first day back to work

janaes Member Posts: 799 Member

So i made it through my first day of work.  Thank goodness my boss let me sit down a couple of times.  I was a little nervous of that.  It sounds like the gentleman that highered me told my new boss and she must have told her lead cook about my cancer. Im not sure how i feel about that but I was glad to some extent so they can be there for me.  I made it the first hour with no problem and then about a little more than an hour i started getting hot.  I asked if we could use a fan (didnt know anyone new about my cancer at that point) i guess my boss turned on a cooler or something.  I went to the bathroom twice which she was okay with I think.  I did lean on the counters quite  bit during serving time and that is when she told me to go sit down.  She asked me at the end of the day if i thought i could make it and i told her yes and we talked about sitting down and it told her yea i might need to sit down one or two times a day. She seemed okay with that.  I worry a little because i dont know how much she reports to the gentleman who highered me.  My doctor signed the paper for me to work and gave me no restrictions.  I also told her it should get better and I hope it does.  I am not exsactly sure why i needed to lean on th counters or sit down other than i am still recovering from chemo.  Nothing spacific.  My back hurt during the day but that didnt seem to bother me enough to stop me from doing what i needed to do (i didnt need to sit for that).  I walked out at the end of the day and said see you tommarrow.  I dont want to loose my job. I want to keep moving along one day at a time.


  • DebiR
    DebiR Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited November 2016 #2
    It's going to take you awhile

    It's going to take you awhile to get your energy levels back so don't be too hard on yourself.  My chemo ended at the end of October 2014 and I was still feeling the effects throughout November and December and to some extent into early 2015.  Every day got a little better and I think for me it was my white blood counts recovering.  You have been through alot. Its good that you can take a couple breaks and it sounds like your boss is understanding of that.


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #3
    Take care of yourself

    janaes so glad you made it to and through your first day back at work!  YAY YOU!!!!!!  You really do need to look out for yourself.  I would be like you- feeling a little odd that they disclosed my medical condition- but- overall thankful that they knew so they didn't think I was lazy.  When people know you are/have been sick they tend to give you a little more grace and that's ok!!! 

    I ended chemo Sept. 21st and I just can't get and keep any energy- I am amazed that you made it that long with only 2 sitdowns and some leaning. I am weak and shaky and I get really dizzy if I am on my feet too long. 

    Just keep remembering that you are important and that you deserve tender care- someone told me to be as good to myself as I would be to anyone coming to me asking what they should do   :D  <3  (((HUGS)))

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Luckly too, that I only work

    Luckly too, that I only work part time.  Four and a half hours with a 1/2 hour lunch in the middle.  So if i sit down twice i can sit down every hour. 

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Accomodations for employees who have cancer

    Cancer is considered a form of disability and accommodations are required to be made by your employer if you work in the US. 

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

    You made it!  That is really quite an accomplishment.  This is not easy to get over and it takes a long time for energy to return to,anywhere near normal.  It will get easier each day.  Take good care of your self.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Congratulations you made it!

    Congratulations you made it! I agree with everyone that it takes awhile to get your energy back. My chemo ended in late June and I still have times of lower energy, but it gets better all the time. 

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited November 2016 #8
    You're doing great, Janae!

    You're doing great, Janae! Slow and steady wins the race. You'll be back to feeling like your old self soon. No sense rushing it and taking two-steps backwards. Keep up the good work! 

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2016 #9
    Congratulations on making it

    Congratulations on making it through your first day, Janae! Each day will be a little better than the day before.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    That is great!!  I know I

    That is great!!  I know I couldn't have gone back to work, even part-time, that soon after my chemo.  I have a desk job and luckily there is a sofa in my office because I sure used it when I first went back.  Even now, almost a year after my last chemo, I don't think I could work full-time.

    Hang in there and don't overdo it!  You don't need any setbacks.  

    Keep us updated!



  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    2nd day was a bit better.  I

    2nd day was a bit better.  I didnt find myself leaning on counters.  I did take a break towards the end and was definetly ready to go home at the end of the day.  A rest at home was a must.  In fact i am taking it pretty easy today because i have a bigger day tomarrow after work.  Thanks guys for your love and support.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Good for you, Janae.  Knowing

    Good for you, Janae.  Knowing your limitations and accommodating them while doing your job is going to serve you well.  Congratulations on two days back!