2 Week Post Op. Help

KTBug Member Posts: 9

Good Morning Friends!   So it has been 2 weeks today since my right partial nephrectomy and everything aside from my pneumonia setback has been great.  I was finally getting my pep back in my step didn't need any pain meds and really felt great overall. I still got tired throughout the day but I knew that was par for the course. Well yestersay I woke up and had excruciating pain on my right side-mid rib I guess would be the exact area.  Every time I go from a sitting to standing position the pain literally takes make breathe away and I have to slowly stand up straight.  I was thinking I may have slept wrong or pulled a muscle.  I called the surgeon he advised me to rest and that the pain will probably leave as quickly as it came And most likely it is a pulled muscle.  I rested all day and this morning the pain is just as bad as yesterday.  I was hoping someone has had the same  experience and could shed some light for me.  I have a pretty high tolerance for pain and not one to complain but this has me worried.  The pain meds dont help at all.  Which leads me to believe it is a muscle.   Any thoughts and guidance is appreciate!!   


  • Abunai
    Abunai Member Posts: 173 Member
    What type of pain?

    Does it feel like a pulled muscle? Is there any numbness or tingling in the painful area?

    I see from your profile that you had a CT scan to diagnose your RCC. If it persists, I would have your doctor re-look at the imagery from that scan, in the area of the rib pain.


  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    I can't help you with ideas since I did not have a partial but I am thinking of you, and hope for a full and quick recovery.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Physical Therapy

    Have you had it? It was presribed for me and it was great at bringing all my muscles together gently but efficiency. Maybe you could ask for it on prescription

  • KTBug
    KTBug Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2016 #5
    Abunai said:

    What type of pain?

    Does it feel like a pulled muscle? Is there any numbness or tingling in the painful area?

    I see from your profile that you had a CT scan to diagnose your RCC. If it persists, I would have your doctor re-look at the imagery from that scan, in the area of the rib pain.


    Hi Dave!

    Hi Dave!

    It reminds me of a pulled muscle.  The pain is unbearable when I am reaching, bending or going from a sitting to standing position and when I try to walk it takes a minute or so to subside.  When I am lying down and then move side to side there is a little tinge of pain but nothing substantial. No numbness or tingling in the area   I am going to wait until tomorrow and if there is no change I am going to call my dr again.  I did drive for the first time Tuesday and I wonder if that may have been tense and that caused something.  I'm not sure.  I Spoke to some of my friends that are nurses.  Since my stomach is soft and not descended and there is no blood in my urine it stool they tend to think it may be just a pulled muscle. Thank you so much for your advice.   

  • KTBug
    KTBug Member Posts: 9
    mrou50 said:


    I can't help you with ideas since I did not have a partial but I am thinking of you, and hope for a full and quick recovery.


    Thank you Mark.  I hope all

    Thank you Mark.  I hope all is well with you and  your recovery as well. 

  • KTBug
    KTBug Member Posts: 9

    Physical Therapy

    Have you had it? It was presribed for me and it was great at bringing all my muscles together gently but efficiency. Maybe you could ask for it on prescription

    No they did not refer me to

    No they did not refer me to PT.  I will however look into that.  Thank you. 

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited November 2016 #8
    Do so

    Did me the world of good

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sorry to hear of this pain,

    Sorry to hear of this pain, enuff! Trust your body and when it speaks to you.

    What bothers me is that your surgeon assumes its a pulled muscle without wanting to see you.  But that's me.

    Did you have that trapped gas pain following your surgery? It is awful. They use that gas to pump up your abdomen so the surgeon can SEE.

    It gets trapped in the weirdest places. I found this to be the source of my pain. Mine was trapped in my shoulder. I kept moving around, and moved my arm all around to loosen it up and out. Most pain meds do not touch this either as its caught in the air not inside where a pain can get in your blood stream.

    Also, do not forget you can have anemia. I had to TELL my surgeon to test me for it, as he was sure I didn't have that much blood loss. Sure enough, I was anemic. It can KEEP you tired and your recovery to go slowly.

    NUTRIENTS are necessary for the body to heal too.

    Let us know hon how you are doing ok?

    I am thinking of you~

    Sending you a healing hug, a gentle one!



  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    I had pain

    Hi, Bug.  I had pain for about three days.  Kind of a sharp pain in my stomach area between two of the scars where they had the devices in me during my partial.  BUT I had started running the week before and ran every night, plus my nephew ran up and poked me in the stomach.  I'm not sure which of the two caused the pain, but it did worry me.  Fortunately, the pain disappeared as quickly as it arrived and I haven't had it since.

    I'm hopeful yours goes away.  If not, I'd agree to contact your doctor.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    edited November 2016 #11
    stub1969 said:

    I had pain

    Hi, Bug.  I had pain for about three days.  Kind of a sharp pain in my stomach area between two of the scars where they had the devices in me during my partial.  BUT I had started running the week before and ran every night, plus my nephew ran up and poked me in the stomach.  I'm not sure which of the two caused the pain, but it did worry me.  Fortunately, the pain disappeared as quickly as it arrived and I haven't had it since.

    I'm hopeful yours goes away.  If not, I'd agree to contact your doctor.


    it can be

    either muscle spasm as your reflexes enter a withdrawl response or stretching of an adhesion. Slow easy stretching should help relieve a spasm. A therapist can find an adhesion and massage it out. You have entered the phase where your body wants to be left alone. As footsie says, find a good therapist.