Anyone's WBC 50 or greater

I am 73 years old and was diagnosed with NHL when I was 70, I have no symptons but my blood test show my WBC has risen to 47, when I was first diagnosed 3 yrs. ago it was 20. I was wondering should I be concerned about getting treatment. Although my spleen is slightly enlarged, My Doctor recommends since I feel good, no night sweats or any other symptoms that I continue to be monitored every 3 months. I'm scheduled for another Cat scan in 3 months. Comments welcome.


  • WBC

    the above comment assumes the high WBC is due to lymphocytes. Is that correct?

  • WBC

    I have FNHL stage IV. Speaking as a lay person and based only on my own experience, it would be wise to discuss in detail why your Dr. feels no treatment is needed. Quite the opposite of your situation, my WBC was borderline low before diagnosis. Even now, 2 years after my therapy ended, it is still at 3.6. My spleen was 10% enlarged as was my liver. Since you have no immediate threat, I would look into a Rituxan monotherapy regime. Its a mild treatment and will definitely reduce WBC. It would only help if your lymphoma cells are CD20 positive. Good luck!

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    What strain (type) of NHL do you have?  Your oncologist has you in what is called "Active Surveillance," in which indolent (non-aggressive) disease is closely monitored with no treatment. A/S is not uncommon, especially in older patients.  Spleen enlargement can happen with numerous strains, but it does suggest Splenic NHL, a very rare strain of NHL.

    GKH said exactly what I would hsve said:. Some NHLs can be treated for years or decades with Rituxan, which is about the least harsh chemo anywhere. It will not cause hair loss, etc. I would ask your oncologist about it.  I do not remember WBC norms, but I may be anemic again myself now, a RBC issue, with different casualty.

    Ask about whether your strain has the CD-20 cell as GKH noted, and if Rituxan might be a good idea for you now. If you have a biopsy report at home, it will answer these questions there.

    Indolent NHL (if yours is indolent) in a 72 year old suggests the old truism in oncology, "You die with it, not from it."

    May you live well to 100,
