Winter of Fox? Really?



  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    foxhd said:

    It was only a thought

    I'm far from that healthy.  And ned will never happen. So I'll hold on the running for now. Remember, I've taken a beating the last few years. I think I'll be happy if I just remain stable for awhile. There is still that something that I can't express but I am far from what I consider normal. It's got to be the radiation and withdrawl. We'll see. Another week or two.

    Bell, WOW! Someday I'll get down there. Awesome offer. Thanx.



    great news about good scans; yesterday, Smart Patients had a link with results to Cabo and lengthy progression-free in stage 4 renal cancer.

    it is very, very promising and appears better than any drugs currently used.


  • rae_rae
    rae_rae Member Posts: 300 Member
    edited October 2016 #23
    Hey Fox,

    Hey Fox,

    I am so happy to read how well you continue to do. I never had any doubt. Here's to Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall of Fox!




  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member

    I am always encourged to see you on here and your outlook on the RCC. it has helped me to relax alittle and not dwell on the what iffs .glad you are at least better and ready to run .   Desi

  • LauraM3
    LauraM3 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2016 #25

    Glad you are doing well, my friend.  Cool

  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
    edited October 2016 #26

    Hey Fox, during a recent break from Votrient, I felt like my physical prowess had returned - albiet temporarily. It was reassuring and uplifting to know the "old me" was still inside me.  I'm rooting for you to finish a run or other physical challege that you select.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    edited October 2016 #27
    Well, that's the good news.

    Thanks Sarah, you've always back me up... Nice to see you Rae. You are looking healthy and happy. Keep it up... It's getting to be a long time isn't it Desi? We just keep on going...Thanks Laura, we aren't done yet. Hey rhom, I remember that feeling. Maybe someday when it gets close to check out time, I'll stop treatments also. I crave feeling like myself again.

    However, another couple days in the hospital. Heart went wacko again. Tachycardia and a-fib again. Had to go by ambulance. I live near a congested area. The driver insisted she knew how to get to the closest cardiac hospital. About 25 miles and 25 min. later, she got there. She refused my input despite the hospital being only 7 miles away and like 12 minutes. She took me on a fall folliage run. My yard has a surveyors monument separating the 2 towns. She took me through 5 different towns. She must have been going nuts following a GPS that wasn't calibrated by quickest route. Oh well, it didn't turn out for the worse.

    I'm ok but something is triggering thses episodes. Follow ups to come.

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited October 2016 #28
    foxhd said:

    Well, that's the good news.

    Thanks Sarah, you've always back me up... Nice to see you Rae. You are looking healthy and happy. Keep it up... It's getting to be a long time isn't it Desi? We just keep on going...Thanks Laura, we aren't done yet. Hey rhom, I remember that feeling. Maybe someday when it gets close to check out time, I'll stop treatments also. I crave feeling like myself again.

    However, another couple days in the hospital. Heart went wacko again. Tachycardia and a-fib again. Had to go by ambulance. I live near a congested area. The driver insisted she knew how to get to the closest cardiac hospital. About 25 miles and 25 min. later, she got there. She refused my input despite the hospital being only 7 miles away and like 12 minutes. She took me on a fall folliage run. My yard has a surveyors monument separating the 2 towns. She took me through 5 different towns. She must have been going nuts following a GPS that wasn't calibrated by quickest route. Oh well, it didn't turn out for the worse.

    I'm ok but something is triggering thses episodes. Follow ups to come.


    You keep yourself safe man. Keep a GPS on you at all times.

  • firedude21
    firedude21 Member Posts: 52
    Fox -

    Fox -

    Sorry to hear about your last issue. It seems that we are all on a rollercoaster ride that never stops. Hopefully you're feeling better now. Wishing you the best.


  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    edited October 2016 #30
    foxhd said:

    Well, that's the good news.

    Thanks Sarah, you've always back me up... Nice to see you Rae. You are looking healthy and happy. Keep it up... It's getting to be a long time isn't it Desi? We just keep on going...Thanks Laura, we aren't done yet. Hey rhom, I remember that feeling. Maybe someday when it gets close to check out time, I'll stop treatments also. I crave feeling like myself again.

    However, another couple days in the hospital. Heart went wacko again. Tachycardia and a-fib again. Had to go by ambulance. I live near a congested area. The driver insisted she knew how to get to the closest cardiac hospital. About 25 miles and 25 min. later, she got there. She refused my input despite the hospital being only 7 miles away and like 12 minutes. She took me on a fall folliage run. My yard has a surveyors monument separating the 2 towns. She took me through 5 different towns. She must have been going nuts following a GPS that wasn't calibrated by quickest route. Oh well, it didn't turn out for the worse.

    I'm ok but something is triggering thses episodes. Follow ups to come.

    Heart issue

    Fox: is there any specific info on the heart issue; is it cancer or something else? As for the Cabo, I have read that there are studies which show that using Cabo as a first line drug is more effective and less toxic producing long-term progression free time.

    it seems that in the 3+ years that I have been involved with this cancer, there have been many changes in how meds are given and of course, Nivo. My husband is fortunate in having only cyber knife treatments and a partial adrenolectomy as treatment so that if we can hold this disease back, we may have better options. Maybe its wishful thinking but I have convinced him to reject votrient and xgeva; both offer some benefits but also a poorer quality of life. Of course, his mets have been amenable to radiation. He was offered radiation for the adrenal met but that had long-term impacts while the surgery has had none.

    Strangely, just before getting here tonight, my friend told me she had been hospitalized for A-Fib; she doesn't have cancer.


  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    Sorry to hear about the heart issues brother, stay strong and keep us posted.


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    foxhd said:

    Well, that's the good news.

    Thanks Sarah, you've always back me up... Nice to see you Rae. You are looking healthy and happy. Keep it up... It's getting to be a long time isn't it Desi? We just keep on going...Thanks Laura, we aren't done yet. Hey rhom, I remember that feeling. Maybe someday when it gets close to check out time, I'll stop treatments also. I crave feeling like myself again.

    However, another couple days in the hospital. Heart went wacko again. Tachycardia and a-fib again. Had to go by ambulance. I live near a congested area. The driver insisted she knew how to get to the closest cardiac hospital. About 25 miles and 25 min. later, she got there. She refused my input despite the hospital being only 7 miles away and like 12 minutes. She took me on a fall folliage run. My yard has a surveyors monument separating the 2 towns. She took me through 5 different towns. She must have been going nuts following a GPS that wasn't calibrated by quickest route. Oh well, it didn't turn out for the worse.

    I'm ok but something is triggering thses episodes. Follow ups to come.

    Wow, Fox

    Definitely a crazy hospital run for sure. Glad your heart didn't go totally crazy (although I imagine the rest of you probably was). Maybe she works a couple of other jobs, tour guide, school bus driver, picks up the mail in the blue boxes. You're lucky she didn't show up driving a Duck. 

    Hope they figure out what's making your heart act out. And soon. Would hate for you to have to go through a ride like that again and have the cops meet you at the hospital to charge you with car-jacking (and/or the FBI meet her there and charge her with kidnapping). 


  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Sorry to hear you aren't

    Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too great! Any word yet on what is causing the AFIB/fast beat? I did hear that the Cabo can have that affect on the heart.  I knew a few other people who also developed fast rates.  Hope it is just a side affect that goes away and nothing else.  Praying for you and I know you are tough and will kick this to the curb also.  Let us  know how you are doing.  Love ya, Foxy! Ange

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    foxhd said:


    As my pain disappeared after radiaion, I decreased my opiates too quickly. So I am finishing withdrawl now. Even at low dose of oxy, 1-3 pills day, it was the duration of time I have been taking them. I was feeling wired and couldn't put my finger on it. I'm glad we figured that out.

    All I really know is that these brief periods of good health reports don't last. I want to get the most out of the coming weeks before the other shoe drops. So far so many shoes have dropped, it is like a bare foot centipede.

    I just saw this one after i

    I just saw this one after i posted on a later post. You know, withdrawal can cause fast heart beat as well.  I hope it is passing now, usually it can take two weeks or so, but if you are still on the pills it shouldn't be that bad the withdrawal.  Hopefully!  Hang in there, Fox!  You got this!  Hugs!

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Came by to see how you are doing Fox

    Im wishing things are picking up and we hear from you very soon!  Here for this short visit just to check on you.  I just had a second grandson last Sunday so kind of have been a bit busy!  Lots of love

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    I've been checking in sporadically

    And somehow missed this post. Foxy, so sorry for this latest challenge. Hope you are recovering nicely. That ambulance driver story is kind of funny....glad it didn't end badly!!

    Take care of yourself! We love you!!

