My recovery accomplisments today

janaes Member Posts: 799 Member

I did my budget (that took brain power)  I got my mind off cancer for a good couple of hours

I went to the doctors and am now going to be taking calcium and vitiman D.  I wish i would have started that long before now. (Mad at my oncologist for not taking my Back comlaints more seriously)

I confirmed with my doctor my MRI appointment which is tuesday.  That is going to tell me alot of what im going to have to do in the future.  My doctor told me that there might be a compressed fracture and dependng on what the MRI says, she has differnt otions for me.  I will find out the results on wed when i call.

 Oh I cleaned out the garbage out of the fridge and even planed a dinner and made sure it was out of the freezer to have it that night.  (we accually did have it)  We didnt eat tv dinners.  It wasnt any thing big but it was Progress.

 Oh, I went to the pharmacy and got my meds by my self.  ( with this and walking around the doctors office (Its a big two story building) I feel I got my walking in for the day. 

Just thought i would share.  Alot for me so i could see my progress.








  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited October 2016 #2
    Busy day

    You go girl.  Hope the MRI gives some clues so you can get more help for your back.. Back pain can be so miserable.  Mine has been bothering me since last February.  One ct scan, one MRI , pain pills, one xray, two injections in my DI Joint and Now physical therapy. My physical therapist looks t me standing front and back andlaying down and says, yep it is your EI joint and I can fix it.  3 sessions and it is starting to feel better.

    Doesnt it feel good to be able to do even the smallest things.  I am so happy whenI can actually cook a meal for my husband.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited October 2016 #3
    Chemo sure saps a body

    I so get what you mean Janaes! My husband is so happy to come home from work to a meal set in front of him and it feels like such progress to me even if I can't handle doing much else at the same time like I use to. I miss my busy, energetic self, but barring any more setbacks I can feel myself climbing out of the well I've been in.

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    I so Understand

    Janaes, I am so impressed with what you go done and I so understand.  Fixing supper is something I have started doing again and I am so proud of myself.  Now, sometimes it takes 3 hours to fix a meal I should have done in 30 minutes but I getter done. I agree with MAbound, having supper on the table just brings a bit of normalcy back into our life.  Back hurts and sweat starts running off my face from the pain so I sit for 30 minutes. (Lou Anne, I pray that the therapist is right)   I even am rinsing the dishes and doing the dishwasher... wooo hooo. Can't vacuum or sweep real well as that breaks the old back.  Have done grocery shopping with help.   Hubby is adamant I shouldn't drive alone yet.  Driving me crazy but I am not going to worry him anymore than he already is.  I am more affected by this chemo (the last) than any before...  I am so glad I am finished and from here on out I am marching back to health and a normal life with NED...  Lets all go together ladies!  

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited October 2016 #5
    You guys are too too nice. 

    You guys are too too nice.  Maybe i was a bit over board on the dinner thing.  It was a very simple dinner and all that was required  once i took it out of the frezzer was was to warm it up in the microwave.   I am so proud of all three of your progress.  It motivates me.  Comming out feels so good at times. 

    Brissance your last statement really motivated me.  I agree lets all march forward to NED. 

    MAbound.  I really enjoyed my pork sloppy joe.  My family used to eat sloppy joes and we havent had them in a long time.  Although i accually didnt make that stuff from scatch (sauce from the can is scatch :)) like i used to, it sure reminded me of the good old days. 

    Lou ann thanks for sharing your back issues with me.  It gives me a little bit of hope.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited October 2016 #6
    I totally get what you mean,

    I totally get what you mean, Jana!!  I feel the same way.  I usually feel best in the morning so that's when I make our evening meal - then all I have to do in the afternoon when I'm starting to slow down, is heat it up.  My family is so appreciative and it makes it feel like at least, somethings are back to normal.

    I hope you find out what ails your back.  I've had sciatic nerve pain for 30 years from a weird fall but massage and now acupressure certainly have helped it (along with a fistfull of Advil - LOL).  Just going with my husband to the grocery store again feels like a huge accomplishment.

