What to expect from robotic partial nephrectomy

Papes Member Posts: 2
edited November 2016 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hi All.  New here, but not to cancer.  I've had lympoma for a few years.  Regular chemo cocktail of rituxan.  But the Bosniak 4 cyst on my kidney is new.  Getting partial nephrectomy (robotic) in 4 weeks (need to wait for rituxan to get out of me).  Ironic that I can't get cancer surgery sooner because I have cancer.  Anyway, it's not the cancer that bugs me as much as the thought of surgery.  If you've been there, please give me some insight to ease my mind a bit.  Thanks. 


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Only a full Nephrectomy here I'm afraid

    Nothing to worry about. Its new to you but for the surgeon: its what they have had years of training for and yyears of experience doing.

    You arrive. You go to sleep. They do the business

    Congratulations: You've just had major surgery

    It'll take a few weeks to recover. There will be pain especially in the first week but (and here's the imortant bit) never as bad as you expect.

    Nothing to it mate. No probs

    Good luck

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited November 2016 #3
    It's doable

    I had a robotic partial on August 26 and came home the next day.  Recovery wasn't too bad.  I was up walking the night of my surgery and tried to make it a point to walk every hour or so when I got home.  Pain was manageable.  I did continue to take the narcotic pain meds for about 48 hours after surgery.  From then on out I was fine with tylenol.  I was off work for a week and then went back half days.  At the two week mark I returned to work full time.  Keep in mind the nature of your work will determine your ablity to return.  Don't push it.  Recovery takes time.  I should have listened to my own advice, because I thought I felt great and returned to running at the six week mark.  After a week of running I started having a sharp pain at my surgery site.  I really backed off of my activey.  Fortunately, the pain subsided after a couple days, but it sure did give me a scare.  

    You'll get a lot of good advice about recovery from the folks on this board.  They have a lot of wisdom and are willing to share their experiences.  Take care and God bless.


  • Papes
    Papes Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2016 #4

    Thank you for the advice and kind words.  I am very anxious.  So it's good to hear about the successes.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    A lot depends on your age and health. A partial is actually a bit more than a full because of more cutting.

    If I told you it was pain free I would be laughed off this board.


