Chemo therapy and diarrhea

I just finished my first round of chemo /radiation in having a severe time with diarrhea and with the radiation burns the diarrhea I can't sit period even using silvadine I can't tolerate aquapjir. I'm also taking lots of immodium but doesn't seem to help!!! Sitz baths work for a very short time but when I sit it stand I also start vomiting again !! I'm taking Zophran for the nausea it help but I can't take anything else for nausea I'm allergic!! I've also lost 53 lbs Any help would be appreciative mainly for the radiation burns and the diarrhea because I have chemical burns on my bottom from not being able to control my bowels so the diarrhea I just go then have to get in the shower!! I'm drowning here and ant help would be appreciative
Some people get burn relief from pure aloe. You might try that. There is also a product called Domeboro, which is a compress applied to the affected area. I know some have also used a product called Dermoplast. Just make sure with any product used that your skin is completely clean prior to getting radiation treatment, then you can re-apply afterwards. If your doctor has not prescribed anything for the diarrhea, such as Lomotil, please ask! My diarrhea was miserable and caused my skin to break down quite badly.
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Diarrhea relief and skin relief for whole bottom but anal skin rmp327 said:Kmessier
Some people get burn relief from pure aloe. You might try that. There is also a product called Domeboro, which is a compress applied to the affected area. I know some have also used a product called Dermoplast. Just make sure with any product used that your skin is completely clean prior to getting radiation treatment, then you can re-apply afterwards. If your doctor has not prescribed anything for the diarrhea, such as Lomotil, please ask! My diarrhea was miserable and caused my skin to break down quite badly.
Thank you very very much! I do radiation/chemo 5 days a week so I'll ask my Oncology nurse about Lomotil! And I'll get the other two things also because my skin is braking down on my whole bottom because the diarrhea is so bad I can't control my bowels and even though after I have each accident I get in the shower then re-apply deserin or aloe my skin is really breaking down and I have internal and external hemorrhoids they are very inflamed causing severe pain for which I have extended release Morphine and dilaudid for break through pain I'm just flat miserable and my sleep is so messed up!! my days and nights are turned around but I don't sleep longer than 4 hours at a time!! I also have breast cancer and non Hodgkin's lymphoma!! This is just so tough and my anus is just inflamed so bad it hurts to put any weight on and hurts when I stand it's so inflamed and the skin is so broken down!! Thank you very much again I have to be honest I feel so alone your, I just found this board, I have two friends that talk to me everyday and I don't know any ot people with an kind of cancer so I feel so alone and so sick that I'm just doing this one day at a time but my anus and the rest of my bottom skin too it is just getting worse so I feel like I'm drowning so thank you for your response!!!!
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Talking about being able to share poop stories withmp327 said:Kmessier
Some people get burn relief from pure aloe. You might try that. There is also a product called Domeboro, which is a compress applied to the affected area. I know some have also used a product called Dermoplast. Just make sure with any product used that your skin is completely clean prior to getting radiation treatment, then you can re-apply afterwards. If your doctor has not prescribed anything for the diarrhea, such as Lomotil, please ask! My diarrhea was miserable and caused my skin to break down quite badly.
Thank you for being able to talk about my poop problems and my anus!! I mean who do I walk up to or with my friends I don't feel right saying ... scuse me but do you have any idea what I should do about my Anaya the skins breaking down and my hemerrhoids are so inflamed from my diarrhea I literally can't sit and standing ad laying is almost to much to bear my skin and anus is so inflamed!! It's so hard!! What I'm Ssuing is that I'm not comfortable talking about my cancer anywhere and man I'm in a lonely hard journey so thank you for having a person and a place I can talk about this!
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That is what is so nice about this site and this group--we are able to talk about the things that make other people uncomfortable. People who have not been through this just would not understand. I did not have the benefit of this group when I went through treatment over 8 years ago--it was really hard. How I wish I had found it back then. I'm glad you've found us and I hope you'll continue to post when you need advice or information, or just want to vent. Someone is always here to listen and help. Take it one day at a time--you can do this!
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I am so very sorry for the misery you are in, but know that at least on some level we here have been there at one time too, and that it won't last forever! The cream recommendations that Martha gave are all helpful, but do remember to have them cleaned off before any radiation treatments as they will only increase burning. I used mostly the Dermoplast because it is a spray and easy to apply. I too was on an extended release pain med with another for break through, so continue to "try" and all you can do is try, to stay ahead of the pain.
Unfortunately, I can only offer minimal help regarding pain associated with bowel movements as for me, part of my treatment required surgery to place an ostomy. (I truly looked at this as a blessing in regards to butt pain) I did however have complications from the radiation with internal healing from the ostomy and ended up in the hospital and eventually a nursing home for a bit so a different kind of pain. That being said, my butt still burned and blistered. I always had a squirt bottle of water to spray on myself while peeing to dilute the urine which helped. People often suggested sitting on a donut style pillow, but all that does is contribute to pain as the anal area has natural pressure when falling in the hole, so, I sat on a soft fluffy pillow with a satin pillow case which made turning and pivoting easier....I even took it in the car.
Drink, drink, drink......hydration is good for the skin as is protien so try to eat things like yogurt if your appetite permits. I remember sleeping mostly on my side with a firm pillow behind my back as to not put pressure on my bottom, but although I was exhausted, just as you, usually only slept a few hours at a time.
This is a difficult cancer to discuss with others and it is impossible for anyone to relate to unless they have been there. I suppose any cancer is that way (I have also had a double mastectomy for a rare breast cancer myself).....yet, some cancers are just more readily acceptable and people have been somewhat educated on basics, but NOT anal cancer. No one wants to hear our butt and poop problems, and for me, God forbid I start ostomy talk, lol. Thats not the case here, nothing is off topic and I'm glad you found us. I was initially diagnosed almost 6 years ago and was unaware of this site until I had completed treatment. I sure wish I had these folks to help me through with tips, advice, support, and friendship. So, don't feel have us!!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you move forward, please stay in touch.
ps.....just wanted to add, I found sipping on ginger tea or sucking on ginger candies to help just a little with the upset stomach....I took all anti-nausea meds prescribed and still felt queasy but never actually threw up!
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My diagnosis is breast/anal
My diagnosis is breast/anal/non-Hodgkin's lym... it's the anal that's getting me though!! I say that. It my breasts are swollen mainly my righting because I had breast reduction on it when I was 40 , I'm 56 now but it hurts worse than my left one and have had some discharge and my nipple is so sensitive I usually run commando around my house not out of desire because I'm tak care of my 87 year old dad but simply out of necessity. My radiation markers on my breasts are red an d irritate too but nothing like my anus. I tried the donut and a potty chair to sit up and eat it doesn't matter I have hemer too and geez my anus feels like it's going to rot and fall off and my diarrhea is j making it 100 times worse!! Thank god I have a friend that I can talk about all this with and she has colon cancer but was diagnosed in one day had surgery the next and was cancer free and her was of the duodenum. But she's a great fiend that I can say poop and anus too and she's fine she has come up with some things that sure helped but I needed to talk to someone who has been there because believe it or not I'm a paramedic/Registered Nurse who never worked Oncology and i don't know a single person whose had cancer!! I'm supposed to have surgery the second week of Dec but that's not helping me now!! I was so relieved to find this group you have no idea I have to be honest I just broke down and cried because it's like I told my friend... whose conve are about their anus and poop?? So thank y'all for being here when I saw anal cancer I just about cried with that too because like I said who wants to even hear that word much less about anus blistered and raw and inflamed hemerrhoids and diarrhea ... you understand it's kind of okay to say yes I have breast cancer but then when I say anal cancer folks kindof turn red and mutter I'm sorry I'll pray for you then walk away!! So again thanks for being here and talking to me because mainly I'm pooping, in pain or crying or all three!
Thanks bunchea Katheryn and Martha!
love and Prayers,
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Thank you so very much Marthamp327 said:Kmessier
That is what is so nice about this site and this group--we are able to talk about the things that make other people uncomfortable. People who have not been through this just would not understand. I did not have the benefit of this group when I went through treatment over 8 years ago--it was really hard. How I wish I had found it back then. I'm glad you've found us and I hope you'll continue to post when you need advice or information, or just want to vent. Someone is always here to listen and help. Take it one day at a time--you can do this!
Thank you so very much Martha my name is Kim I'm 56 and believ it or not a Paramedic/Registered Nurse who has never worked Oncology or even known anybody with cancer!! I've done the first six weeks just fumbling around and crying a lot!! Thank god I have a good friend who lets me say poop and anus and OMG diarrhea and I can't even make it to the bathroom on time!! She's been the only thing that's kept me sane but like she said I can only listen you gotta find someone whose been there to help!! It's like Kathleen said about the donuts unless you've been therdyoi would by under stand that sitting on them hurts like heck!! So thank y'all for being here!!
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anal cancer radiation
Hi Kim,
Just want to say the 2 things that I could not have done without were boxer underwear and peri-bottles/squirt bottles. Make it 3. The polysporin I used on my radiation burns. OK, make it more - support from my friends and family, advice & information & support from these boards - including the knowledge that it would get better after treatment ended!
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This may be helpful
Chemo sucks. You should tried hemp seed oil with your ongoing treatment. It is found to be powerful source of nutrition. There are studies and documentaries on cannabis oil which have proven to be effective for cancer patients
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Thank you very much I'll getSalsify said:anal cancer radiation
Hi Kim,
Just want to say the 2 things that I could not have done without were boxer underwear and peri-bottles/squirt bottles. Make it 3. The polysporin I used on my radiation burns. OK, make it more - support from my friends and family, advice & information & support from these boards - including the knowledge that it would get better after treatment ended!
Thank you very much I'll get the squirt bottles I have some boxers but like my shirt I can't lay down or sleep with them they ride up and end up in my butt crack!! I hate the clothes on clothes off but I haven't figured anything else out because any clothes or even the sheet touching my right nipple for very long brings me to tears and the boxers riding up so the same thing I wake up and they've crawled up and I'm just in tears!! I'm literally just making it sometimes one minute to the next I'm so miserable or can't get comfortable because my anus is just killing me!! I sure app all the words of support and the fact that I hear y'all andso I know there's light at the end of the tunnel and we'll the fact that there is a end of the tunnel!!
Love and Light,
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thank you for responding andclintoncassells said:This may be helpful
Chemo sucks. You should tried hemp seed oil with your ongoing treatment. It is found to be powerful source of nutrition. There are studies and documentaries on cannabis oil which have proven to be effective for cancer patients
thank you for responding and sorry I'm slow but what do you do with the Hemp seed oil?? I'm sorry but I don't know what you do with the hemp seed oil!! I haven't even looked up cannibis because it's not legal here in Texas!! Thanks again for the response!!
Love and Light,
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Your situation is compounded by treating two + cancers and my heart just aches for you. I don't know what your insurance coverage is, but am wondering if there may be a possibility to be hospitalized or admitted to a short term care facility where you could get some help. You say you also care for your father and can't imagine adding that to the mix. Most cities have some form of Aging and Disability Resources that could offer assistance to you both. Some is offered by volunteers and other help is often covered by various ins. programs.
When I had serious complications with my ostomy and was admitted to the nursing home (short term) I received a great deal of quality care......this really made a difference in my recovery I think!!
I just thought this may be something to consider.....
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I have a Medicare umm canteihtak said:Kmessier.....
Your situation is compounded by treating two + cancers and my heart just aches for you. I don't know what your insurance coverage is, but am wondering if there may be a possibility to be hospitalized or admitted to a short term care facility where you could get some help. You say you also care for your father and can't imagine adding that to the mix. Most cities have some form of Aging and Disability Resources that could offer assistance to you both. Some is offered by volunteers and other help is often covered by various ins. programs.
When I had serious complications with my ostomy and was admitted to the nursing home (short term) I received a great deal of quality care......this really made a difference in my recovery I think!!
I just thought this may be something to consider.....
I have a Medicare umm cant think of what it's called but anyway I have good insurance and Im on what's called Palliative Care because I also have Multiple Sclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease!! When I was 46 I had 5 heart bypasses and since then I've had 6 stents for clogged arteries the last bit even 6 months ago my heart is why they haven't done surgery on me my cardiologist didn't think my heart was strong enough for how long the surgery will take!! and when they started my chemo I was really sick I had to be hospitalized I was vomiting and had the diarrhea so bad I was dehydrated and my blood pressuredrooped I was very sick and they had to change what they were giving me!! Anyway I've finally got the one round of chemo done! I have a social worker and I have a CNA during the weekdays to help and a grocery store delivers my groceries same with a pharmacy!! Right now my dad and I are making it!! I have two sons but one is in the military the Air Force he only likes two years to retire with twenty years he tried to get to me but a parent doesn't qualify him to help me my other son live five hours away!! He pays for a women to come clean my house!! We also get meals on wheels on wheels!! So thank you were getting along so far!! My main problem Ms are the diarrhea and the radiation to my anus and not getting enough sleep!! On the diarrhea front I was in the hospital a week ago and they did anothe colonoscopy because I also have a very very small cancer on my Ascending Colon but em they told me I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and that's part of why I'm having so such bad diarrhea and gur cramping!! Prescribed a new mes that helps with the cramps!! I have to be honest sometimes I want to throw my hand in the air and say enough is enough but I have a sister older by five years and she's not interested in helping she lives eight hours away but my dad said he's rather live on the streets than to go to live with her and her husband so now that I've aired all the dirty laundry lol thank you and well that's what's going on in my life!! Sometimes all I need is to rant and rave and cry!! But I found this board looling for help with the burns to my anus because what I'm doing just isn't going to cut it and what y'all texted helped a whole lot as well as knowing I'm not the only person out there that has poop problems and anus problems and that Theresa place to go where I can actually say, "hey help ny anus feels live it's going to fall off and diarrhea so bad that my poor anus feels like it's going to turn inside out" and there be people that understands just helps a whole lot!!
Love and Light,
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Kmessier....Kmessier said:Diarrhea just sick
I know I'm just saying the same things over and over I'm just so nauseated and vomiting along with severe diarrhea and anal ppain from radiation
Feel free to come here to vent whether you repeat yourself or not......I just can not even imagine how difficult this all must be for you with all you have going on at once!
Have you tried any of the creams for pain? Your doctor should be able to prescribe something and while it won't help completely, you may at least get some relief. It may be difficult to change pain medication at this point and most likely a doctor will not want to, but I was on oxycontin (time release) 2x's per day and oxycodone for break through pain....which I took. After my breast surgery I was given morphine for pain but it made me sick to my stomach. When changed again to oxycontin, much of that subsided. I'm no doctor, but am wondering if the morphine is contributing to your misery and if a change in pain management might help??? Just a thought.
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.....
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Using silvadine and my dr.eihtak said:Kmessier....
Feel free to come here to vent whether you repeat yourself or not......I just can not even imagine how difficult this all must be for you with all you have going on at once!
Have you tried any of the creams for pain? Your doctor should be able to prescribe something and while it won't help completely, you may at least get some relief. It may be difficult to change pain medication at this point and most likely a doctor will not want to, but I was on oxycontin (time release) 2x's per day and oxycodone for break through pain....which I took. After my breast surgery I was given morphine for pain but it made me sick to my stomach. When changed again to oxycontin, much of that subsided. I'm no doctor, but am wondering if the morphine is contributing to your misery and if a change in pain management might help??? Just a thought.
You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.....
Using silvadine and my dr. Prescribed me lomotil after asking but I can't tell any difference today my guts just hurt and I have the diarrhea so bad and it causes my burns to my anus so bad burns even to my breasts I'm just so tired!!
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i am sorry that you find yourself here, but you're in the right place for a place to discuss intimate symptoms & access to advice from the horses mouth (kinda). During and for some time after treatment we can become lactose intolerant. Have a look at what you are eating. Low fibre lactose free is the way to go.
Best wishes
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