1st PET Scan Post Treatment - not NED



  • Josephwc
    Josephwc Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2016 #42
    Thinking of you Steve

    I hope everything went as smoothly as possible. heal quickly!

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited October 2016 #43
    Hope you did well yesterday,

    Hope you did well yesterday, Steven. You are in my prayers!

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    edited October 2016 #44
    PET or no PET


    Just continue being focus, I was doing a PET scan every 3 months, because I would light up the City with one PET scan and then the next PET will show NED. I never did understand that, neither did the doctor at MD Anderson


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    Speech is OK but will always

    Speech is OK but will always be altered. I swallow fine and eating everything again. Taste and texture is not the same, of course. But at least I can eat.

    Sorry to read this.

    Please record your voice. The day may come you wished you had. I had lost most of mine, but did get a recording when I was hoarse sounding. I wish I had sooner.  I'll keep you in my prayers, Steve.


  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    I am home recovering. Surgery

    I am home recovering. Surgery went well but had a side effect. Eye nerves swelled amd caused nausea headaches and vertigo. Worse than the surgery. Got home yesterday and hopefully will feel better in a couple days. Thank you for the well wishes.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    You Can !!!!

    Steve, I know in my heart, you can do this, and finally put it to rest.  Stay the Course, do the One Day at a Time, and I will swear by this....... Positivity is the half of the key.  I other half is accepting what you definitly can not change ( like Cancer), it's either there or not.  Do not fret, worry, stress over what you can not change.  But you CAN decided a way to deal that WORKs for YOU, not anyone else.  Take all Constructed Advice or help, totally ignore any of the Negative!  I know sounds impossible but I have become that and defied ALL the odds. I am 8 month from DIAGNOSIS.  Had a horrendous treatment with the worst pain I have ever incountered.  I have become a test rat for My Chemo Dr.  Can not accept I am outstanding.  I credit , believe me, ate crap, smoked, drank, walked to a point, to a very reginated with a Journal everyday, eat very healthy to the point I can't gain weight because I burn so efficientl. I have more energy, more stamina, feel GREAT, taste, swallow, smell everything but too spicy.  That is WHY, I am a Test Rat.  I swear, Positivity, I never want to lose.  If it takes excluding negative family and friends.  Ending a 40 yr very bad Marriage, and moving Overseas to begin again and really enjoy life.  My turn for Me....?happiness, healthy, no longer depressed is a much better way to live and end my life.  Believe Me, You CAN do it and I know you will.  There is so much ah end to look forward to but just being a Cancer Survivor.  Big, Big Hugs,  Lisa.  Remember...... I am only.....5 1/2 months from treatment.  8 scopes, Neg, 4 CT/ w/dye Neg, 2 full PET Scans 2nd with extra dye for abdomen, NEG. Ton of blood work, 24 hr Urine test. NEG. Any questions, Please feel free to contact me.

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited October 2016 #48

    I am home recovering. Surgery

    I am home recovering. Surgery went well but had a side effect. Eye nerves swelled amd caused nausea headaches and vertigo. Worse than the surgery. Got home yesterday and hopefully will feel better in a couple days. Thank you for the well wishes.

    Day by day. 

    Day by day. 

  • stevenpepe
    stevenpepe Member Posts: 234
    wmc said:

    Sorry to read this.

    Please record your voice. The day may come you wished you had. I had lost most of mine, but did get a recording when I was hoarse sounding. I wish I had sooner.  I'll keep you in my prayers, Steve.


    Bill, I am an amateur

    Bill, I am an amateur musician who used to sing and record, so I do have some. It appears I may never sing again, unfortunately. That makes this even sadder. For some crazy reason, I always had this thing in the back of my head, that as I got older, something would afflict my ability to play and/or sing. And here it is. I wish I could forsee lottery numbers!

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Its back


    As you know sometimes you have to fight it a few times before you get it all. I had to fight it three time before it realized I am not going to give up, then just as fast as it came it left. That was all 10 years my friend and if I can do it so can you.


    Never give up just take each day one at a time







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