Set back but not cancer

Ok, that is a weird topic name.

Last Sunday (first Sunday of December)  I went to the massage place in the nearby mall for my weekly massge. With the weather getting colder I haven't been taking many walks outside. I've been doing so good with my walking longer distance I didn't want to lose gorund. Since it is an indoor mall I decided to take a walk around to look at the decorations maybe get some small things for gifts. As I neared the center area I was looking at the kiosks and decorations then suddenly my legs went out from under me and I went down on my butt. Pain shot up my back and I rolled to my side. A woman passing by came to my aid and asked if I was ok. I wasn't. She sat on the floor and had me put my head on her leg & not move. She said she worked in a hospital but I don't remember if she said she was a nurse or not.

Ambulance was called and the paramedics determined it was safe for me to move. When they helpd my to sit against a nearby column more pain when through me. They also were able to see that I had slipped on vomit.  After some more checks they got me on the gurney and to the hospital. I feel I was very lucky. X-rays showed nothing was broken, cracker or chipped. Pain was from the trauma to the muscles. They gave me a muscle relaxer and super pain killer for 2 days and told me to see my primary Dr by the end of the week. They also gave me some stretching exercises to do to keep the muscles from getting stiff. When we got home my husband got the walker out because it was hard for me to stand up straight. I slept on the sofa bed downstairs because I did not want to even try using the stairs. Monday & Tuesday were the worse but the meds tended to knock me out so I selpt a lot. Tues night I felt a little better so I went up the stairs (not as bad as I thought) and sleep in a real bed. Wed - Fri I worked from home with each day better than the last. I also was using the regular tylenol by then. Thur I started using Ibuprofen because lower back and right side felt "swollen". Stretching wasn't helping. 

Today I saw my primary Dr. We went through the whole situation and how I was currently feeling. I told her how my lower back and right side would hurt more if I stand or sit too long. She had me stand and touch my toes. (I don't remember the last time I could do that.)  Surprise! I was able to touch my toes.  She told me that the muscles in the lumbar area were sprained and would take a couple of weeks to heal. Bummer. I took Monday off from work for the first 3 weeks of Dec to get stuff done around the house. These are things I had put on hold for the last 2 years. Now some are back on hold because I can't lift anything heavy for a while. I am glad my injuries weren't any worse than they are.  I will have to limit my walking some until my back get better.  I do feel better now than I did this morning so I take it that getting outside for a while today was good medicine. 

I keep thinking of that saying "if it's not one thing, it's another".   


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Everything happens for a reason

    Slipped on vomit? Someone's else's, I hope - although that is also kinda gross! Good can come from bad. We simply have to look for it sometimes. A slip and fall can more easily be recovered from than a relapse. So, instead of being too busy, too preoccupied, to frustrated at time when we should be hopeful and filled with peace and joy, you have a reminder to take it easy and care for yourself a bit. And, why not?

  • PeprmntPat55
    PeprmntPat55 Member Posts: 70 Member
    edited December 2016 #3
    Dear Lindary,   I'm sorry you

    Dear Lindary,   I'm sorry you're facing this setback, especially during the holiday season but I'm glad nothing is broken. Sprains, however, can take so long to heal.  Be gentle with yourself.   I hope that in spite of your injuries you will find much peace, happiness and joy.  


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    You can touch your toes ?  Damn ! I wish I could. Unless I  put a foot up on a chair I havn't been able to touch my feet in decades, broken back and such. My wife or one of the kids have to put on my socks, shoes.

    I can see you there on that floor. To me, the embarrasment is the hardest part, dealing with the watchers and gawkers, and the others who just feel a person on the ground is irrelevant.  In similiar straights I have wished I would become invisible or die or wash down a drain, if I could only get away from the gawkers.  

    Yesterday, December 11, was the 30th Anniversary of me going out of a car window in traffic.  About three months later I was out of the hospital and well enough for my dad to roll me through a mall in a wheelchair.  It was so enlightening: the responses were not what I expected. The most common reaction was impatience and rudeness, a "Get to hell out of my way, freak !" response.  I would never have expected or believed such a thing without experiencing it directly.

    I am glad a kind Samartian was there for you, who comforted and assited you until EMS arrived.  I'm also thankful that a thorough checkout indicated nothing serious, just bruised (but very painful) muscles.  You will recover fully, soon. I pray it.

    As Po wrote, all happens for a reason.  As the brilliant Paul Simon writes, God has his plan, but the information is unavailable to the mortal man.  Another line in the song says,  A good day has no rain. A bad day is when I lie in bed, and think of what might have been....

    Some believe these thoughts, many do not.  You and I, we do believe it, so may you recover fast, and not slip slide away again...



  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    Oh dear. . .


    I am so sorry this happened to you. I have a very real fear of falling which limits much of what I do. I like to do my walking at our local giant grocery store (ridiculously and unnecessarily big). I can use a shopping cart for balance and feel much more secure. If I want some tangerines and some yogurt, I am going to be walking a long way. I even park by the cart corral so I can use one to walk across the parking lot. 

    I also like shopping at Target for the same reason. Why don't malls have shopping carts? And why for heavens sakes was there vomit on the floor? Do they not have people monitoring the conditions of the place. That is a real loss prevention problem. Surely someone could have put up some "wet floor" cones until it could be cleaned. Ugh, disgusting. 

    Again, I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are feeling much better. And I hope you are having a peaceful holiday season. 






  • paella
    paella Member Posts: 81
    edited December 2016 #6
    Your back

    Dang - maybe you just weren't meant to be doing those saved up chores in 2016.  Getting down and up-out-of-a-chair probably hurts?  Here's a trick our PT son taught me a couple years ago when I twisted and lifted something heavy - the good old lower back just seemed to go out.  If sitting:  get near the edge of the chair (NOT A CHAIR WITH WHEELS), bend at the waist and kind of slowly let yourself fall a bit forward - then using only your upper legs and butt lift yourself up and out.  Do the opposite to sit down.  It really worked for me but it was at least 3 weeks before it really stopped hurting.  Just remember - you have no damage to your back..."pain is not a measurement of tissue damage."  It will heal and you'll be good as new. 




  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member

    Paella - thanks for the info from your son. I am going to try that. The worse is getting out of bed in the morning. I sit on the edge and bend forwardwith my chest almost laying on my upper legs. I can feel the back muscles stretch as I do it. I let me arms hand down. Then I slowly sit up and then stand up but I am not lifting the butt. Three weeks! Well I am at the 11 day mark. About halfway. 

    My Dr gave me more muscle relaxers but I've only taken them when going to bed. I don't take one in the morning because I have to drive to work. When I mentioned it to my boss (who also has back problems) she told me to bring the meds to work and take one after I get in. That way it will have worn off by the time I head home. I did that yesterday and today and I felt a lot better both days. 

    As to the mall, it is a very big place. It was near a garbage can so I am not sure if the "Offender" was trying to get to it and didn't make it or what. With how busy that place was I have a feeling it hadn't been there very long but I think it is rotten they didn't report it to at least one of the people in the nearby kiosks. My luck to be the one that found it.  

    Christmas in only 10 days away. We are just going to be putting up the live tree tomorrow. I think this is the latest we have every put it up. Since my husband is retired he bought the tree. I hope it's not another "Chevy Chase" tree where it is at least a foot tall than the ceiling is high. Last year he bought a veyr tall tree like what his dad used to get. Problem is that house had 10 foot ceilings. (Old house.) Then it's getting the rest of the decorations up.  Now if the weather will get a little better. High temp was 9 today. 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Sal0101 said:

    High temp!

    Linda, it sounds like you were kicked down for a short while, very short!! Your humor is refreshing! I was thinking of putting up a 10 foot tree, however the top several feet would be upstairs!! High temp here was 11, wind chill -3.  It's not that bad!! Merry Christmas!!




    What state are you in ?  I can remember growing up in Charleston, and many years running the air conditioning on Christmas Day, although it does freeze there in the winter at times, mostly January and February.

    We surfaced the boat above the Arctic Circle once in August (the warmenst time of year at the North Pole), and the air temp was -35 (F), but I don't know the wind chill.  At Sub Base Groton (CT) I heard the weatherman say  on the radio one day that the wind chill was -50.  Of ocurse the Great Lakes area and New England get much colder than that during some storms.   

    A junior officer ran out into the snow pack during that stop at the Pole area with nothing on but swim trunks and shoes, so that his feet would not freeze to the ground, had his picture made, and ran back down below. A crazy group, we were.

    Wishing your area a thaw !




  • Sal0101
    Sal0101 Member Posts: 136 Member
    High temp!

    Linda, it sounds like you were kicked down for a short while, very short!! Your humor is refreshing! I was thinking of putting up a 10 foot tree, however the top several feet would be upstairs!! High temp here was 11, wind chill -3.  It's not that bad!! Merry Christmas!!


  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    lindary said:


    Paella - thanks for the info from your son. I am going to try that. The worse is getting out of bed in the morning. I sit on the edge and bend forwardwith my chest almost laying on my upper legs. I can feel the back muscles stretch as I do it. I let me arms hand down. Then I slowly sit up and then stand up but I am not lifting the butt. Three weeks! Well I am at the 11 day mark. About halfway. 

    My Dr gave me more muscle relaxers but I've only taken them when going to bed. I don't take one in the morning because I have to drive to work. When I mentioned it to my boss (who also has back problems) she told me to bring the meds to work and take one after I get in. That way it will have worn off by the time I head home. I did that yesterday and today and I felt a lot better both days. 

    As to the mall, it is a very big place. It was near a garbage can so I am not sure if the "Offender" was trying to get to it and didn't make it or what. With how busy that place was I have a feeling it hadn't been there very long but I think it is rotten they didn't report it to at least one of the people in the nearby kiosks. My luck to be the one that found it.  

    Christmas in only 10 days away. We are just going to be putting up the live tree tomorrow. I think this is the latest we have every put it up. Since my husband is retired he bought the tree. I hope it's not another "Chevy Chase" tree where it is at least a foot tall than the ceiling is high. Last year he bought a veyr tall tree like what his dad used to get. Problem is that house had 10 foot ceilings. (Old house.) Then it's getting the rest of the decorations up.  Now if the weather will get a little better. High temp was 9 today. 


    I've been off for a while and this is HORRIBLE on so many levels......

  • Unknown
    edited December 2016 #11
    Sal0101 said:

    High temp!

    Linda, it sounds like you were kicked down for a short while, very short!! Your humor is refreshing! I was thinking of putting up a 10 foot tree, however the top several feet would be upstairs!! High temp here was 11, wind chill -3.  It's not that bad!! Merry Christmas!!


    Sounds like Minnesota

    i served a 15 yr sentence (work) there. Brrrrrr......  colder than when I lived in Alaska. You betcha!

  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2016 #12
    The rest of my post....


    Dec 17, 2016 - 9:08 am


    I've been off for a while and this is HORRIBLE on so many levels......

    First off I'm so sorry this happened to you, argh.... just not right.  Falls, ambulance rides and hurt backs makes my head spin while reading yours and others comments.   The culpri and source, gross!!!

    The worst part, your back.  So tricky and very painful.  If you remember I fell playing hockey with my son in 2014 just before my diagnosis.  After I put cancer to bed I had to address my back.  Physical therapy really helped especially strengthening my core.   My back is not perfect but the pain is certainly at bay.

    Blessing to you for a speedy recovery, enjoy your tree, make time out to relax and take care of yourself.  Finally keep warm!!!!!  I'm in the thick of these horrible temperatures too.  A bit of a warm up today 20's so I'll be off to the stable and my riding lesson.

    Hope you're feeling a bit better now and cleaned up!!!!!

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    Back is better

    Taking the muscle relaxer after I get to work has helped so much. I had taken off from work the first 3 Mondays of Dec. Because of the fall the 2 two weeks I didn't do much except rest. This weekend I did get our cards sent out and most of the gifts wrapped. The temps have been below 20 almost every day and that is before the wind chill is applied. Today I think the high was around 13 or 14. It is also the first day that I actually feel good. I am being careful about what I lift but I am able to move around better than I have since I fell. Tomorrow when I get home from work I am making kolakys for our Christmas party at work on Wed. It will be a busy week. 


  • paella
    paella Member Posts: 81
    edited December 2016 #14
    lindary said:

    Back is better

    Taking the muscle relaxer after I get to work has helped so much. I had taken off from work the first 3 Mondays of Dec. Because of the fall the 2 two weeks I didn't do much except rest. This weekend I did get our cards sent out and most of the gifts wrapped. The temps have been below 20 almost every day and that is before the wind chill is applied. Today I think the high was around 13 or 14. It is also the first day that I actually feel good. I am being careful about what I lift but I am able to move around better than I have since I fell. Tomorrow when I get home from work I am making kolakys for our Christmas party at work on Wed. It will be a busy week. 


    So glad your back is better!


    Try this (when getting out of bed or a chair).  Sit on the edge and bend forward but only about ½ or maybe 1/3 of the way over.  Then tighten your thighs and butt (don’t lift your butt – just rock forward making the butt and thigh muscles really tight and use your thighs and the tightness of them and your butt to lift YOU, like when you do a squat.)  Stay bent over slightly until you’re all the way up.  Once you’re completely on your feet and standing, then straighten up out of the slight bend.  It’s a bit like the way they tell you to pick a heavy box up off the floor – your legs and butt do the work. 


    Mac and I decided not to put up a tree this year.  He’s handling his toxic chemo for Pancan really well, but between the both of us we determined we didn’t have the energy.  Or maybe not enough Christmas spirit, either.   


    Merry Christmas to all! 




  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    paella said:

    So glad your back is better!


    Try this (when getting out of bed or a chair).  Sit on the edge and bend forward but only about ½ or maybe 1/3 of the way over.  Then tighten your thighs and butt (don’t lift your butt – just rock forward making the butt and thigh muscles really tight and use your thighs and the tightness of them and your butt to lift YOU, like when you do a squat.)  Stay bent over slightly until you’re all the way up.  Once you’re completely on your feet and standing, then straighten up out of the slight bend.  It’s a bit like the way they tell you to pick a heavy box up off the floor – your legs and butt do the work. 


    Mac and I decided not to put up a tree this year.  He’s handling his toxic chemo for Pancan really well, but between the both of us we determined we didn’t have the energy.  Or maybe not enough Christmas spirit, either.   


    Merry Christmas to all! 




    Christmas Spirit

    My husband seems to complain a lot using the phrase "I'm getting too old for this". My usual response to him is "you've been saying that for the last 10 years". When I came to Christmas this year that is about how I felt. "I'm getting too old for this". Iknow it was partly because of the fall and still dealing with some muscles that are still recoverying. (Or weak because I have been sitting too much.) So half of the decoration never got put up and not one of our kids made a comment so I do not feel guilty in any way. 

    That is an interesting way to get up. I am going to have to try it. Right now part of my problem is that my leg muscles have lost some strength but I think the method you gave will help build that strength back up. That should also help burn calories that have been taken in over the last few days. (ha-ha)