
Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
edited December 2016 in Kidney Cancer #1

I was just wondering if you all still get pain on occasion? Nothing major but little pinches and stabs briefly here and there? I am ten months out from partial nephrectomy. I just had my CT and got the all clear a little over a month ago.


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    It has just been three months

    It has just been three months for me and still have occational pain or pinches from the incision.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    After the pain goes away there is a certain amount of discomfort which lingers.




  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    edited December 2016 #4
    3 month out for me

    And I also have pain from time to time.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    A little over three months out and I have what I would call discomfort rather than pain.  Thanks for your input, Iceman. 


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    edited December 2016 #6
    Yes I had lingering jabs for

    Yes I had lingering jabs for over a year. I think the body just takes a long time to heal inside.


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited December 2016 #7
    My 2 cents worth

    I also had discomfort for quite a long time....years.  The only way I could describe it was my affected kidney felt like "the size of Texas".  I discussed this with my surgeon at the one year appt and he said that a lot of his patients have mentioned discomfort, even at the two year appt and he wasn't quite sure if the sensation dissipated after that or if his patients just adjusted to this new norm and never mentioned it again.

    Obviously, I can only speak for myself, I still have times where I have some discomfort, but not like the first couple of years.  (my surgery was Oct 2012)

    Hope this helps,


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Probably NERVE ending pain as

    Probably NERVE ending pain as they have been CUT for surgery. Lazer light therapy helps in healing scars on the inside.

    Sorry its lingering..

    Here's a gentle hug,
