Sister diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer

cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
edited November 2016 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

My younger sister was diagnosed with endometrial cancer yesterday after getting results of a biopsy.  At least that is what she think they called it.  She is meeting with a gynocolgy oncolgist this afternoon and the plan is for me to join her meeting via telephone (she didn't want me to fly to Baltimore last night to be there).  Hearing this was almost as big of a whallop as hearing it myself a year ago.  I was supposed to be the one taking this for our family (genetics test for BRCA1 & 2 and Lynch Snydrome) have all come back negative. Just so damn hard to believe that this madnesss isn't genetic with two of us having it (our middle sister had a hysterectomy years ago and was not checked for cancerous cells).

Just pissed off today and needed to get it off my chest before the phone call this afternoon....


  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Cindy, I am so very sorry to

    Cindy, I am so very sorry to hear about your sister's diagnosis. Hopefully they have caught it early and it is a low grade. Wishing you both good news on her doctor appointment today. Kim

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited November 2016 #3
    Courage Cindy

    So very sorry to hear that you got such upsetting news.  You didn't mention how you are doing with your journey? 

    It's so good that you can be such a great asset to your sister.  It's so hard to take in information when you are getting hit with so much so two brains are better than one I've found.

    We'll be praying for the best outcome.  Please come back for support yourself and if your sister wants to come- these ladies are all AMAZING!!!  (((HUGS)))

  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2016 #4
    Nellasing said:

    Courage Cindy

    So very sorry to hear that you got such upsetting news.  You didn't mention how you are doing with your journey? 

    It's so good that you can be such a great asset to your sister.  It's so hard to take in information when you are getting hit with so much so two brains are better than one I've found.

    We'll be praying for the best outcome.  Please come back for support yourself and if your sister wants to come- these ladies are all AMAZING!!!  (((HUGS)))

    Thanks Nellasing!  Courage is

    Thanks Nellasing!  Courage is somewhat escaping me .... this is like one of my kids having cancer!  The two of us are very close. 

    I've been around since roughly this time last year when I was diagnosed with Stage IIIC1 USPC.  I don't post a ton but I try to find my way here once or twice a week to check in on this board. You are correct - these ladies are AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. 

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Im so sorry.  I wish you

    Im so sorry.  I wish you didnt have to hear this news.  Im so glad you are taking the time to be there for here doctors appointment (een if its over the phone) .  My sister was at my first appointment and it meant the world to me.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    Cindy, I am so sorry.  Your

    Cindy, I am so sorry.  Your sister is so lucky to have someone who know the questions, concerns, etc...please let us know how it went and that your sister is not alone if she ever wants to come and visit us - she would be welcome.

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited November 2016 #7
    So Sorry

    Cindy, I'm so sorry you have to relive everything you've been through already, but now from your sister's perspective. I'd be pretty mad about it, too. Hugs and prayers for both of you!

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited November 2016 #8
    cindy0519 said:

    Thanks Nellasing!  Courage is

    Thanks Nellasing!  Courage is somewhat escaping me .... this is like one of my kids having cancer!  The two of us are very close. 

    I've been around since roughly this time last year when I was diagnosed with Stage IIIC1 USPC.  I don't post a ton but I try to find my way here once or twice a week to check in on this board. You are correct - these ladies are AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. 

    I'm so sorry, Cindy.  I

    I'm so sorry, Cindy.  I honestly think it's easier to have cancer yourself than for someone you really love to have it.  She is lucky to have you! (((Cindy)))



  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    So sorry

    i think it is harder on families that the,person with cancer and this much be especially hard for you knowing what she will have to,go,through.  Glad she has you on her side, though.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    edited November 2016 #10

    Wish you could have accompanied her to her appointment!  You've got her back.   And I hope that she is diagnosed with early stage, low grade endometrial cancer.  Please keep us informed about her surgery date, plan of action, etc. 


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited November 2016 #11
    Cindy, so sorry to hear about

    Cindy, so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope it ends up being the garden variety stage 1 for her. My sister had stage 2 garden variety and did not require chemo. This was after her daughter had cervical cancer. Then, it was my turn. I had stage 1a grade 3. Then, just about a month after I finished all of my frontline treatments, my cousin was diagnosed with both uterine and ovarian cancer. Then, about a month after that, her sister was diagnosed with uterine cancer! Out of all of this, I was the only one that had chemo and radiation. To say that this has been a family affair for us is an understatement!  So.... considering all of my experience lately - I'm going to pray that your sister comes out on the lucky side of this darn cancer!

    Stay Strong.

    Love and Hugs,


  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2016 #12
    Overall good news....if she

    Overall good news....if she has to go through this - this is the best outcome:

    Pathology shows low grade endometrial aadenocarcinoma.  Her oncologist says he suspects it is very early  - he kindly reminded me that she had said multiple times that she had so little spotting that she would have ignored it had I not harped on her endless about getting any form of spottting checked - haha! He says I am to credit for it being found early and asked me to continue to harp on people about this.  He thinks it unlikely that they will find any invasion of the myometrium or the lymp nodes.  A robot assisted hysterectomy is scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving. They will remove uterus, tubes, and ovaries as well as do sentiel node mapping which is now the standard of care for early stage.  Ironically, I just ready an article on sentiel node mapping for uterine cancer from the International Gynecologic Cancer Society conference that was just held lst week in Lisbon, Portugal. 

    Her gyn onco says it is highly unlikely that final pathology on the uterus will return with the Grade1 changing to Grade 3 like I have.  I pray that this and no invasion is true! She too will also have BRCA 1/2 screening as well as Lynch Syndrome because as her onco points out - we are two different people - while I am negative there is a 50% chance she might not be.  By the way.... I find it odd that my testing negative allows her insurance to decline coverage for testing but as he points out - she has a 50/50 chance of having either mutation even if I am negative. 

    Thank everyone for the comments and support.  I feel a lot better after talking with the onco yesterday but am not gonna lie....I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop in some ways based on my own double diagnosis (breast in June 2016 and UPSC in Sept 2016) .  I do however remain optimistic that her onco is correct and sugery alone will take care of this!

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited November 2016 #13
    If there's such a thing as

    If there's such a thing as good bad news, this is it.  I'm also hoping for both of you that surgery is all that is needed.

  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    Praying for your sister,

    Praying for your sister, Cindy. It sucks you both have to go through this, but I'm glad hers was caught early (with your wise advice!)

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member

    Wow!  Your experience saved your sister- that has to feel amazing!  Good job!!! 

    That was about as good as it gets newswise and it sounds like they are going to get right on it.

    Keep us posted- sending love (((HUGS))) and prayers :D

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member

    Cindy, so sorry to hear about

    Cindy, so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope it ends up being the garden variety stage 1 for her. My sister had stage 2 garden variety and did not require chemo. This was after her daughter had cervical cancer. Then, it was my turn. I had stage 1a grade 3. Then, just about a month after I finished all of my frontline treatments, my cousin was diagnosed with both uterine and ovarian cancer. Then, about a month after that, her sister was diagnosed with uterine cancer! Out of all of this, I was the only one that had chemo and radiation. To say that this has been a family affair for us is an understatement!  So.... considering all of my experience lately - I'm going to pray that your sister comes out on the lucky side of this darn cancer!

    Stay Strong.

    Love and Hugs,


    Oh dear!

    Cindi when I read your reply to Cindy (I am getting confused ;) lol) I was shocked at the amount of stuff you and your immediate family have gone through!!!  Prayers that you all are NED or will be soon!!!!  (((HUGS)))

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks for the update, Cindy.

    Thanks for the update, Cindy. I think we were all holding our collective breath waiting for the news. Glad to hear that it was caught early and wonderful to hear that your sister listened to your wise advice. Wishing for more good news for her on the pathology / treatment front. Kim

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    Glad to hear this

    But, dang! Surgery the day before Thanksgiving? 

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited November 2016 #19
    Nellasing said:

    Oh dear!

    Cindi when I read your reply to Cindy (I am getting confused ;) lol) I was shocked at the amount of stuff you and your immediate family have gone through!!!  Prayers that you all are NED or will be soon!!!!  (((HUGS)))

    Nellasing, Thanks. We are all

    Nellasing, Thanks. We are all thriving.  We all were tested for Lynch and all tested postive except for my niece. Genes were not in our favor! lol... My purpose of the post was to let the "other" Cindy know that her sister's chances of a good prognosis is high. And, then she posted awesome news! So happy to hear that.

    Anyway, you are a rock star yourself and I hope you continue with your positive outlook. Lots of life ahead.

    Love and Hugs,


  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    MAbound said:

    Glad to hear this

    But, dang! Surgery the day before Thanksgiving? 

    MAbound! Ha, ha, ha...

    MAbound! Ha, ha, ha....yeppers!  She has a daughter in Pharmacy School who has finals the week before so she wanted to wait until her finals were done and the only available time is the day before Thanksgiving.  It doesn't matter when really it only matters that it is GONE!

    Thanks ladies for all the support <3  I will update further as things progress.