
janaes Member Posts: 799 Member

So this is what is happening with me.  Looks like my work is going to find a place for me.  Its not going to be in the same school because they are fully staffed, but i talked to the lady that does the benifits and she told me that the highering manager, who i have taked to previosly, will be calling me to let me know what school i will be working at.  I have a least one more week before i will start work and I will take it.  I have been walking more.  I walked two times last week 3 times around my block, which i am glad about.  I still have my hard moments and days.  I think emotionally its still hard.  Especially in the mornings.  I decided to to sign up for a support group for cancer patients who are done with treatments.  Yay that includes me!!!!! I am hoping that will help me.  Just thought i would add this fun little tid bit.  A friend of mine keeps bringing me carrots and spinich to me.  I told her spinich would be helpful to me and she just keeps bringing it, so I have been rolling the spinach around a carrot and I have been eating that for a snack.  Other than that i been progressing a little with better eating habits.  Not where I want it though.  I was so used to eating in bed and sometimes i get stuck in that rut.  I have been making more dinners though. I guess you would say i am progressing.  Oh I feel a little hair comming back.  Cant see it very good but can feel it.  I aked my radiation oncologist before i left last thursday for my last appointment if he considered myself NED and he told me that in the scan he just did(that he had done just before my bracytherapy treatment) he didnt see anything so as far as he is concerned yes I am.  I still worry about it being in there but thats what i have got so far.  Oh by the way, is doing those scans before bracytherapy normal?  Did any of you guys do that?


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #2
    YAY! Janaes

    So happy to hear that your job situation will be working out!!!  Sounds like you are doing such a good job of getting yourself stronger and working on eating the way you want!  You can use that spinich in smooties or add it to humus :D  What a sweet friend <3 She is a blessing to be thankful for <3

    My hair is coming back and like you I looked quite bald even though I could feel it cuz it was so white ;)  now I'm starting to get a dark hue to it and EYEBROWS- YAY!!!  I watched a gal on Youtube and about every 10 days she had more and more hair so I'm taking a few pics every few days.  I must say it's much more fun watching for it to come back than it was waiting for it to fall out!!!  lol  So soft :D  I like rubbing around on it- probably good for circulation ;)

    Yes, good ole NED is about as hard to get my mind around as invisible hair ;)  I too had to ask my onc if I was there yet- she just said everything looks good.... ok- I keep waiting for that AHHHH moment but so far it's a walk of faith like so many other things.  So until someone tells me otherwise I am learning to dance- funny I've never known how to before- no rhythm ;)    (((HUGS))) and Smiles!  Celebrating with you today!

    and PS- I asked for a tummy tuck as long as they were doing surgery- NOPE then I said ok, if I have to lose my hair- can it NOT come back on my legs, chin, underarms etc.- again NOPE I had to tweeze BLACK ones off my chin yesterday!!!!!  WTH?  where are the perks?!  LMBO

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Thanks for your comments.  It

    Thanks for your comments.  It made me laugh because i bought a chin shaver (Not sure what it is called but it shaves my chin with no pain) not too long before i lost my hair.  I used it a couple of times and havent had to use it since. The other day i was rubbing my cheek in a spot I used to get hair and felt a little.  Boy i had to rumble trough my purse to see if I had lost my shavor.  It took me a minute but i did find it.  Few!!!  As much as I didnt miss that hair i was glad i found my tool to get rid of my hair on my face with out it hurting.  I find myself rubbing my head too.  It feels nice to feel hair.  It was nice to hear that you had asked your doctor about being NED too.  Some times that does drive me crazy.  I try to not let it bug me too much though.  I noticed your posts shortly after you joined and also noticed you were just a bit ahead of me.  I noticed your surgery was about a week before mine.  Thanks for joining this group and being so supportive.  You are a blessing.

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2016 #4
    Congratulations, Janae!

    Congratulations, Janae!

    Glad your job is working out well for you and that you're making progress every day.

    I had a CT scan before starting external radiation. The oncologist didn't really explain well why they wanted to do it, but the radiologist said it was so they could confirm that things were stable, with no new cancer activity (there wasn't). If there had been, they would have adjusted their approach to radiation.


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Doing the happy dance

    doing the happy dance for both of you.  Please dance with NED forever.

    Janaes,  so glad your job is going to work out.  You don't need that to worry about.  

    Why do those annoying chin hair like to grow so darn fast????

    Hgs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Congrats on your job! That

    Congrats on your job! That takes one worry off your plate! Yes, I remember having some type of scan before my radiation.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Hair- I loved losing the chin

    Hair- I loved losing the chin hairs with chemo, but of course they were some of the first to return! Ugh! My hair on the head has returned but there is much more white than I had before. I had a lady tell me in a store the other day that she liked my haircut! Lol, not really a cut! My hair growing bAck. People tell me it looks good on me, but all I want is my old hair back. I know that be take a lot of time. Ah, well a small price to pay for NED which I think is hard to accept. I'm always thinking that the cancer is lurking somewhere. Enjoy your last week of freedom!

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Soup52 said:

    Hair- I loved losing the chin

    Hair- I loved losing the chin hairs with chemo, but of course they were some of the first to return! Ugh! My hair on the head has returned but there is much more white than I had before. I had a lady tell me in a store the other day that she liked my haircut! Lol, not really a cut! My hair growing bAck. People tell me it looks good on me, but all I want is my old hair back. I know that be take a lot of time. Ah, well a small price to pay for NED which I think is hard to accept. I'm always thinking that the cancer is lurking somewhere. Enjoy your last week of freedom!


    I had a lady at church tell me she liked my curly hair and wasn't I lucky that I didn't have to pay for it.

    Lou Ann 

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited November 2016 #9
    Congrats on getting your job

    Congrats on getting your job back Janae! And, for walking.

    Hair.... so 10 months out from chemo and I'm not bald any longer. I can't say I like my hair now, but I can say I'm happy to have it. I purchased hair color yesterday but I haven't gotten up the nerve to use it yet. I don't like the color my hair is and it is thin on top - kind of like a receding hair line so I'm thinking if I color it, I'll get a bit of "plump" to my fine stuff.  I just hope it doesn't fall out!

    Love and Hugs,


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member

    Congrats on getting your job

    Congrats on getting your job back Janae! And, for walking.

    Hair.... so 10 months out from chemo and I'm not bald any longer. I can't say I like my hair now, but I can say I'm happy to have it. I purchased hair color yesterday but I haven't gotten up the nerve to use it yet. I don't like the color my hair is and it is thin on top - kind of like a receding hair line so I'm thinking if I color it, I'll get a bit of "plump" to my fine stuff.  I just hope it doesn't fall out!

    Love and Hugs,


    Non Toxic?

    Have you found something to use that is non toxic for your hair?  I haven't been wearing makeup, perfume, using regular soaps etc. etc. due to the things I've read about how those toxins take up spaces on the cells that they shouldn't and can cause cancer.  Since I am putting all organic in, drinking filtered water, taking supplements, not eating sugar etc. etc. and NOT wanting to tax my body any further or get anything else I just wonder about putting that stuff on my skin.  When I learned that essential oils are in the blood stream in 2 minutes and in every cell of the body within 20 min. it made me start to really think about everything.  Maybe you all can chime in and give me some good info. on what you've found and what I can try?  Thanks much :D

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    My oncologist and GP said I

    My oncologist and GP said I could dye my hair,  no problem but I'm kind of digging the silver look.   My hair came back pure white,  curly and really soft and I'm going to stick with it at least for now. 

    I think whatever makes you feel good is the right thing to do.  What cures one causes problems for another.   Except for genetics,  I think this cancer is luck of the draw... or UNLUCK  of the draw. 



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    My oncologist and GP said I

    My oncologist and GP said I could dye my hair,  no problem but I'm kind of digging the silver look.   My hair came back pure white,  curly and really soft and I'm going to stick with it at least for now. 

    I think whatever makes you feel good is the right thing to do.  What cures one causes problems for another.   Except for genetics,  I think this cancer is luck of the draw... or UNLUCK  of the draw. 




    Dont you dare color that beautiful hair.  Love the style, too.  You look so pretty.

  • Beverly30
    Beverly30 Member Posts: 18

    My oncologist and GP said I

    My oncologist and GP said I could dye my hair,  no problem but I'm kind of digging the silver look.   My hair came back pure white,  curly and really soft and I'm going to stick with it at least for now. 

    I think whatever makes you feel good is the right thing to do.  What cures one causes problems for another.   Except for genetics,  I think this cancer is luck of the draw... or UNLUCK  of the draw. 



    I love your white hair!

    I love your white hair! Gorgous. 

  • Beverly30
    Beverly30 Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2016 #14

    Has anyone tried this? I just got some and the research looks good. can't hurt I guess. 

    What is NED? I know I have vaginal brachytherapy coming sometime in Jan or February .  Not sure how mamy or what the process is. I'm in California and I'm it sure if different areas do it differently .  I'm hoping I don't need a lot. I'm being told it's preventative measure. Can anyone give me an idea of the process I might be looking at? Seems like there's not a stay in hospital. That's good! 



  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #15
    Beverly30 said:


    Has anyone tried this? I just got some and the research looks good. can't hurt I guess. 

    What is NED? I know I have vaginal brachytherapy coming sometime in Jan or February .  Not sure how mamy or what the process is. I'm in California and I'm it sure if different areas do it differently .  I'm hoping I don't need a lot. I'm being told it's preventative measure. Can anyone give me an idea of the process I might be looking at? Seems like there's not a stay in hospital. That's good! 



    I didn't know what AHCC is

    I'm sure if someone is familiar with it they will know right away.  Here is a link for what I found just so everyone is on the same page.  http://ahccresearch.com/faq.html

    Did your naturopath or someone recommend it for you? 

    You can google and or youtube brachytherapy.  I haven't done it but I did go in for a consult and you do not have to be in the hospital for it. 

    I know you have a long time to get really good info. to make your decision. Hope you are doing well.  (((HUGS)))

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Hi, Beverly

    NED means No Evidence of Desease.  Brachytheryepy is internal radilation aimed at the vaginal cuff.  It is usually given between two and four,times often a week apart.  You are fitted with a cylinder that is inserted in you vigina.  The actual time for treatment ,is very short. mine lasted less than four minutes.  For me it was more embarrassing than painful.   the cylinder was hooked up to a robot hat the doctor called R2D2. A physicist came in and ran a gIgor counter over me to check for radiation at the beginning and,end to make sure there was non left.  I had no side effects at all and found it to,be,the easiest of the treatment..  others will probably be able to describe this better.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Scotgirl
    Scotgirl Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited November 2016 #17
    Beverly30 said:


    Has anyone tried this? I just got some and the research looks good. can't hurt I guess. 

    What is NED? I know I have vaginal brachytherapy coming sometime in Jan or February .  Not sure how mamy or what the process is. I'm in California and I'm it sure if different areas do it differently .  I'm hoping I don't need a lot. I'm being told it's preventative measure. Can anyone give me an idea of the process I might be looking at? Seems like there's not a stay in hospital. That's good! 




    hello, Beverly30, I had my first brachytherapy Nov 1st and honestly for me it was a non event as far as any side affects. Other than the large amount of lubricant they insert prior to inserting the tube and having to lie on my back for ten minutes (I was the last patient of the day so the radiation tank is not filled but close to the bottom) while the radiation is administered, it really was very easy and no comparison to my first chemo treatment. I have two more to go and that will be it for radiation. Apparently, the intravaginal radiation is very well tolerated by most. I chose Memorial Sloan Kettering so after my surgery was completed in Manhattan, I am now able to go for all treatments and testing to their satellite treatment center in NJ, 1/2 HR from my home. Good luck, no worries. If intravsginal radiation is all you need, you are ahead of the curve, will be ok, don't worry and good luck.


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited November 2016 #18

    Congrats on getting your job

    Congrats on getting your job back Janae! And, for walking.

    Hair.... so 10 months out from chemo and I'm not bald any longer. I can't say I like my hair now, but I can say I'm happy to have it. I purchased hair color yesterday but I haven't gotten up the nerve to use it yet. I don't like the color my hair is and it is thin on top - kind of like a receding hair line so I'm thinking if I color it, I'll get a bit of "plump" to my fine stuff.  I just hope it doesn't fall out!

    Love and Hugs,


    Thanks every one for your

    Thanks every one for your replies about hair.  I have admit that i have worried abit about the color its going to be.  I hope it all grows back though.  I guess time will tell. 

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    So very happy for you, Janaes

    So very happy for you, Janaes! Sounds like things are falling back into place for you. Before you know it, you'll be so busy with normal life that you will hardly even think about these past few months!