Reoccurrence after initial diagnosis and hysterectomy



  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #22
    LARyan- WOW!

    So very glad you listened to your instinct- it's so hard to know, especially when it isn't your own body, when it's side effects or when it's an infection!!!  They warn everyone if your temp. is elevated to 100.5 to call right away. 

    I agree with MAbound- I bet you are tired- I hope you can get some rest while others are keeping an eye on her. 

    Continued prayers for you and your mama <3<3  (((HUGS)))

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Im glad you decidded to go to

    Im glad you decidded to go to the hospital.  Your post reminded me of when i had cancer 23 years ago.  My mom was taking care of me most of the time.  I remember when i was doing chemo i wouldnt eat.  I dont remember how long i went with out eating because it has been so long ago but i do remember that my mom was worried about me enough to call the chemo office and told them about it and was told to bring me in and so in i went and was fed trough an iv for hours (cant remember how long that was either).  I didnt have to do it again and some how i made it through the rest of chemo and radiation at that time.  There is hope!!!

    Hugs Janae

  • LARyan
    LARyan Member Posts: 10
    I just want to say again how

    I just want to say again how grateful I am for this site and all of you beautiful people.  I feel very blessed. We talked with the oncologist here yesterday and because of this site I had a much better idea if questions I needed to ask.  Mom has improved so much! 

  • LARyan
    LARyan Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2016 #25
    One more question. she has a

    One more question. she has a "sore" down below in the labia area. They found yesterday and are now thinking that perhaps that and not the pneumonia caused the sepsis. Her radiation treatments ended last September for the initial diagnosis.  Anyone experience anything similar? Doc said blood flow will be less in areas after radiation and what may have started as an irritation just developed more rapidly due to chemo and her diabetes. very personal I know? Also, anyone use essential oils during chemo? 

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited November 2016 #26
    Blood Flow

    You know, when I asked my gyn onc why he did all of my chemo first before radiation instead of using the "Sandwich" regimen like so many others have had and that's what he said to me, too. He's found that radiation damages blood flow in the pelvis causing complications with chemo after it. It makes some sense, but then I'm wondering why studies show the sandwich regimen to be statistically more effective? Lack of consensus on treating us sure causes concern when we need to make decisions on which direction to go. 

    I've never used essential oils during chemo. What are you thinking they'd do? I'm using Aquafor during radiation as others have recommended because it doesn't have any perfumes. I was using Udderly Smooth during chemo because it was given to me to use during chemo from my doctor. Controlling blood sugars and hydration are probably more important to skin condition than anything external, though.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Just catching up after being

    Just catching up after being out of town for a few days.  I'm sorry to hear about your mom, LARyan, and while being in the hospital is never fun, it sounds like your mom's body is getting some much needed help.  I, too, am hoping that when this infection is taken care of, her body will be able to handle the chemo better.

    I have heard of people using essential oils to relieve stress and anxiety during chemo, though I have not done so myself.  I've seen lavender, chamomile and sweet orange mentioned.  You might want to seek out someone who has a degree of knowledge about such things and as always, run it by your mom's doctors, especially if you are thinking about topical application.