia.  I have a ct scan with contrast results nothig.  I am wiaitng for authorization for my coloscopy and havingchhest xray (which was fine in May) and Mammo also done (no family history of breast cancer.My CEA level is 14.  Everything I read says CANCER.  I am going to have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get colonoscopy.   I keep trying to tell myself the scan was fine so....Can anyone please tell me does this level mean I have Cancer.  I would appreciate HONEST answers.  This waiting the worst part.  I had rather know.  I have a brand new Dr.  I would appreciate ANY info and response.  Thank you so much.  I posted here once and cnt find  my previous post.   


  • db8ne1
    db8ne1 Member Posts: 142 Member

    My CEA has been and is a consistent 1 - even at the time of diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer Stage 3.  After chemo/radiation, surgery, and follow-up FOLFOX chemo, I stopped having my CEA tested. It is not a good indicator for me.

    As for level - the norm is 1-5.  14 is higher than normal, but I've seen folks post here with huge numbers.  Further, an elevated CEA could mean something entirely different from cancer.  You could have a cold...I believe that ANY kind of inflammation can elevate CEA levels.

    It's great that your blood tests and CT scans came back normal.  That's a really good sign. Getting a colonoscopy is a good next move.  I don't think a 4-6 week wait is problematic (unless you are having major bowel issues - which you didn't indicate).  I had a 6 week wait to begin treatment once I was actually diagnosed in 2012.  

    I know it's easier said than done - but take a deep breath and try to relax.  It is NOT cancer until it is...  Seems like the docs are doing all that they can to get to the bottom of your unexplained weight loss.  

    Here's hoping it's NOT cancer.

    Keep us posted.
