Needing advice

Csledge Member Posts: 4

I am a 45 year old female who has a 1.6 cm complex cyst on the upper pole of my left kidney.  It was discovered incidentally on a ct scan in 2010.  My doc at the time told me nothing and never bothered to tell me I needed to have it followed. Anyway, started seeing a urologist for a completely different issue and he did a repeat ct scan in 2013 and nothing had changed. It was originally scaled at 1.2-1.3 cm depending on imaging and had remained stable for  years. I have annual ultrasounds and there has been no change until this years follow up. It now measures 1.6 cm and I am scheduled for a ct scan next week.  Just curious if anyone has had this happen to them and if anyone has any idea of the probability of this being something bad.  I know know ine say for sure just would really like some insight.  My doc said that it is not a solid mass and because the growth is so minimal that it may just be the image itself making it look larger but he wants to be safe. I always had the same girl doing my ultrasounds for the past 3 years but this year it was someone different and wondering if that makes a difference as maybe how she took the images. Would love any feedback.


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    Bosniak Category?

    Hi, did they ever assign a bosinak category to the complex cyst? The management is based on the bosniak category with category I being a simple cyst and most of the complex cysts are benign. The US will give you information such as it is fluid or solid, but only CT can help the doctor to categorize it and to decide on the management plan.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited November 2016 #3
    The reason for the CT



    The reason for the CT is they just aren't sure yet and want to be cautious. Lets hope it is nothing and if it turns out that it needs attention it is very, very  small and we can cross that bridge if you need to.




  • Csledge
    Csledge Member Posts: 4
    They have never put a Bosinak

    They have never put a Bosinak category to it. the first ct scan called it a small complex cyst and that was all the report said.  The second ct scan in 2013 called it a cyst and nothing else. Never said if it was simple or complex. Just a little worried because it's been there for so long and has not changed in size until now. With it being so small even if it is bad does the size matter in terms of being hopeful not to have spread. Just curious. And thank you all so much for your responses.

  • Thuvia
    Thuvia Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2016 #5
    I fully understand your

    I fully understand your apprehension. It's good they're getting a closer look. Ultrasounds can only tell part of the picture. Trust your doctor... better to be cautious than let it go. Simple/Complex cysts are very common... especially in those over 50. Not sure about size. Your doctor could answer that question. The CT will tell so much more details.

    For me the MRI with Gladiunium (can't have CT contrast) showed one size and actual size when removed was 1cm smaller.

    I know it's really hard to be calm. I hope you can get the CT and results soon. This will allow your doctor to catagorize it and see if this is anything to worry about. Good luck to you. Please let us know.


  • Csledge
    Csledge Member Posts: 4
    Thank you so much.  Just a

    Thank you so much.  Just a little nerve wracking to say the least when it's gone so long with no change. (Over 6 years) and to now see growth bugs the living day lights out of me and caught me off guard. I wasn't prepared to hear that at all. I was told the more stable the more likely it is benign So to hear that it grew is quite scary.

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited November 2016 #7
    Trust your doctor

    Small complex cyst looks more complex and larger than the actual size under imaging :) That might be the reason they didn't even mention it is a complex cyst on the second scan.

    The doctors can only assign a bosniak category to your cyst after a CT w/wo contrast to see if there is any malignant potential. In your case, I believe it is just a small cyst with minimal complexity. Beaware that even simple cyst do grow as well, so don't worry about it.

    I have a Bosniak III cyst and the doctor said he wouldn't even recommend surgery if the max diameter is smaller or equals to 3cm (mine is 3.2x2.9x2.6). Maybe it is because cystic tumor is known to have more favorable clinical behavior (some studies suggested).

    Good luck and keep clam :)


  • Csledge
    Csledge Member Posts: 4

    Trust your doctor

    Small complex cyst looks more complex and larger than the actual size under imaging :) That might be the reason they didn't even mention it is a complex cyst on the second scan.

    The doctors can only assign a bosniak category to your cyst after a CT w/wo contrast to see if there is any malignant potential. In your case, I believe it is just a small cyst with minimal complexity. Beaware that even simple cyst do grow as well, so don't worry about it.

    I have a Bosniak III cyst and the doctor said he wouldn't even recommend surgery if the max diameter is smaller or equals to 3cm (mine is 3.2x2.9x2.6). Maybe it is because cystic tumor is known to have more favorable clinical behavior (some studies suggested).

    Good luck and keep clam :)


    Thank you so much!  I can't

    Thank you so much!  I can't tell you how much everyone's information has helped me calm down some of the nerves.